04 Mar Freedom March, North Jutland Champions and Spring Sickness
Dear reader,
As the week draws to a close, we can once again report on the stories of the week, big and small - including those that are still growing. For as spring has moved into the school, so has the illness - and right up to Casino weekend no less!
We kicked off with Shrove Tuesday, where students practiced their best cat-of-the-barrel arm. After that, the week unfolded in the best way, with lots of bonding and cool events - both of the festive and more serious nature.
Well - some happy news first:

North Jutland Champions in Basketball!
On Wednesday morning, Ranum's brave basketball boys went to the North Jutland Championships at HCI, where they had to hold the flag high, against the rival afterschools. We are happy to report that they "slayed the dragon" - they simply won it all!
Ammar can now proudly say that his boys are the best after-school basketball players in the whole of North Jutland - I wonder if they will also be the best in the whole of Denmark? 🤨 We'll be back!

And from one community, to another:
In demonstration for freedom

Thursday evening we jumped on the buses and drove to Aars. Here we participated in a march for Ukraine, and for the free values that are being fought for right now.
Headmaster Olav Storm, says the following about the situation:
“We are deeply moved by the great sadness and uncertainty Ukrainians are facing, and students and staff need to come together and show that we also share the struggle for freedom and democracy, and not least the right to independence.”
For the demonstration, the students made their own banners and signs, and we also brought torches to the march.
The march also reached beyond the edges of the Himmerland.

The initiative was very well received, and student Oskar says the following about the experience:
"There was a great atmosphere when we walked together with the torches and everyone was ready to be there and show our support. It wasn't a protest but a demonstration where we had to march and show our support, and I thought that was a great idea. I felt like we were part of it and that there was actually something I could do - which was to join the demonstration."
Spring fever and poker tournaments
With nearly 150 students sent home sick, we just have to acknowledge that the spring sickness is upon us. Sniffles and headaches are raging on campus, and the Dear House, in particular, must look down its nose at a worthy opponent. Unfortunately, this is happening right up to what might be one of the best weekends of the school year - Casino Weekend. With 250 students signed up, we may just have to admit that they don't all make it to the dealer tables - more likely the infirmaries.

In addition to our regular updates from the weekend, there will be live streaming from tournament highlights - follow along on our Instagram.
A summer of action?

Now you're probably thinking - that after-school life, that's something. Well, here's the best news of the year - you can go to summer camp, right here at the school!
Do you have a diver, sailor, dancer, or maybe a gamer hidden in your belly? Then join one of our cool camps! We have 8 different ones, so there's something for everyone. What are you waiting for? Jump in and check out the cool selection!
See the summer camp selection here
Psst: you get at least a week away from mom and dad, and in the coolest community - whats not to like?

One short, one long - and thanks for this time!
We thank you for this time, and will be back strongly next week, with new hot news - and hopefully a little less sickness in the air.