
Casino Weekend, Afterschools for Ukraine and all the little everyday stories

Dear reader,

It's Friday, the sun is shining over Ranum, and the weekend is starting to show its beautiful face. As we prepare to have the siblings weekend, it is so nice to look back at the previous week.

It has been a casino weekend, various Ukraine support projects, and really just good Danish afterschool fun.

So if you need a little serotonin boost, keep reading and have a great weekend!

2022 Ranum World Poker Tournament

Long-awaited, fabled and infamous - Casino Weekend at REC!

We kicked off the weekend on Friday with a workshop where anyone who didn't know poker beforehand could learn the game.

And then it started!

On Saturday morning, the students were divided into different tasks so that everything could be tip-top ready for the poker tournament. And at 3pm it was on!

The poker games started, and then it was time to show off Denmark's best poker face if you wanted to win "2022 Ranum World Poker Tournament“.

The day progressed and the students participated diligently not only in the poker tournament, but also in Black Jack and Roulette. For dinner, the casino buffet was opened and burgers were served in long lines.

"Let the best man win" went the school, and in the end we had a top 25 (all of whom got prizes), and a top three, which you can see below!

We can also reveal that both 1st and 2nd place were complete beginners to playing poker - that's just mega well done!


The Danish afterschools have gathered around the Afterschools For Ukraine, and have shown their support for Ukraine through various actions. Here at Ranum, we started last week with a torchlight procession in Aars, where we marched for peace and democracy in Ukraine.

We have had various small projects going on this week, including the bake sale on Thursday evening. The sale was run by the RE Helping Hands elective, with all profits going to Ukraine. It was also RE Helping Hands who made the signs and banners for the march, and you can see their logo for the Ukraine campaign above.

Taking responsibility for the world around you

Here at Ranum, we will do everything we can to live up to our values and take an active role in the world - not just through words, but also through actions.

Earlier this week we were contacted by Casper Dalhoff, journalist at Jyllands-Posten. He was staying at a hotel in Poland with the Ukrainian national gymnastics team, and they were looking for a temporary place to stay. So he wanted to know if we had room.

Of course we have, and that's why the team is moving in with us on Tuesday next week, in Næsby Hus. We want to make their stay as comfortable and safe as possible. Therefore, we have also provided the team with training space, in cooperation with Farsø Efterskole, so that the team can continue to practice 6 hours a day.

Since the team wants to raise money for their families, cars, etc., they will go around and do gymnastics shows, and show off their super nice show. Therefore, we need you readers.

Are you sitting out there with the perfect venue in mind? Then contact sif@ranumefterskole.dk right away. It could be a hall, a school, a gymnastics club, or whatever you think might be relevant.

In addition, we will hold a fundraising evening, where the purchase of a ticket includes dinner, a performance and a concert. Invitation to this event later.

All the little - but also important - stories

No after-school life, without just average, good old everyday life. That's why we can now bring you the small - but also important - everyday stories of the week.

History 1:

  • International Womens Day was celebrated on Tuesday at Ranum. A bonfire was held, where not only wood was burned - but also term tests

History 2:

  • Several students thought there was a gas leak in a room in Ranum Hus. It turned out to be nail polish - and we hereby report no gas leak, and still a fully standing Ranum Hus.

History 3:

  • Our lovely housemother in Kær, Susanne "Sus", has been kind enough to plant flowers outside the Kær building. Pro tip to the students who might be reading along: they are worth a little springtime peek!

History 4:

  • Bullet journaling was super popular on Thursday night - and here students learned to draw simple drawings, from scratch. Pro tip for parents reading along: now you can wish for drawings on your jolly letters 😉

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Snip, snap, snout - the stories are out! We'll be back strong next week, with more fire hazard news.

And if you can't get enough of Ranum, you can now also find the play from Imagination Day on YouTube.

Ranum over and out!

All the best,

Ranum Efterskole College
