
Visit from India and Efterskolernes Aften

Dear reader,

It's here - this year's Cultural Journeys. We're counting down to the imminent departure for new cultures, friendships and amazing experiences. With destinations such as Thailand, South Korea, Brasilien, Argentina and South Africa, we're sure this will be an experience that students won't soon forget. However, the week has also offered more than just Cultural Studies preparation. We have been visited by 4 Indian AFS students, who have been given a glimpse into Danish culture. In addition, we organised Efterskolernes Aften on Wednesday. For a peek into our little efterskole world, please read on.

Bonjour, buenos dias, arrivederci and selamat tinggal from Ranum Efterskole College

Efterskole evening

Thank you to those of you who braved the slippery roads and visited us on this cold and foggy Evening of Continuing Education. We hope you learnt more about your important choices. If you have any further questions, you can always call or write to 96664400 / info@ranumefterskole.dk Here are a few pictures from the evening. Thanks to Matti & friend for helping with the photography. See more pictures on our Facebook page, Ranum Efterskole College.

AFS students from India

Every year, Ranum Efterskole College receives both long and short term students from our partner AFS. This January we have the pleasure of 4 students from India, who through REC get a small insight into Danish culture. A few of their activities can be seen below.

Blackout poem

Our AFS students were introduced to the wonderful world of Hans Christian Andersen and The Little Mermaid. Andersen's wonderful world and The Little Mermaid. Afterwards, they turned a page of the original story into a blackout poem. I highly recommend reading their poems! We have some very talented students among us

A Danish walk

Beautiful and cold morning with Indian guests in Uhrhøje plantation doing the Danish tradition "to go for a walk", followed by a visit to the Johannes V. Jensen Museum in Farsø. Jensen Museum in Farsø.

Aggersborg tour

"I had the pleasure of these students' company today. What should have been a beautiful historical trip to Aggersborg turned into a very cold and foggy experience. Thank you for the Aggersborg app so I could show what it should have looked like! We ended our tour at the local bakery where they bravely tried different types of pastries and even a roast beef hand sandwich. Thank you for a great hour" - Kristine 🙂 .

A Danish grandmother

The 4 AFS students from India were adopted by a Danish grandmother on a cold Danish afternoon - an afternoon spent making apple crumble with apples from grandma's garden and talking about cultural differences, similarities and sharing life experiences.

The lifeguard test

In connection with the swimming subject, 8 brave students have completed the lifeguard test - cool!

PVA competition

Yep dear students - we're doing it again! Ranum Efterskole College 25 International PVA competition for photos, videos, articles as well as documentary and Yearbook pages is happening for P2 Kulturfagsreisenserne - win either DKK 500 in each competition or a GoPro Hero11 Black for the absolute best submitted content for the competition. Watch the video for a brief overview and SchoolPlan for all the details. Deadline for submissions is 8 February at midnight.

So dear parents - please encourage your students to participate! It could be that your student impresses the judges and wins one of the prizes.

Follow the journeys

As we are travelling around the world this weekend, we will keep you parents updated on our main profiles, Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ranumefterskole/ and Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ranumefterskole. But if you want to follow the individual trips in more depth, simply use the links below. They will take you directly to the Facebook page for the trip in question.

Just remember that teachers are exceptionally busy giving your students the experience of a lifetime. So if there isn't an update right when you want it - just give it a day or two and they'll definitely come to you. Additionally, not all journeys will have Wi-Fi and/or coverage all the time, which can also cause some delays on updates. Have fun following along.






Costa Rica



Namibia - Wildlife Conservation

Nepal High Trek

Nepal Culture



Panama 1

South Africa - Cape Town

South Korea


Thailand Sailing

US Road Trip East

US Road Trip West

USA Robotics

Headmaster's column

In the years of youth, the urge for freedom and courage is a primal force that creates the idea of immortality and opens up a sea of ideas about life's possibilities. When this primal force is locked up, it leads to rebellion and shattered illusions. This weekend, we put students' longing and courage to the test as we travel to more than 20 countries and teach the world's
best classroom, as former students have put it. The world's classroom because travelling provides an understanding of the academic subjects, where the student learns to use religion, history, social studies and language subjects to understand the foreign in the cultural encounter. Travelling offers adventures and stories that help shape the student's identity and boost their self-esteem. Travelling binds students together in stronger friendships because they become dependent on each other and must be prepared to break out of the student role and take responsibility for the whole group's experiences and benefits of the trip. We call this interaction between the student and the adults a guiding interaction and it is efterskolen's strength that the young people can step out of the student role and take responsibility for more than themselves. We are excited to send the students off, but even more excited to welcome them back and we cross our fingers that the world's conflicts and volcanoes allow us to have another safe journey.

Follow us on social media and dear parents, mark your calendars for 11 February, when there will be Cultural Subject Presentations and Family Day at efterskolen from 11.00-16.00

It happens

15.-24.01.24 Cultural trips
03.-04.02.24 Magic Weekend
11.02.24 Culture and Family Day
12.02.24 P3 starter
24.-25.02.24 Friends Weekend

We're about to set course for distant shores and set the expectation barometer sky-high.

Travelling greetings from,

Ranum Efterskole College
