27 Sep Skills, Activities and Adventures
Dear reader,
Another week has passed, with plenty of activities both in and out of school. Adventure and adventure as part of the students' education is at the forefront, and engaged students only add to the experience. Lectures and excursions add variety, and project work really puts students' problem-solving skills to the test.
We're looking forward to a great weekend presenting the school at efterskolernes Day on 29 Sep, 10am - 5pm!
Happy reading & weekend.
First Lego League
Students in science are preparing for an internal competition in the "First Lego League" field, where they will programme and build their own Lego robots. The whole class programme has the theme "Under Water"
The winners of the internal competition are sent on to the First Lego League to compete against other schools.

New 24/25 Ranum Magazine out now!
See the entire 24/25 magazine online now, here for information on Efterskolernes Day:
Efterskolernes Dag 2024 (ranumefterskole.dk)

Skills sailing
Skills sailors sailed from Hou to Fænø on Tuesday, with night sailing through the Little Belt and under the bridges in total calm, ideal for learning navigation lights. The following morning, the students woke up at an anchorage, had a hearty breakfast, after a fresh swim around the boat. The days have been full of navigation, knots and sailing.

A visit to Timothy Jacob Jensen Studios
On Thursday, the profile subject Media went on a field trip to Timothy Jacob Jensen Studios to learn about product design, their process and how they work creatively.
Students also had the opportunity to ask questions during the presentation and challenged their views on how to design.

Adventure in Uhrehøje Forest

Headmaster's column
Dear reader,
The students came back refreshed from the long weekend and the week started with lots of activity. On Wednesday, all students had a lecture on "consent" or acceptance in sex and relationships. It's a very important theme, which creates really good considerations in relation to equality and acceptance between young people. The students welcomed Magnus and Marie, who have a lot of experience in removing shyness and opening the dialogue.
In the profile subjects, students have been preparing for the Efterskolernes Day Open House and most teams are ready for their profile subject journeys in just one week.
At weekends, there are a lot of students at the school, who can take time off, participate in excursions to places such as Aalborg or out in nature. We also host a dance camp with more than 60 dancers, and our own dance-loving students can also participate. Sunday is Efterskolernes Day and we look forward to showing off the school to the many families and young people who stop by on Sunday. We encourage visitors to spread out over the day so that not everyone arrives all at once at 10am. We are open until 17:00, but to get a good impression, it is important that you set aside at least 2 hours for the visit and therefore arrive before 15:00. Everyone is welcome and registration is not necessary.

Olav Storm, Principal
It happens:
Efterskolernes day on 29 Sep, 10-17

We're holding an open house on 29 September from 10-17. Come and learn more about Ranum Efterskole, get a guided tour, taste the delicacies of our world cuisine and enjoy entertainment in the square.
Program for the Open School Day
10-11 a.m. International breakfast buffet in the canteen.
10 am - 5 pm Students show around and opportunity to talk to a teacher in the Café about enrolment and finances
10.30, 12.30, 14.00 & 15.30 Presentation about the efterskole life at Ranum by the principal in the main hall.
11 am - 5 pm World Cuisine serves refreshments in the dining room and on the plaza.
11, 13, 14, 15 & 16 am Presentation on the international Cambridge programme in Guldhorn Hall
10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 13.15, 14.15 & 15.15 The music team entertains on the square
10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14,15 & 15.30 Dance show on the square
10.45, 11.45, 12.45, 13.45, 14.45 & 15.45 Presentation on Coral Restoration in the Coral Lab
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