
Outrouge including Gala, Dream Festival and Graduation

Dear reader,

Thank you so much for the school year 22/23, and to student class 19. You have once again proven that Ranum Efterskole College is the place where I become we, and where community flourishes. The place where strangers become brothers.
In this week's newsletter, you can see the many pictures and stories from the fantastic Outrouge, which started on Sunday with a "pick-up" afternoon and communal eating, as well as evaluation. In addition, the week has included a trip to Fårup Sommerland, gala, Hjemme Hos, bubble-hans, Dream Festival and graduation.

Enjoy the last newsletter of the school year.

Happy reading and have a great summer holiday.

Nordic Race

In the last week of the school year, a determined group of students took part in the Nordic Race in Aarhus. The day after the last student party, this obstacle race was both challenging and a bit restorative.
All the boys gave it their best and they deserve a huge congratulations for all their efforts, not only on race day but throughout the school year. They never got cold feet from the most insane training schedules and find joy in fighting together, whether it's on their bikes in a blizzard, in the icy sea in winter or running uphill for many kilometres.
Thank you all for creating such a great team, being so supportive of each other and getting out and training regardless of the weather!


The week started with a day at Fårup Sommerland, where the weather thankfully stayed dry and warm. The students had a great day and were all tired and exhausted when they returned to Ranum.

At Home and House Cup

Tuesday was the last Home Hos of the school year, where the contact groups said thank you for this year. This was followed by an afternoon of House Cup, where students competed in disciplines such as football, volleyball, wakeboarding and basketball. The Seminary House ended up taking the win!

On Wednesday, the big summer cleaning began before the gala in the evening.


Prom is one of the highlights of the school year and one of the days students look forward to the most. The students had spent the morning cleaning their areas and getting ready for the event. The students were dressed to the nines for the event and looked their best! The programme for the evening included a 3-course menu, lanciers, photo shoots, award show and teacher revue. Around 2000 photos from the day can be viewed on our Flickr, and they can be found by clicking the link here:


Værelseskarma and Midsummer (without bonfire)

Thursday evening was all about cosiness, as it was the last room karma of the year. Dinner is served in the room, this time with pizza and soft drinks from the kitchen. Here you can see what it looked like in Kærhuset - and if we have to say it ourselves, the cosiness penetrates almost completely through the screen.

After dinner, there was evening cosiness with a Midsummer bonfire. But alas, there was no bonfire this year. Instead, we had a "bubble bonfire", which the students made themselves with soap bubbles. A bubble-hans, if you will. See what it looked like below.

Dream Festival

Friday night was one of the highlights of the school year: Dream Festival! Our 10th exam-free (read: project class) has been working hard for the last six months to make sure that this was both the best Dream Festival ever and the first one to include rabbits. The festival was held in Næsby, where the students also slept in tents on Saturday night.

On the bill were artists such as Lamin, SASO and Lise Ranks, plus a Suprise Show. This turned out to be Ude Af Kontrol, who headlined the festival.

More photos will follow next week on our Flickr.


Saturday was Big Cry Day, and thus a final farewell to student class 19. It was a day where emotions were running high, and where even the toughest of the tough were moved to tears. Awards were handed out, speeches were made, and goodbyes were said to the student group. If you want to watch or re-watch this year's graduation ceremony, you can watch it soon on our youtube channel.

The awards presented include Highest Average of the Year, Friend of the Year, Development Award of the Year and the Rex Award. The Rex Award is presented to a student who we believe embodies the same values of friendship and kindness that Rex did. This year, the award went to August Mølsted Kristensen, who you can see below.

To see all the photos from this year's graduation, follow this link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ranumefterskole/albums/72177720309299454

From all of us here at Ranum Efterskole College: Thank you so much for this year.

Greetings from Headmaster Olav Storm

Dear all readers

The school year 2022-23 ends with a fantastic Outro week, where students and staff have shared a unique community around Fårup Sommerland with 490 peers, cosy home visits with contact teachers, the most beautiful and cosy gala party ever, and of course the magical Dream Festival.

Graduation means sending home, and even though it's the end of 43 weeks of efterskole life, we don't want to say goodbye. Because this year's student team has been quite special. This is evidenced by a very low dropout rate of less than 3 per cent, and that is a seal of quality that we are very proud of. It gives us confidence and the courage to travel the world, choose and shape the school year in a living democracy, where we have voted on subjects and experienced great commitment and an indomitable will to take in all experiences.
The 19th student team will be remembered forever.

Thank you so much for this year. Kind regards, Headmaster, Olav Storm

Greetings from student Patricio Lopez

Patricio Lopez, a student from Mexico, tells us a little about his school year at Ranum and writes a little goodbye on behalf of the other students. "Pato" is one of our Full Host students from Mexico and has spoken to the newsletter several times during the school year.

My school year has been lovely, full of learning about Danish culture and their people. The thing I gained most from being here, was the friends and the travels.

Ranum affected me as a person, by making me realise that home can be anywhere. It is not always about where your family is, but about where you are most comfortable and safe. A place where you turn strangers into brothers.

Being awarded "Mr. Ranum of the Year" at the Gala made my year whole, and made me realise that you can make an impact on other people, just by being yourself. Thank you so much for everything Ranum

Pato was awarded "Mr Ranum of the Year" by his fellow students for being a big part of the other students' school year. Among other things, he has organised football tournaments and been a loving and attentive friend to those around him. He is also one of the students who has been a role model for the other students and has often taken the lead. Thank you so much for this year Pato!

Greetings from the International Department

As the academic year of 22-23 is coming to its end, we are remembering all the experiences, challenges, joys we have had during the year. 

193 students - both Danish and international - were signed up for the international Cambridge exams in 18 different subjects and the last component of the 3 Biology exams marked the end of the exam period in mid June.Our international students have since then spent most of their time soaking up the sun, getting the most out of the last few weeks with each other and last but not least solidified the relationships they have made during this last year with arrangements and agreements of staying in Denmark a bit longer, planning to visit other parts of the World or invite friends to come and spend the Summer in their home country. It is absolutely wonderful to see the connections that started in Ranum spread across and out into the World.

22-23 represents a year, where we had students from 26 different countries in our 1 year programme and where we have had a record-breaking number of short term guest students from all over the World, who had chosen to spend anywhere between 4 weeks and 6 months at the school. The diversity is a huge contribution to the school's environment and atmosphere. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our international students this year, for their open minds, positive attitudes and willingness to not only learn but also teach others in relation to intercultural competencies. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Looking forward, we are preparing for the coming group of international students arriving from countries such as Mexico, Thailand, Turkey, the US, Iceland just to name a few. In this relation, we would like to take this opportunity to encourage any of you readers residing in Denmark to consider hosting some of our international students. We have a close collaboration with AFS and we are in the moment of writing, still looking for 3 host families to invite an international student into their home in long weekends and holiday periods. You can read more on the link here: https://www.afs.dk/bliv-kontaktfamilie-for-en…/…

With that, we will conclude our Greeting. We hope you all have an amazing Summer - perhaps we might even see you at our International Summer Camp😉.

Thank you for this year

Dear students, parents, grandparents, friends of the school and everyone else who is following along. A huge thank you for this year goes out to all of you. You have each and every one of you played a part in making the 22/23 school year exactly what it was.

We will draw on the last smiles, cry the last tears and rest in the memories. Thank you so much for this year - we'll see you again after the summer holidays.

Best regards to all of us at

Ranum Efterskole College
