
Creative Weekend, Skills Sailing, Decorating the Basement, Duke of Edinburgh & Thai Boxing

Dear reader,

Read in this week's newsletter about our past week here at Ranum Efterskole College. This weekend at REC was Krea Weekend, where students had the opportunity to draw, sew their own pants, decorate the basement with pictures & make jewelry. In addition, some students went on the Duke of Edinburgh weekend trip where their skills in the outdoors were tested. Right now, we have several things to look forward to at school, including Imagination next week, where students' families are invited on Saturday the 18th.

Very good reading!

Duke of Edinburgh Weekend Tour

The Duke of Edinburgh students went on a weekend trip "off the grid" - that is, without electronics - on Friday and Saturday last week. DofE teacher Richard has made a little log of their trip, and student Anna has taken photos (on a camera not connected to the internet 😉 )

Here is Anna

"On Saturday at 11am, some of our students set off on an adventure journey to receive the Duke of Edinburgh award. The students were on the trip for 27 hours with no GPS, no phones and only the equipment they could carry. Participants had to navigate from the drop-off point to the campsite, with only a map and a compass (if they didn't lose the compass, spoiler alert!) Eight participants set off, and luckily eight arrived at the campsite.

But despite the hot fire the coordinators had prepared, the night was to be cold, very cold. -5°C to be precise. Despite shelters, and sleeping bags that were comfortable, the night was hard. Participants used many methods to warm up. Some went for a run, others cuddled in the hope that they would get warm. Students got up early to have a hot breakfast and watch the sunrise as they left camp.

Their goal was to reach the pick-up point about 12 km north of them. There were many wildlife sightings, and some off trail action, but by 2pm all participants had arrived. They were tired, a bit cold and needed a shower, but happy. Because that meant they were one step closer to getting their prize."

The "Duke of Edinburgh" award is given to a number of students who have completed some activities, including this wilderness trip.

Skills Sailing Update

After a successful duel test, the sailing team has embarked on something where they need to use their hands. This weekend they learned how to splice, tackle and braid a rope.

Drawing, Fashion & Jewellery

Also this weekend, there was great joy in the many different offers that our students could take advantage of when there was Krea Weekend. Pants were sewn, jewellery was made and drawings were done.

Below is a picture of some students who spent some of their Friday evening drawing and having fun together.

There were also fun moments in the Fashion Room, where students sewed trousers.

Many students also chose to drop by the jewellery workshop, where they made the most beautiful jewellery!

Decoration of the basement

Our basement in the main building has been decorated this weekend with beautiful leaves, by Liva and Louise, who did a sublime job and have given the walls a whole new life. Thank you so much for your work girls!

Sweets in Hearth

On Sunday, students who were interested had the opportunity to make sweets in the afternoon. It was both a hectic and fun day.

Thailand cultural subjects in the kitchen

Last Thursday, Thailand Culture was busy in the kitchen. The flavours were explored for the students as chilien was the order of the day. All in all, it ended up being some deliciously varied food!

Below a selection of pictures from the kitchen

US roadtrip Skydiving competition

Vilsted Shooting Club welcomed the US roadrip team and taught them how to handle and fire rifles.

Magnus won with 194 points out of 200, in second place was Sarah with 192 only separated by a bullseye from Gustav in third place.

Thai boxing

Part of the preparation for the cultural visits is the insight into, and learning about, different elements or themes of the culture you are visiting. Therefore, Monday's extended lesson for the cultural subject Thailand - Zealand offered both a workshop on cultural awareness and intercultural understanding as well as a presentation and workshop with guest instructor Tania Areum Presutti.

Tania introduced the students to the Thai national sport Muey Thai (Thai boxing), the importance of the sport to the country and culture, and taught them some kicks and punches before we wrapped up late afternoon.

Tania Areum Presutti. tv

Imagination Week

Next week is imagination week here on efterskolen. From Tuesday afternoon, students will be working intensively on subjects such as filmmaking, triathlon, badminton, jewellery design and gastronomy, so that the whole school is ready to welcome parents, grandparents and siblings on Saturday. The week is the culmination of an Imagination programme that started way back in November. Since then, the students have had Imagination classes about twice a week. 

Below is a selection of some of the Imagination courses we offer.

The programme for the day is: 

The schedule for the day is thus divided by cultural subjects, as the subjects hold individual meetings for familien on the day. There will be practical information, a review of the programme for the trip (as it stands now) and then plenty of opportunity to ask questions of the cultural subject teachers.

An invitation to the day can be found under the School Plan notice. Please make sure to register no later than 17/02 at 17:00 via Registration on the School Map.  

The afterschool documentary above is from the Imagination film team last year. Take a look!

Theatre - If I become a WOMAN

The play "If I become an adult" can be seen on Saturday 11 February at Ranum Efterskole College. The play deals with the transition from child to adult. Here is a description of the play, as well as reviews from the audience:

If you would like to hear more about this, a trailer for: If I Become A WOMAN here.

Date: Saturday 11 February

Time: 16:30

Place: Ranum Efterskole College

Price: 75 kr. - 150 kr.

Duration: 70 min. without break

English Language Camp

We can now unveil another summer camp here at Ranum Efterskole College. It is called English Language Camp, and will be available from July 16th - July 29th.

The camp is for those interested in improving their English, where in the morning there will be intensive English classes, and in the afternoon you will have the opportunity to choose from a range of profile subjects, including sailing, football, gastronomy, music and dance. You will be living with new friends from all over the world, so there will be plenty of opportunity to practise your English. There will also be lots of camp activities and team-building exercises.

Check out the video below to hear much more!

Overview of fairs

We have now been to 3 fairs, already with great success as many curious parents and students have come by. So far we have spoken to about 700 families, and this has already resulted in more registrations and great support for the summer school.

This weekend we visit the last Afterschool Fair in AKKC in Aalborg, we hope for just as great connection and curiosity from the many visitors, and we look forward!

WE have created an event on our Facebook page where you can sign up if you wish to participate. In there you will find useful information and get updates on our fair visit in Aalborg.


Boat Show Messe C, Fredericia

Our program for the Boat Show in Fredericia is ready!

Below you can see what you can experience at our stand.

The general programme of the Boat Show can be found here.

Thanks a lot for reading, see you next Friday!

Have a nice weekend friendly greetings all of us at,

Ranum Efterskole College
