04 Nov Huge reunion, first student party, new cultural subjects, concerts, Day of the Dead and Democracy Day
Reunion day, student party, thrills and election horror! Concert, lecture and Day of the Dead, as well as workshop on new Culture subjects and start-up of new Imagination and Nature subjects. It has been perhaps the most hectic week with the biggest efterskoleliv programme this autumn. Look forward to reading this week's Newsletter!
Record Reunion Day
Some 550 former pupils and 2 x 10th anniversary teams in particular filled the whole school on Saturday with familiar faces and overwhelming reunion joy. Although only 4 months have passed for the last cohort, pupils fell head over heels and after a tour, refreshments and a super community gathering, pupil team 18 set off for their grand reunion dressed in the red and white colours of the national team.

First student party went beyond all expectations
On Friday evening, 498 students attended the first student party of the school year. The Parent Party Committee had decorated the hall in Haverslev for Halloween and the students spent the afternoon getting ready for the party in the spookiest costumes. The party takes place outside the school, and it's amazing that so many young people can party without serious situations. Thank you to the many parent volunteers who made this possible.

25 new Cultural Studies ideas presented
On Monday afternoon, all students gathered in the main hall for the first cultural presentation. In the workshop, the students were introduced to the idea of Cultural Studies, which basically means using all the knowledge we have from our schooling to research a foreign culture and then visit it on a Cultural Studies trip in March. There was a great energy in the room and new ideas for Culture Studies emerged along the way. All ideas were put on the ballot before we conducted the first sample selection. Next Monday, we will repeat the workshops in classrooms and slowly shape the subjects so that students and parents can finally vote after 17 November.

Halloween at Ranum is wilder than in Tivoli
The buses glided silently into the darkness on Næsby hill and in the windows of the old school flickering candles and eerie shapes. In small teams, the students had a terrifying, frightening, chilling and shocking Halloween evening. Apart from the screams and shouts, there was plenty of praise for the two organisers Karsten and Kristine, and a pupil from Zealand judged that Ranum Halloween was wilder and better than the one in Tivoli. Wow! See more pictures here.

Concert with Daddy Who
One of the great things about being a big efterskole is when we have gigs with up-coming bands who just fire it up on stage in the party room. Wednesday night the band Daddy Who played and after the student party and Halloween the party continued in a canon concert experience! We look forward to the next concerts. https://www.instagram.com/daddywho.band/

The Day of the Dead from Mexico resurrected at Ranum
Our international students from Mexico gave a real presentation about the tradition of the Day of the Dead in Mexico. It was a real eye-opener for the Danish students to see and hear how the dead are celebrated with parties and gifts. It was a really good prelude to the upcoming cultural elections.

Democracy Day and Election Day
Tuesday was devoted to democracy, elections and the struggle for power. The students were given a good introduction to politics in the morning and then it was time for election speeches, poster production and finally voting in the newly purchased "real" voting booth. The most politically interested students followed the elections on the big screen all evening. Ranum's result was 99%, identical to the national result, which says a lot about the diversity of our school!

New Imagination and Cultural Subjects
In addition to all these many activities, the students have also started up the new Imagination and Nature Sports subjects, which they voted on before the profile trips. There are over 25 different subjects and one of the aims of the subjects is to help create a fantastic Imagination day on 18 February. We will follow and bring more from the subjects in the upcoming newsletters.
In the coming week
Next week, the students will receive their marks for the first part of the school year and then it's full speed ahead for the choice of Cultural Studies, as well as Shakespeare workshops with the English guest teacher Kieron. The week ends with a Christmas Weekend where we decorate the whole school, corridors and rooms for Christmas, so please bring home the profits!
Have a great weekend,
All of us from Ranum Efterskole College