30 Aug Energy and community flourish!
Dear reader,
Summer heat, a sea of activities and friendships fuelled by smiles, play and learning. Students have returned after a long weekend with renewed energy and lots of decorations for their rooms. Welcome to the third week's newsletter.
Happy reading & weekend.
Fit for Life on a Crossfit tour
We went to Crossfit by the Mill in Aalborg, which is one of the largest and most visited Crossfit boxes in Aalborg. There was great energy and we later got this greeting on their Instagram page:
"We've had a great visit from a bunch of mega cool students from Ranum Efterskole. These students are enrolled in efterskolen's martial arts and strength programme. It's a really cool line. Even though CrossFit was completely new to many of them, they really went for it and were super cool. We wish you the best year at efterskolen and thank you very much for visiting"

Diving took the first leap into a new underwater world
Fortunately, the first step into the new world starts in warm water at Landal Holiday Centre in Rønbjerg. Here, the equipment was tested in a safe environment and the first small boundaries were already crossed with expert advice from our experienced instructors.

Craft & Creativity
Creativity unfolded in a calm environment as the team made personalised ceramic mugs.

Surf jumped in the blue wave
It was the most beautiful August day when the surfers got an expert introduction, a board under their arm and jumped into the beautiful North Sea. We were super impressed with how quickly the students learnt to get up and ride the first waves!
Perfect warm-up for the upcoming Water Sports Weekend.

Full Host in Silkeborg
The Full Host students had a wonderful trip to Silkeborg at the weekend, with lots of experiences in both the city and the area. Both with good food and classic sightseeing.

Delicious food before the weekend
Before the weekend, there are always a few extra treats on the breakfast buffets in all the houses in the morning. Yes please!

Headmaster's column
Dear reader,
The premiere of the first 5 routes with the Ranum bus went beyond all expectations. We managed to fill almost all buses with good support from the parents, and although there was a slight delay in dispatch, the direct service with Molslinjen cut over an hour off the old Efterskolebus journey time.
The first extended weekend was very quiet at efterskolen, as the full-host students went on their first joint weekend excursion to Silkeborg. In this 3rd week, we have reached the point where the students are much more at home. The initial shyness and reticence in the camaraderie has been replaced by an ever higher energy level, and many new friendships have been formed, especially in the profile subjects.
This week was the last chance to change electives and profile subjects and there have been many changes. First and foremost to subjects where the interest and courage may not have been there in the first place or where new friendships have been made. It's a great sign that both independence and courage are increasing as students take responsibility for getting the best out of their 1TP5 year.
One of my highlights this week has been handing out the Yearbook 23-24 to last year's students. It weighs over 3kg and has 840 pages, and when you flip through it you get dizzy with all the things that a 1TP5 Year at Ranum contains. It was great to see last year's students and feel their joy of reunion. Many couldn't wait to read the Yearbook until they got home, and gathered on the street as if they wouldn't let go of each other again. Next weekend, the Yearbook will be handed out in Copenhagen, Odense and Fredericia.
I would like to encourage as many parents, siblings and grandparents etc. to participate in the Vilsted Sø Løbet and Family Day on Saturday 14 September.
This weekend is water sports weekend and, true to tradition, many people are keen to try their hand at the wet element, thankfully.
Have a great weekend!

Vilsted Sø Løb - register for the day.

There is great interest in participating in the Family Day and the Vilsted Sø Løb event. Parents and siblings must use two registrations.
One for the family day, so we know how many people are coming for the day and activities.
The registration deadline for participation in the day is 23.59 on 05/09/2024. After the registration deadline, we will send confirmation and ask registrants to select activities for the afternoon programme.
We send it to the race organisers who then make sure there are start numbers ready on the Friday before the race, which the student can pick up at school for their family.
REMEMBER that participation in the big event is free for students and their families, parents, siblings, grandparents etc.
Enrolment via school plan - See under Surveys -> Questionnaire.
It happens
Vilsted Sø Race for all on 14 Sep
In collaboration with the Lions Club, we are organising the Vilsted Sø Løb and combining it with an activity day for all students and families. We hope that many families will come to Ranum to take part and experience the efterskole atmosphere and community for a day.
Enrolment via school plan - See under Surveys -> Questionnaire.
Efterskolernes day on 29 Sep 10-17.
Efterskolernes day on 29 Sep 10-17.

We're holding an open house on 29 September from 10-17. Come and learn more about Ranum Efterskole, get a guided tour, taste the delicacies of our world cuisine and enjoy entertainment in the square.
Program for the Open School Day
10-11 a.m. International breakfast buffet in the canteen.
10 am - 5 pm Students show around and opportunity to talk to a teacher in the Café about enrolment and finances
10.30, 12.30, 14.00 & 15.30 Presentation about the efterskole life at Ranum by the principal in the main hall.
11 am - 5 pm World Cuisine serves refreshments in the dining room and on the plaza.
11, 13, 14, 15 & 16 am Presentation on the international Cambridge programme in Guldhorn Hall
10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 13.15, 14.15 & 15.15 The music team entertains on the square
10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14,15 & 15.30 Dance show on the square
10.45, 11.45, 12.45, 13.45, 14.45 & 15.45 Presentation on Coral Restoration in the Coral Lab
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