01 Mar Student party, leap year, excursion and external visits
Dear reader,
During this week we have had a visit from former student Christian and sexologist Magnus Hartkjær, who have both been here to help our students. But even though we have had visitors, some of our students have also been out of the house, while others stayed at school to write letters and prepare for this week's student party.
Enjoy the newsletter - we wish you all a great weekend!
Warm up for the student party
This week is the student party, and we can feel how much the students are looking forward to it! Therefore, a small warm-up party was organised on Wednesday evening (without alcohol, of course). Those who wanted to gather in Ranumhus, where there were delicious snacks, cold drinks, loud music and a dance floor. The atmosphere was fantastic, the students enjoyed each other's company, chatting, dancing and singing along to the music. Now they are really ready for their 3rd student party!
Throughout the school year, several student parties are organised. The parties are not something that Ranum Efterskole College organises, but rather the parents' council.

Visit from a former student
Even though we live in the present, it's important not to forget the past. This is Ranum's 20th class, so there have been many students before them. Therefore, it is always great to reunite with some of the former students and hear about what has happened in their lives since their time at Ranum.
This week we were lucky enough to have a visit from Christian, a former REC student. Christian has previously practised strongman and now bodybuilding, so the students had the opportunity to ask questions and get tips and tricks for their own training.

The photos are from Christian's time at efterskolen.
Visiting sexologist
At Ranum, we are committed to learning outside the classroom. Our students have the opportunity to travel the world and immerse themselves in different cultures, discovering new traditions, languages and perspectives. But even though students are out experiencing the wider world, it's also important that they learn about themselves.
As part of students' personal development, we know how important it is to understand and respect your own boundaries, especially when it comes to topics like sex and consent. That's why the traditional lesson on Friday afternoon was replaced with a presentation from Magnus Hartkjær. Magnus is a school teacher and sexologist who came to talk to the students about consent and boundaries when it comes to intimate relationships.

Geology on tour
This week the Geology class has been on an excursion. They travelled north and visited Bulbjerg by the North Sea. Bulbjerg is a limestone cliff that consists primarily of bryozoan limestone. The students had the opportunity to explore the area and apply the theory they had learnt in class.

Leap year - 29 February
This year group has been lucky enough to get an extra day in the school year, and that day was fully utilised. In Ranumhus, students had the opportunity to write a letter to their future self. The letter could contain anything they wanted, but they could not open the letter again until the next school year, in 2028.

Headmaster's column

Dear reader,
There have not been many special events this week. On the other hand, it has allowed students to focus on choosing a youth education programme and updating Optagelse.dk.
This weekend marked two years since Ukraine was invaded by Russia. The war is far away both in the minds of young people and in everyday life at efterskolen. However, it is important that we remember that Ukrainians are also fighting for our freedom and security. Therefore, we emphasised that the war is also a testimony that we must value and protect our freedom and democracy. We shared the idea that maybe one day this can end and that we must take a stand and maybe fight one day. Finally, we sang "Imagine" by John Lennon, and the last verse hung in the air as the students left the banqueting hall for refreshments and the routines of 1TP5Life again.
"You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one, I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one".
Friday we have a follow-up to week 6, as we have a visit from efterskole teacher and sexologist Magnus Hartkjær, who will talk about consent and the difficult language it is (for the first time) to try to understand the opposite sex. The topic is very relevant and the theme is requested by the students themselves. It might also be a good idea a few hours before the 3rd student party of the year, which takes place the same evening.
We wish everyone a great weekend and a great next week!
Olav Storm.
It happens
05.03.24 School photo
09.03.24 Music weekend
28.03 – 01.04.24 Easter holidays
06.-14.04.24 Professional trip