Newsletter 24 September 21

Friends Weekend, Mads Marius & Open day at Ranum Efterskole

Dear reader,

We're getting ready for a big weekend.On Sunday It's Open day at Ranum Efterskole and the whole school is getting busy. The students will be showing around and telling about everyday life at Ranum, doing various activities in the profile subjects and there will be presentations about our values. And a lot more! See the programme below.

Even though we focus a lot on the Open day in Ranum Efterskole, there is a lot more going on at the school, and you can get an overview of it here. So welcome and enjoy!

Experience Efterskole life at the Open day in Ranum Efterskole

On Sunday we will be visited by families from all over the country. We open our doors so that everyone who is interested in our Efterskole can have an experience of Efterskole life. We are very much looking forward to showing the school and telling about life at Ranum.

You can see the programme for the day below.

If you know a young person who deserves an unforgettable school year - which could be the best of your life - please tell them about Ranum and refer to the link here: https://www.ranumefterskole.dk/efterskolernesdag

Friends weekend: A truly lovely weekend

500 young people took part in the Friends Weekend, and together with the school staff they made it a resounding success.

We started with "Grand Toast Bingo" in the Assembly hall, where you could win great prizes, and then the weekend was underway! On Saturday there was Bumperball football, creative workshops with friendship bracelets, board games,Football, karaoke and sailing - a perfect recipe for a great weekend! 🥳

It is a great experience for our students to show how they spend their daily lives here in Ranum, and it is great to see and hear when they proudly show and tell about life at Ranum Efterskole College.

Mads Marius: Lecture about (not) being perfect

Self-esteem. Diagnoses. Grades. Bullying. Motivation. Community. These were the themes of the talk that energy bomb Mads Marius brought to us on Thursday evening.

"How do you accept your background and learn to calm down when things are going too fast? How do you calm down and accept that your character doesn't reflect who you are as a person? How do you open up to others more easily?" he asks, and during the lecture, students got his take on the answers.

After the lecture, Mads went around the school and visited some of the rooms, and apparently he made a very good impression on our students

Dance show: Friday in the assembly hall

The dance team has been practising for many weeks to perform at the Open day in Ranum Efterskole College. On Friday, there was a small unofficial rehearsal for the community assembly. WE just have to say - they are ready for Sunday! Here's a little sneak peak.

Football tournament: Aalborg for a big tournament

In recent weeks, football teams have been busy with matches and small tournaments in the local area. Today, Friday, they have gone to Aalborg. They are playing several matches today, and the whole football profile class and the 10+ class are there to support and cheer for the team.

A trip to Zoo with the 9th grade class

Sometimes the lessons take place outside the classroom, and the whole 9th grade and 10th grade Science class - had a lovely trip to Aalborg Zoo. They had a great time, and a trip like this is a golden opportunity to talk to someone you may not have met yet.

See you on Sunday!

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
