
Skydive, Vilsted Sø Løb, Family day and togetherness

Dear reader,

Would you like to know more about what the last week at Ranum Efterskole College has been like? Then you've come to the right place! We've had a great week with a lot of action (literally) - The traditional Vilsted Sø Run was a success, with three of our own students winning the half marathon and the Ranum Mile. The day continued with the cosy Family Day, where the team spirit was at its peak. In addition, the students have not only been busy on land, but also in the air, as 140 of them jumped free fall with a parachute on Saturday! This was a Danish record for the most tandem jumps on the same day. You can read about all the week's highlights in the newsletter here.

Now, the majority of all employees are going on an ERFA trip to Læsø, from Thursday to Friday, where we will exchange experiences with the future Læsø Efterskole, which focuses on education and development in balance with nature.

Enjoy the newsletter.


Last Saturday, almost 140 students from Ranum Efterskole College went skydiving! They jumped tandem skydiving at Dropzone in Herning from early morning to late evening. The tandem jump was described as "an experience of a lifetime", where the air was filled with nervousness, excitement and smiles of relief. The students were attached to a professional skydiver and jumped freefall out of an aeroplane from a height of 4.5 km.

Vilsted Lake Run

Weeks of training on the lawn in front of the main building and many runs around Ranum finally paid off when the day of Vilsted Sø Løb arrived. A day where everyone was active and participated on walking and running routes with family and friends. At the end of the race, there was a prize ceremony for the winners, all participants received a nice medal around their necks and lunch was served on the square by efterskolen's kitchen.

Ranum Efterskole College would like to congratulate the three winners from Vilsted Sø Løb!

Oscar Greenberg wins the half marathon in 1:31:14

Karl Zinkernagel Rodriguez winner of Ranum Milen in 6:52

Amalie Buch Kristensenas the fastest girl at Ranum Milen in 9:56.

So well done! Thank you to everyone who participated in Vilsted Sø Løb.

Check your location for Vilsted Sø Løb here.

From left to right: Oscar Greenberg wins the half marathon in 1:31:14, Karl Zinkernagel Rodriguez wins the Ranum Mile in 6:52 & Amalie Buch Kristensen fastest girl at Ranum Milen in 9:56

Family day

In continuation of the Vilsted Sø Run, we held the big Family Day with the opportunity to spend even more quality time over cosy activities. The activities included baking, mountain biking, badminton, climbing, sailing, board games in the café, canoeing, wakeboarding, cooking, Nerf Battle and designing your own t-shirt. We'd love to have many more days like these!

Summer and socialising

Students enjoy the last days of summer on the beach, where socialising, bonding and good friendships are reinforced!

Vietnamese inspired spring rolls

In World Cooking, students made Vietnamese-inspired spring rolls. They look delicious! You can make these Vietnamese-inspired spring rolls yourself by following the recipe in the pictures below. Happy cooking!

Creative workshop

Workshop with bead bracelets on wire attracted both girls and boys.

Ice on Knudsens Plads

When the summer sun shines over Ranum, we take out the ice cream parlour and prepare to serve italiensk ice cream. It brought great joy to the students!

Headmaster's column

Ranum Efterskole College was the setting for one of the largest Vilsted Sø Races and with the premiere of The Ranum Mile, students, staff, parents and siblings came out for a beautiful run in the late summer weather. The logistics between the community gathering, the run, the 2x Cultural Subject Choice presentations and the 12 family activities also went well, and more than 2300 vegetarian burgers and 1500 Indian daahl were eaten!

After the day's programme, the voluntary parent council held its first constituent meeting and, among other things, allocated the roles in connection with the student parties. The student parties. Registration for the first student party is open, and it is crucial that it is the parents who register. We support the student parties because, unlike private parties, they are highly inclusive and extremely well organised and thus safe for both parents and students. We encourage locals (northern and central Jutland) to open their homes to students who come from so far away that they have difficulty finding a place to sleep after the party. We also encourage parents to volunteer and make it an amazing experience. See the posting on Schoolplan from the Parent Council.

This week we said goodbye to our guest students from Gummptle Efterskole in South Korea. They gave a great presentation with singing and dancing and made a great bond with our students. On Sunday, 6 guest students from India arrived and they will be visiting Danish students and families back home during this long weekend. Unfortunately, it is not easy to find host families anymore, so we are very grateful that we are able to give these young people this unique cultural experience. 

The choice of cultural subjects is in its final phase. We have experienced that students move between subjects in groups, and this has meant that several cultural subjects are oversubscribed. We have gathered the students whose first and second priorities are oversubscribed to enter into a dialogue about an alternative if they do not get their first or second choice. This has led to the creation of a new cultural subject to Panama, where we have very good experiences from a cultural trip in 2022. On Thursday, all students wrote an application for the cultural subject in Danish or English and an eassy about the process of choosing. This is a new exercise that serves to reflect on the choice and motivate students to engage in the cultural subjects before starting.
On Tuesday 19 September, we expect to be able to send out election confirmation links to all parents via School Plan. 

Online information session on Cultural Studies on Sunday 17 September from 11-12.
Link is on the School Plan post and has been sent as a message. Participation is voluntary and intended as a "question and answer session", mainly for those families who were unable to attend the Family Day Orientation meetings. 

At the time of writing, 80 employees are on a Læsø experience trip, where we are focusing on Sustainability and preparing for the collaboration with Læsø Efterskole, which we support in terms of values and ideas.

Happy long weekend to you all.

Olav Storm.

UK Magazine 2023/24

Now you also have the opportunity to read our UK Magazine 2023/24 Right here! A good read.

It happens

Ranum Efterskole Open day

Visit us at Efterskolernes Dag on Sunday 24 September at Ranum Efterskole College between 10:00 - 17:00

On Efterskolernes Dag you can take a guided tour, meet both students and staff, taste our world cuisine and hear a presentation from headmaster Olav Storm. We offer refreshments and the opportunity to experience our international profile and profile subjects.

Come and hear about your options at Ranum Efterskole College.

Sign up right here

We hope to see you there!

Thanks for this time!

Best regards from all of us at,

Ranum Efterskole College
