
Culture Subject Choice, Culture Performance, efterskoleliv and Full Host weekend

Dear reader,

We are now approaching the end of week 3 at Ranum Efterskole College, which has included a cultural subject choice, Thai culture and dance show, a guest visit from Prague and a lot of fantastic 1TP5Life. But the week isn't over yet - it's time for the first Water Sports Weekend of the year. Students can sign up for water sports activities such as Sailing, Short Dive, Wakeboard, Surf, Canoe, Wilderness Baths and Sanúna, as well as a trip to Rønbjerg Aquapark.

Explore the big and small moments at Ranum Efterskole College in this week's newsletter. Don't forget to check out our "What's Happening" and "The Headmaster's Column", which contains both practical information and reflections on the 1TP5 year so far.

Enjoy your reading and have a great weekend.

Culture Subject Choice

On Wednesday morning, all students gathered in the Multihallen for the first Cultural Subject Presentation with 24 different Cultural Subjects. The students were introduced to the idea behind the cultural subjects, which focus on meeting other cultures and young people from other parts of the world. The cultural subjects lead up to the cultural trip, which takes place at the end of January. The atmosphere was great and several students suggested ideas for possible cultural subjects and trips.

The first Cultural Subject Choice concludes with calming mindfulness, where students were individually allowed to think through all the many Cultural Subject Choices.

Friday morning was the second round of the Cultural Studies election, this time in efterskolen's classrooms. Now the votes are counted and it is decided which cultural subjects and trips will be offered for the final selection.

Remember that there is parent orientation on Sunday 10 September for Family Day and Vilsted Sø Løb. The parent and student choice of cultural subjects also opens on 10 September, but it is not first come, first served. On 14 September, students must write a Danish assignment about their motivation and dreams in relation to the cultural subject choice. The cultural subject choice. If there are too many people interested in a cultural subject, we enter into a dialogue with the students and ultimately look at the motivation of the individual. It is a difficult and important task for young people to choose and it is also a big task to prioritise the year's big choices in terms of courage, finances and interests.

We look forward to sharing more information on an ongoing basis and to seeing as many people as possible on 10 September. Remember to sign up on Skoleplan no later than 3 September.

Thai culture and dance show

On Wednesday evening, students were presented with a cultural experience in the form of a performance by Moradokmai Theatre Community & Homeschool. 8 students from this school in Thailand - currently touring Europe - showed courage, comedy and insight into both traditional and more modern Thai drama and art. For most of our students - a very unique experience 🤩. We thank the troupe for their visit 🙏.


Profile subject yoga went for a lovely walk on Thursday, where students collected materials for beautiful nature mandalas 🌿🍂🧘

Board Performance

Board Performance went to Hall A in Skive on Thursday 🛹🔥

Visual design and ceramics

In visual design and ceramics, students are inspired by Gaudí and create sketches for our light houses.

Full Host Weekend

Full Host is a programme offered to students who are unable to spend the weekend at home with their family. Many of the students come from other continents. These students spend not only a efterskole year here at Ranum, but also all extended weekends and holidays with the Full Host team.

They have just spent their first long weekend together, where the programme included a visit to Aalborg, an IKEA trip, Djurs Sommerland and fun at school. The programme for Full Host includes a Christmas holiday in Estonia, a long weekend in Gothenburg and a wonderful trip to Copenhagen.

Visitors from Prague

This week we were visited by two teachers from Prague, Marcela Grecová and Tereza Dvořáková. They observed different lessons - IG, Danish as a science subject and Danish, saw our project class and tried three different Profile subjects - music, adventure and dance. The purpose of the visit was to be inspired by our way of teaching, the variety of subjects and the different types of education we offer at the school.They heard about our school when Ranum Efterskole visited their school last year on their trip to Prague.

They also attended a cleaning duty, contact group time and lunch/dinner, which is unique for a efterskole. They interacted with the students and participated in the lessons they could.

When visiting a new country, it's also nice to familiarise yourself with the culture. They went on a trip to Aalborg, learned a little Danish and tried some different Danish specialities.

It was a great collaboration and we look forward to visiting their school in Prague and being inspired by their teaching methods.

Music and Media will visit the school in Prague for the first Profile course this autumn.

From left to right: science teacher at Ranum Efterskole College Natasha Hedegaard, science teacher and internship coordinator Marcela Grecová and German teacher Tereza Dvořáková from Archbishop Grammar School, German and adventure teacher at Ranum Efterskole College Ann Katrine Breth Pedersen and Headmaster of Ranum Efterskole College Olav Storm

Headmaster's column

Week 35 was the first "real" 1TP5Week, where students had a normal schedule and there were plenty of cultural programmes and activities in the evenings as well. Students returned from the long weekend with lots of cosiness and personalised decorations for their rooms.
Teaching is well underway in all subjects and although there are still students who want other electives and levels, the teams are being formed. The process of choosing cultural subjects for the second term is also well underway.

The process started with a large workshop in the Multihallen, where 24 different cultural subjects were presented and students rotated around to gather inspiration. Some students were so inspired that they also came up with new ideas and wishes for cultural subjects, and it is this energy that creates an amazing experience of freedom and engagement for the students. 
The choice of cultural subjects is a very democratic process, with students taking mock votes after each round of presentations. Some students seem very clear in their choice, while others are confused and ask a lot of questions. The process helps build experience in prioritising and making choices. There is some uncertainty, but you should be able to feel that there is something at stake, because if you can handle that feeling, you will be stronger when it comes to the other big choices in life. Parents are only really involved at Family Day and in the final choice process, where they must also recognise the student's choices. 

The mobile culture is progressing and few students get their phones confiscated because they don't remember the mobile-free zones. It is practical for students to have their timetable, ballot box, etc. at their fingertips. In the coming weeks, we will form a house council and student council, and then the students will help decide the 4 mobile-free periods together with the pedagogical council.

We have said goodbye to our short course students from Italien and in the coming week we will be visited by 6 short course students from India. The visits help bring the world into efterskolen and put our own culture and way of life into perspective.

Have a great weekend,

Olav Storm

It happens

What's happening in the coming weeks at Ranum Efterskole College that we parents need to know about? Well, I'll tell you:

31.8-3.9 Water sports weekend

Sunday 3.9 Tour for future students (registered)
Wednesday 6.9 At home with the Kt.teacher / Kt.teacher day for all students.
Thursday 7.9 Diversity Date Night
Friday 8.9 Tour de Rull - roll drop competition (student initiative)

Saturday 9.9 Skydiving (registered)
Sunday 10.9 Family Day and Vilsted Lake Run (sign up by 4/9 on School Plan)
14-15 September Staff trip to Læsø

14-17 September Extended weekend

Sunday 24.9 Continuation Schools Day

Have you always dreamed of jumping out of an aeroplane? Now's your chance! 🤩🪂

92 students have already signed up for skydiving on 9 September! Want a spot? Remember that the last chance to sign up is Wednesday 6 September!

Parachute registration:

Dear all, you can sign up for skydiving on Saturday 9 September! The form (found further down) MUST be filled out by either parents or guardians, not the student. You can switch to English in the top left corner.

Important: the discount code ranum2324 must be used. This brings the price down from 3500 to 2100 kr.

Please enter your student's student number in the comments field. You will receive a confirmation by email. Last day to register is Wednesday 6 September - but please do so as soon as possible to book your bus and lunch reservation.

If you have any questions, remember to ask your student first - they've been given all the practical information at the info session tonight. For unanswered questions, contact sif@ranumefterskole.dk


Vilsted Sø Running & Family Day

Below is the invitation to the Family Day and Vilsted Lake Run - we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

Diversity Date Night

Sign up for Diversity Date Night @ Aalborg Zoo on Thursday 7 Sep. Invite someone with a different nationality/ethnicity/culture than your own and have a fantastic cosy evening at Aalborg Zoo (picnic style). There will be special presentations, music and exhibitions at this international event. The deadline for registration is Tuesday 5 Sep. The list is now up in front of Matt's office 😉

To read more about the general events and organisational hosts, please see here Diversity Evening at Aalborg Zoo 2023

Day of the Afterschools

Join us for Efterskolernes Dag on Sunday 24 September at Ranum Efterskole College between 10:00 - 17:00 🤩

On Efterskolernes Dag you can take a guided tour, meet both students and staff, taste our world cuisine and hear presentations from headmaster Olav Storm.

Come and hear about your options at Ranum Efterskole College - read more and sign up right here:


We hope to see you there! 😍

Thanks for this time!

Best regards from all of us at,

Ranum Efterskole College
