
Nordlys, Full Host Weekend, Bilbao, New Activities, Ranum Højskole and Boat Show

Dear Reader,

Another week has passed at Ranum Efterskole College, and what a week! We had a great visit from Bilbao, as 10 Spanish students from the school CF Somorrostro met their new friends from the elective 10+ Spanish for the first time. Full Host spent their weekend in Aarhus, playing paintball, shopping etc. Then we got new activity classes here at school, and had a lot of great and active teaching in our cultural classes. In addition, we have been to some successful fairs, and one of our students even won a prize worth 20,000 kroner at the Boat Show fair.

So there's plenty to cover in this week's newsletter. Enjoy.

Visit from Bilbao, Spain

Our guests from Bilbao

10 Danish students from the 10+ Spanish elective had a nice visit from Bilbao in Spain this week. The visit was from 10 Spanish students from the school CF Somorrostro, with whom we have an exchange programme. The Spanish students have spent 1 week at the school, where in addition to living in a room with their hosts, they have also visited their host families on the extended weekend.

A huge thank you to the sweetest students for coming to visit us here at Ranum. A big thank you also goes to the Danish families who welcomed the Spanish students so well this weekend

It's goodbye and see you! The Danish students will go on exchange in Bilbao in May.

Full Host Weekend

Full Host spent their weekend in Aarhus, where they had a nice and eventful weekend. Friday started with a game of paintball in the woods, and we dare say that Full Host coordinator Tine was a little nervous before the battle. The object of the game is to capture the flag from the other group, which is taken down using the paintball guns. Great fun and very muddy!

Saturday Full Host had a relaxing day visiting central Aarhus. They visited the Aros museum, and went shopping.

On Sunday, the students had a relaxed start at Art-by-me, where they painted beautiful ceramic pieces and had hot cocoa. They continued at Baazar West for a Mediterranean dinner.

Once again, everyone had a great weekend. Want to know more about our Full Host program? Press here

Culture Costa Rica

The Costa Rican culture class is practicing a little surf in the shallow water at Klitmøller, before they are ready to leave for warmer climes in Costa Rica within a month!

All the students were then ready to take up the challenge and practice surfing before heading to Costa Rica!

Below a selection of images

Sea survival course

Skills sailing was on the "Sea Survival" course last Wednesday in the swimtail. Lots of fun, laughs, teamwork and learning.

Below you can see how teamwork played a big role.

Northern Lights

Many of our students were eager to see the Northern Lights - and Northern Lights they did! It was really beautiful and many students took some great pictures which they proudly showed to the students and teachers who didn't go.

Fashion - can you help?

Dear parents and grandparents.

Many of our students love to knit and they just want to knit more and more.

Therefore, we are happy to accept leftover yarn or old knitting needles if you have any lying around. Just so we can knit a little bit more.

In the pictures you can see the students of 10+ Fashion in full swing.

New activity subjects

On Tuesday, a new round of activity classes began here at the school. We've added bullet journaling, e-sports, ceramics, racket sports, surfing and much more!

Below are a selection of photos from the new activity of tree climbing, which took to the trees for the first time on Tuesday. Cool!

Boat Show and main prize!

This weekend saw the inauguration of our Boat Show stand, which is equipped with everything from a diving tank and aquariums to a surf simulator and cinema area. We also have one of the school's 10 Aira sailboats on the stand.

On Thursday, 150 of the school's pupils went on an excursion to the Boat Show, where they listened to exciting talks, went on treasure hunts, looked at great stands and had a blast!

Our student Johan Møller Bonderup also won an inflatable boat worth 20,000 kroner at the fair. Cool Johan can be seen in the picture below.

Below you can enjoy the pictures from a fantastic day with the most wonderful students, where community, learning and fun really came together. We'll also be at the Boat Show Thursday to Sunday this week (2 - 5 March)

The boating season has started at Ranum Efterskole!

We've got the boats in the water and the boating season is officially underway! See below how we got one of our Aira 22 sailboats into the water with precision and skill.

Feature of the month, February

This month we highlight Ranum Højskole.

Video - Ranum Højskole

This month's highlight aims to highlight an area of the school, a staff member or a group that deserves some extra attention. This month we will be highlighting Ranum Højskole, a pilot project which will be launched in April. Ranum Højskole comes as a product of Ranum Efterskole and Oceans of Hope, as we want to give young people even more opportunities to cultivate life at sea. The aim of the course is to sail as a guest on board the sailing ship Oceans Of Hope, and thereby be able to help, for example, people with sclerosis to have an experience at sea.
The course also prepares you to be a crew member on a long-distance vessel, so you're ready to set sail for distant shores.

Our newly-launched high school project goes live in April, when we receive our first class of students. Are you going to be one of them? Sign up now here.

Read more about Ranum Højskole here.

Ranum Summer Camps

We have made a new Facebook and Instagram page for the Ranum Summer Camps, which will take place from July 2nd to July 29th. You can choose different camps of different durations, ranging from 1 to 4 weeks camps.

We have made this video, which describes what English Language Camp is. See more about the summer school in the following video:

General info about Ranum Summer Camps, can be found on our website here.

Dance show

Catch us at the Hip Hop International Denmark dance show in Randers! You can find us there tomorrow, Saturday 4/3, where we have a nice little booth. It's going to be a great show, and you can buy tickets for the livestream here: https://www.hiphopinternational.dk/

Thanks again to all of you who read along. See you again next week!

Have a great weekend from all of us here at

Ranum Efterskole College
