03 Dec Beautiful Snow, 1 December & final choice of culture subjects
Dear reader,
That's right, December. Finally, finally, finally, it's December, and - as you might guess - it's something we've been really looking forward to. December is a fantastic month, especially when you go to an afterschool and there is beautiful snow like the one we have had here in Northern Jutland. The snow gave some teachers and students a bit of a challenge on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning, because it was difficult to get to and from school. Cars, buses and trucks were criss-crossing the small icy roads in and around Ranum. But we got it sorted and have been enjoying the snowy weather - you can read more about that here in the newsletter on this December Friday. Enjoy your reading!
December brought the snow
You'd almost think the snowstorm was booked for December 1. It then fell nicely on Wednesday, marking the first day of the Christmas month. Of course, we had to go out and play snowball, and the international students in particular were very excited about the new fine conditions. We made a little video of the first real encounter with the snow, and you can watch it below.
Of course, there was also time for some quieter snow activities, such as building a snowman.
Goodbye to the AFS students
We say goodbye to another team of AFS students who have now completed their short programme at Ranum. They have been a part of after-school life, and they take with them very good memories and intercultural experiences. We wish them all the best for the future!

Culture subjects - time to choose!
The Culture Vocational Selection ends today, which means that from tomorrow we already know which culture vocational subjects will be the framework for the journeys we face this spring. This is the last selection in the process, which has taken a little longer than usual because we wanted to stretch the time as far as possible in view of travel restrictions in the various countries. So if you are a parent of a current student, now is the time to find the link on the School Map and confirm your student's cultural studies choice.
You can see an overview of the culture subjects here: www.ranumefterskole.dk/kulturfag
Ski hill inaugurated - ready for ski trip in January
In a month's time we will already be travelling again. The students are either going on a ski trip to Norway or a city break to Rome, and since the snow has now arrived and settled so nicely on our newly travelled ski slope, we have had the opportunity to practice with planks under our feet.
Here it's Board Performance trying their hand at snowboarding - some for the first time. It's rare that we can actually practice and prepare so well for the ski trip, so the hill is a huge hit!
KUNSTEN in Aalborg
The influencer team went with Tjalla on a trip to Aalborg, where they visited the art museum Kunsten. Workshops and a guided tour were prepared for them, and of course they had the opportunity to explore the different exhibitions.
Winter Profile: Ski and Snowboard
It requires a certain basic form to be fully ready for the slopes, so we put on running clothes and warm clothes, and after a short warm-up it was off to Vilsted Sø. Some ran, others walked. And just as we left the school, it already started to snow. A cold pleasure, but we had a lot of good talks and a nice walk to the meeting point, where the teachers were waiting with hot chocolate.
Cheerleading girls compete in Christmas Cup
"The fall cheerleading team ended the season on a high note. They made a super nice routine for Julecup 2021," writes the proud cheerleading instructor and teacher, Kathrine.

The girls have become very skilled, and if you want to see their routine, watch here.
Thanks for reading and have a great, snowy, Christmas weekend.