
A Copenhagen tour, a demonstration tour and a call dance

Dear reader,

Hello, hello and just a moment - we're back! Another week has passed, and together (you and me) we're going to look back on the past week. Because we've been busy again here at school, and after a lovely long weekend, the students returned full of energy, and ready for a busy week. So let's enjoy the retrospective together, and start at the beginning: last Friday!

Dance for Ukraine

Dance teacher AC stopped by the assembly on Friday, along with 10 volunteer dancers, to show off their latest dance. The dance was an interpretation of the situation in Ukraine, and was mainly choreographed by AC, but in a creative collaboration with the dancers.

The volunteer dancers had spent about 10 evenings on the project, which was then presented on Friday.

It was a brave, respectful and moving interpretation of the situation that really impressed both students and teachers. You can watch the whole dance on our YouTube by clicking here, and see some pictures from there below:

And then to the weekend's hardships, because while most students were at home on a well-deserved extended weekend, the full host students were on a trip to Copenhagen!

Købnerhavner trip with speed!

We are an international school, which means that many of our students have a long way to go. They either visit their host families at the weekend or stay at the school. And other times they go on a trip - exploring Denmark and Danish culture. The international students on our Full Host Programme were in Copenhagen last weekend.

Can be a picture of heaven

In short, the students experienced the Vissenbjerg Terraria, where they petted snakes and monkeys, went to the Hard Rock Cafe, ate sushi, tried bridgewalking - which was reportedly a great experience - and then they went out and felt the atmosphere of Copenhagen.

Next time the trip goes to Hamburg.


We have previously written about Ranum Efterskole's Climate Club, and this time there is good reason to give them plenty of space in our newsletter - and maybe even brag a little about them!

On today's date (Friday 25 March) the climate club of the organisation FridaysForFuture has organised a climate strike in Aars, under the slogan #PeopleNotProfit. The strike is taking place today under sunny skies, and with a lot of support, both from REC students, and from outside! Around 130 REC students are taking part, as well as students from other schools in the area.

The preparation phase for the strike has been long and we are proud of how much climate the club has reached and how accomplished an event they have made. Erika, who started the Ranum EFterskole Climate Club, has written the following about why the strike, and the club in general, is so important:

"Together with different sectors of society across the world, led by the most marginalized, let's bring back the power to the people whose power has been stolen. Together, let's build a system and home where we prioritize #PeopleNotProfit

You can already jump on our Instagram and see a lot from the students there. There will be pictures from this in next week's newsletter!

And then we look ahead

We are now looking ahead to summertime, with a lot of fun and excitement in store! Here's a list of the coolest things we're looking forward to right now:

  1. Fårup trip 11 April - WE WILL GO OUT AND LOOK AT THE CURTAINS!
    We're going to Fårup right up to Easter - so we can enjoy the fellowship, give the game power, challenge each other's courage - and of course tear up the small communities! It's Togetherness, and we're looking forward to enjoying each other's company, and dwelling in creativity.

  2. Wedding day d. 12 april - WE GO AMOK IN BRYLLUPS GEJL!
    The day after Fårup, the fun doesn't stop, because that's where we're holding one of our famous theme days - Wedding Day! We'll be baking cakes, having ceremonies, going out to wedding workshops and on stag nights!

  3. Tandem jumping - WE JUMP OUT OF A FLY!
    In May we'll go crazy and jump out of a plane! Between 60-70 students will take the plunge and jump into the air over Herning!

There was little to look forward to! And with that, I guess there was nothing to say;

Thanks for this time!

Can be a picture of 13 people and indoors

Thanks for once again following our little sunshine news - see you again next week for even more of them!

Have a great weekend, from all of us at

Ranum Efterskole College
