08 Sep Water Sports Weekend, Home Hospitality, Diversity Date Evening and Cultural Subject Choice
Dear reader,
Welcome to this week's newsletter from Ranum Efterskole College. This week, you can dive into a successful Water Sports Weekend, Hjemmehos with a visit to the cool contact teachers, Cultural subject choices, and a handful of cosy activities here at the school.
This coming weekend, enrolled students will try Skydive. We can't wait! In addition, we look forward to seeing all you families out there at Vilsted Sø Run and Family Day on Sunday 10 September.
Be sure to check out our "What's Happening" section, as well as the "Headmaster's Column", which contains both practical information and reflections on the efterskole year so far.
Happy reading and have a great weekend. Sunny greetings from Ranum Efterskole College.
Water Sports Weekend
The first water sports weekend of the continuation school year was a great success, with many students taking part. Activities such as sailing, test dives, wakeboarding, surfing, canoeing, wilderness bathing and sauna, as well as a trip to Rønbjerg's Aquapark, were tried out by the students. The blue wave was explored to the fullest, while the fun spread both on land and in the water.
World cooking
Taking inspiration from last week's Thai culture show and the opportunity to choose Thailand as a cultural subject, World Cooking students made "Tom kha gai" (coconut chicken soup), which challenged them to find the perfect balance between sweet, sour, salty and spicy
Home at
Wednesday evening it was time for Hjemmehos, where students in their contact groups visit their contact teacher. It's a cosy tradition that builds unity and close friendships over cooking and fun outdoor activities.
Culture Subject Choice
On Thursday, the 3rd round of the Cultural Studies Election was held. Students were able to go from classroom to classroom to hear detailed descriptions of the exciting Cultural Studies trips. In the end, all students had to vote for a first and second priority for a trip where they will explore a lot of new cultures.
Diversity Date Evening
Diversity Evening at Aalborg Zoo with 54 students who took the opportunity to hang out, mingle and hopefully get to know each other better across their different nationalities.
In business studies, we work with personal finances. There are many words and concepts that are new and/or unfamiliar to the students, so on Tuesday we worked with concept maps and the students created small fictional financial stories.
Focaccias in the baking class
Beautiful focaccias from our baking class.
Art & Design
Linocut in Art & Design. Always nice and relaxing, where students are allowed to be creative.
Headmaster's column
The late summer heat energised everyone for a week that followed a big water sports weekend. The focus has very much been on the students' final preference choices for Cultural Studies and Cultural Travel for the next term. It is clear that the students are more experienced in dealing with the uncertainty that will always exist when a young person has to weigh up their own interests, dreams and prioritise resources in relation to what roommates, friends and, not least, parents think they should choose.
The choice is the individual's, but we can still see that students are moving away from the cultural subject choices in a flow that results in "overbooking" in some subjects. Therefore, we have chosen to postpone the final student/parent choice until we have had a parent orientation on Sunday and until the students are home for the long weekend - next weekend. We will also hold an online meeting on Sunday 17 September at 11-12 and then the election will open on Monday 18 September. The students will also have to write a Danish/English assignment this Thursday, where they must justify their choice based on their interests and the focus of the SDGs. The assignment counts as a Danish assignment and is included in any prioritisation of who can be admitted to an oversubscribed subject. It's an exciting process!
The "Diversity Date" evening at Aalborg Zoo was a huge hit and there is no doubt that new bridges have been built between students with different cultural backgrounds. On Wednesday 20 September, we are hosting International Night, where the many different national and cultural groups at the school will do an activity, exhibition, tastings, etc. on their culture. Each culture - including the different Danish ones - will have a classroom for their activities. It will once again be a colourful evening.
This Thursday there is an exciting presentation with teacher and lecturer Lars Petersen. The talk is about not letting a disability and appearance be an obstacle to what you can do and that you should not be put off by your own or others' limitations and expectations. Lars has been a teacher at Ranum and with his lecture he manages to "win and turn" many thoughts in young people so that they see challenges differently. Learn more about Lars Petersen - Speaker for children, young people & adults (hattenaf.dk)
On Thursday and Friday, the majority of all employees will go on an ERFA trip to Læsø, where we will exchange experiences with the future Læsø Efterskole, which focuses on education and development in balance with nature. We will also play and experience, so it will be a bit like being on efterskole itself. We are looking forward to this, but it also means that the office is not open on Thursdays and Fridays. We will of course answer on the main number +45 96660044.
We have created a new Ranum Magazine that tells about the upcoming school year. We encourage family and friends to take a special Nepal-made Shopping Bag with 10-15 Ranum Magazines to distribute at work, among friends and neighbours. And if you are reading this and would like to share the message about Ranum Efterskole College, you can order a bag/package at this link.
You can read the brand new Ranum Efterskole College 2023/24 Magazine right here!
Have a great weekend and maybe we'll see you at Vilsted Sø Løb on Sunday.
Olav Storm.
It happens
Friday 8 September Visit of 20 students from Ggumtle Efterskole from South Korea
Saturday 9 September Skydiving for registered participants.
Sunday 10.9 Vilsted Sø Race and Family Day
Orientation on the choice of cultural subjects in the Ballroom
Voluntary parent council meeting 16.15-17.
Thursday 14 September Lecture with Lars Petersen from Hattenaf.dk
14-15 September Staff course trip to Læsø
14-17 September Extended weekend
Sunday 17.9 Online - orientation on the choice of cultural subjects
Tuesday 19.9 Cultural subject selection begins and ends on 25.9.
Wednesday 20 September International Evening - all students.
Sunday 24.9 Continuation Schools Day 10-17.
Monday 25.9 Cultural subject selections are finalised
7-13 October Professional development trips - travel letters sent out by teachers
Sunday 29.10 Vaccinations for Cultural Travel
Vilsted Sø Running & Family Day
Below is the invitation to the Family Day and Vilsted Lake Run - we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible!
Ranum Efterskole Open day
Join us for Efterskolernes Dag on Sunday 24 September at Ranum Efterskole College between 10:00 - 17:00
On Efterskolernes Dag you can take a guided tour, meet both students and staff, taste our world cuisine and hear presentations from headmaster Olav Storm.
Come and hear about your options at Ranum Efterskole College - read more and sign up right here:
We hope to see you there!