26 Jun Thank you for an unforgettable afterschool year
Dear reader.
There is so much to tell.
It is said that one year of school is equivalent to 7 human years, but this can be difficult to understand once it is over. Things are moving fast and today we are at the end of the road. We have hugged goodbye at the Tree of Life, and it is time for the last newsletter of the school year.
So, dear reader, thank you very much for reading.
Last house cup
The House Cup trophy ended up at the Seminary House this year, after a full day of activities. The three houses competed in football, eSports, skate, cross training,
Home With Contact Teachers
We finally had the opportunity to organise a real Home Stay, where the contact groups visited the contact teachers. It was a day with lots of fun and visits to the homes, which many had been really looking forward to.
Students used the time to write memoirs and make their final mark.
The Gala was the most beautiful evening
When we reached Thursday, it was gala time. The most beautiful night of the year, as we have called it several times. The evening lived up to its name, for it was truly a beautiful evening, with the whole school doing its best to create the setting for an evening the students will never forget.
After the dinner, there was an awards show and the presentation of prizes. Among them the Comrade of the Year, awarded by Rotary Løgstør. The students voted for Kristoffer Nonbo, who has made a name for himself with his friendly attitude and great helpfulness towards others.
Then we awarded a scholarship, and about it is mentioned "The scholarship is given to a graduate from Ranum Efterskole College, who is both diligent and talented but also a good companion". The scholarship is established in perpetual memory of Thomas Rex Knarberg Doktor and is given to a student chosen by the teachers. The recipient of the scholarship was Marcus Melau, who has made a great impression on more or less the entire staff of the College,
We also presented the Development of the Year Award and the Highest School Average Awards.
And then we got to what many have been looking forward to, and some may have been dreading a bit, because of course Les Lanciers was going to be danced again this year, and even though the students haven't had much time to prepare for the traditional dance, they all did a great job. We broadcasted it all live, which can be seen on our Facebook page.
We ended with a concert at the Tree of Life, and let the sun go down on a wonderful afterschool evening.
Teacher revue
Thursday was mostly spent cleaning, but when the rooms finally shone, we gathered in the Ballroom for the Teacher's Revue. Throughout the year we collect funny stories that are made into parodies by the teachers. For example, there was a segment about a cleaning situation in the Village Hall, which conveyed very well how it usually goes - and how difficult it can be to get the students going when they would rather be doing all sorts of other things.
Torchlight parade - thanks for this year to Ranum town
After the revue, everyone met at Ranumhus, where the torchlight procession started. The students each had a torch, which was carried through the town to both say thank you for this year to the inhabitants, but also as a symbol of their own afterschool year, and when the torches were brought back to the school they were thrown into the big bonfire, and in this way we brought the last evening at Raunm to a close.
Graduation and a last goodbye
After a long night in the Multihallen, where all the students slept together last night, they got up for a day of graduation and a last goodbye at the Tree of Life. In the graduation speech, it was mentioned that this year has been unique and challenging at the same time. We will never forget it, and the memories of an amazing year at school, despite all the challenges it threw at us, will last forever.
The students formed a circle around the Tree of Life, hugged each other and said thank you for this year. At that moment, many realise that the year is over and life goes on. It's tearful and beautiful, but it's also a time in life that will be remembered when students think about their year at Ranum in the future.
So for the last time this year, dear reader, thank you for reading along, and if you are a student or parent - have a safe journey home and remember that tears tell you how meaningful the year has been and remind you of all the good times we have had together.