12 Aug Here we go again!

Dear reader,
One for all, and all for one. So say the three musketeers in Alexandre Dumas' novel, and these words actually describe very well the first week at Ranum 22/23. During the week we have laughed and cried, we have experienced and perceived, and above all, we have appreciated each other, and the universe we all exist in, together on little planet Ranum.
Since Sunday, the sun and faces have been shining and we have our arms over our heads with excitement at the amazing energy and desire for efterskolelife we have experienced through the Introugen. More concretely, the week has included Tour de Ranum, community gatherings, swim test during Tour de Rønbjerg, letter writing, and much much more.
Explore the whole intro week with us, directly from planet Ranum:
First day of school
The 2022-23 school year and student team 19 are off to a great start. Quite symbolically, the Welcome Assembly cleared up so that the 506 new students and their families could start the year with singing and speeches in dry weather. Then the students and their parents went out to their contact groups for the big overview of the school year. Then the day progressed as it always does, with quiet time, dinner (the legendary lasagne), and bedtime at 10pm.
Tour of Ranum
Day 2 - here we go! The day offered the Tour de Ranum, and house activities, so I dare say it was busy! See a lot of pictures, right here:

Tour of Rønbjerg
You can't say Ranum Efterskole without saying water sports, maritime centre, and of course: Rønbjerg. With approximately 250 students who have chosen diving and sailing as their first profile subject, it is absolutely essential that the students know the harbour well. The main point of the day was the swimming test, where the students who want to do water sports have to complete a 200 meter swim. The weather was at its best and convinced the last students to give the test a shot. So we can say that almost all students took and passed the test - that's cool!
We can give you a little preview of the cute students - but there are also a lot of cool pictures to find on our FaceBook page! Jump in and give it a look, by clicking here

A walk on the beach
Thursday brought the first profile lesson of the year, and all we can say is that name games were made for the big gold medal out in the sun! And with such a slightly exhausting programme, there's only 1 fix, for the tired students:
Beach trip in the evening sun! Around 200 students visited the beach, soaked up the sea - and maybe froze a little too. Nevertheless, it was a fantastic evening outing that bodes well for the rest of the school year's evening activities.

But what about tonight?...
The day here at Planet Ranum has been spent on the highlight of the school year: cleaning! Uhadada, I totally think it tickles the toes of you readers out there. We're cleaning and getting ready, because tonight our first week culminates, in a festive fireworks display, known as: THE COLORFEST!
Colorparty is an annual event that has proven time and again that the rainbow is the perfect representation of Ranum's colours. Diversity and magic shine through among the students, and each year we see students truly blossom on this night. It's also the perfect start to the weekend, which includes Profile Day on Saturday, and House Cup on Sunday.
So you can already look forward to festive and colourful pictures next week - I know we will!

What is it like to go to Ranum? Patricio, a 10th grade student from Mexico, says this about his first week at Ranum:
Patricio, Rectory (Seminary House) from Mexico
"Well its always good to find a new beginning, and a new friendgroup. I like to learn about new people, and new cultures. The first week was just super fun. The highlight of my week was when we went to the beach on Thursday, with all of the other kids there, I felt like I was in a movie. When I compare Ranum to traditional schools in Mexico, I know that when I am a parent, I want to send my kids to school in a place like this. That way, they will be the most happy. I will work hard, so I can send my kids a place like Ranum, so they know the difference in schoolsystems, and the difference in values"

Greetings from the International Office at Ranum Efterskole College:
Birthe, from the international office at REC, has written the following about the first week here at Planet Ranum:
Sunday 7th of August marked the first day of school for the class of 22-23. More than 500 students checked into their houses, met their roomies and began the journey of building new and interesting friendships - all with much enthusiasm and a little bit of nerves.
Students were welcomed on the lawn in front of the main building, while parents were assured that their children are about to embark on an adventure of a life-time - goodbyes were made and lots of hugs and kisses were given after the assembly, before the students could focus on this new chapter.
As a Danish-International school with students from all over the World, it was an amazing gesture that some parents had made the choice to join us for this short day all the way from Korea, Mexico, Thailand, South Africa, just to name a few.
This year, we are fortunate to say that we can count 26 different nationalities in our student body and that the diversity in all aspects is flourishing. We are absolutely sure that all of our students can and will learn something from each other during the year.
The first week for our students has focused on team building activities and getting familiar with both the school and our local area. If you have not seen the pictures already, we do encourage you to follow us on our FaceBookand if you are a parrent, join the REC 22/23 group.
Our international students were called in for the first international meeting, which introduced them not only to each other but also our Full host coordinator and our international administrator - whom the students can always seek support and advice from during the school year. The meeting itself, was probably not the most interesting if you were to ask the students themselves, but nonetheless it as an important step in making sure, how far they are in the process of registration here in Denmark. The first group of 50 students will therefore also go to the civil registry at Aars Municipality on Tuesday next week, whilst our EU group is scheduled for appointments with SIRI in Aalborg in the beginning of Sep, before they can make the same trip to Aars.
Today Friday marks the end of 'intro-week', which also introduced the students to cleaning duties. While they are running around with buckets, brooms and emptying bins, they all seem to look forward to their first party of the year - The Colour Party this evening. We hope they will all have a fantastic evening!
We say goodbye, from Planet Ranum:
That's all for now! This coming week there will be normal classes and profile classes until Thursday at 2.30pm, when we will have a much-needed extended weekend. Students will get their mobile phones back at the beginning of the week, and then you might be able to follow their personal experiences and pictures better.
Would you like to receive the newsletter every Friday and keep up to date with all the crazy stuff happening here? Then sign up for the newsletter by pressing here. It is a unique opportunity to get an overview of the diverse activities we create together with the students during the week and throughout the year.
Otherwise there is nothing else to say,

From all of us here at Ranum Efterskole College,