
Casino Weekend, Rebild Hills, Ukrainian food in Gastronomy, Article about REC & much more!

Dear reader,

Read in this week's newsletter about our past week here at Ranum Efterskole College. We are starting to warm up for the cultural trips and the teaching is in full swing. Read in this week's newsletter about the Thailand trip's teaching and preparations, as well as Nepal's trip to Rebild Bakker. You can also read about our fantastic Casino Weekend, upcoming events and a Ukrainian speciality.

All this, and more, in this week's newsletter.

Casino Weekend

This weekend's programme included the opportunity to learn how to play poker, watch Casino Royal, and take part in this year's REC Poker Tournament, which was held on Saturday. It was a great success with many students participating in this event.

Below is a small selection of pictures of what it looked like on Saturday when there was a poker tournament.

Trip to Rebild Bakker

Nepal Culture and Trek also went for a walk in the Rebild Hills, where they walked in terrain with an altitude variation of 500 metres. This is to train for Nepal, where they will trek in the Annapurna mountain pass.

Below is a small selection of pictures, so you can see at home what beautiful nature there is in Rebild Bakker.

Ukrainian specialty in Gastronomy

This week, one of our students Sofiya from Ukraine, took the initiative to make Ukrainian Varenyky together with a lot of students down in gastronomy. Many students were down and try to make the dish and of course taste. All in all a great success, with a lot of curiosity from the other students and a lot of chatting across the houses.

Sct. Georgs Gildernes membership magazine - article about REC

This summer we will be the setting for Sct. We expect 2-300 participants from all over Europe to come to Ranum. Guests will also be invited from all countries of the world with scout corps. 
Event coordinator Ann-Sophie, head chef Jesper and headmaster Olav have been working on the planning for almost 3 years, and it will bring publicity to the school in countries all over the world, scouting movements, etc.

Below is an excerpt from the article.


This week August, Mikkel, Rosa & Victoria from the project class launched Starting conversation on Instagram. They started the page on Instagram to spread the message of open talk about young people's mental health. Their mission is to get young people talking to other young people about issues and problems that can be difficult.

Thailand - Tropical Sailing

The Thailand team is currently learning how to read nautical charts and navigate before they sail themselves in 4 large catamarans in Phuket Bay. Next they have training in Thai martial arts and then a lecture on the Plastic Challenge and microplastics. This is a very diverse and varied cultural subject.

Letters 1 for all cultural trips are underway and all should be sent out soon.

Theatre - If I become a WOMAN

The play "If I become an adult" can be seen on Saturday 11 February at Ranum Efterskole College. The play deals with the transition from child to adult. Here is a description of the play, as well as reviews from the audience:

If you would like to hear more about this, a trailer for: If I Become A WOMAN here.

Date: Saturday 11 February

Time: 16:30

Place: Ranum Efterskole College

Price: 75 kr. - 150 kr.

Duration: 70 min. without break

Overview of fairs

Now we have been to fairs in Silkeborg and Roskilde, which have been a great success! We have simply been so busy, and many nice parents and children have come to hear more about Ranum Efterskole College.

For each of the fairs, there is an event on our Facebook page that you can sign up for. Here you will find useful information and get updates on our fair visits.



Thanks a lot for reading, see you next Friday!

Have a nice weekend friendly greetings all of us at,

Ranum Efterskole College
