12 Nov Culture subject Workshop, JUMP Fair & PVA Competition
Dear reader,
The efterskole bus is filling up at the time of writing, and that means one thing: the weekend is coming. We therefore warmly welcome you to both autumn fun and weekend fun, both of which are just around the corner. So does the newsletter, and today we're talking about the cultural subject selection process, a trip to Vejle, a small photo, video and article competition.
We have a lot to talk about, so we'll jump right in. Enjoy your reading and welcome!
culture subject workshop
Cultural subject at Ranum is one of the things we are most proud of. It is the community that democratically decides which courses and trips are planned. This process started on Wednesday in the Multihallen, where the first ground was broken for the future cultural subjects. Many good and new proposals were put forward, including, of course, some we have come across several times in the past.
In the cultural subject workshop, there is room to dream, and when young people are allowed to dream and then live it out together, something very special happens.
JUMP fair
We took a trip to Vejle to participate in this year's Jump Fair, which was again a great success. There is always a lot of interest in Ranum's stand, and the young interested people gathered around us. Partly because we obviously have an exciting vision and story of Ranum with us, and probably partly because we serve popcorn.
PVA competition
Every year - three times a year - we hold our own little competition where we invite students to send in photos, videos and articles from their travel experiences to share with you all.
Unfortunately, we didn't get many videos, pictures and articles from the students this time, but that doesn't mean you should miss out on the best ones from our Picture Video Article Competition. They're below.
See all the photos here: PVA Photos
.....Yes. Unfortunately, there were none of them this time.
Testing our skiing track
To the delight of the students, we have our own ski slope! There will be a more official name and opening ceremony soon, but the first rides on the hill have been successful and it is approved so far. It's going to be super cool for all the students who are going on ski trips to practice and test out their skiing and snowboarding skills.
That's what we brought for you this time. Enjoy the weekend, put your feet up and we'll see you again next week!