04 Oct Students and staff now embark on 19 different profile subject journeys
Dear reader,
Efterskolernes Day was a success and many families visited Ranum on Sunday. We are still overwhelmed by the great energy and positive atmosphere that the students and guests created throughout the day.
The waiting list for the coming school year 2025-26 has now been created, but there is still hope for a place if you are quick to sign up for the waiting list, as we are also learning that more people are switching to secondary education or postponing their school year from 9 to 10 years. There are still places available for 2026-27, but enrolment has also gone really fast here.
Professional travelling to 19 destinations.
In the coming week, students and staff will be travelling on the first Profile subject trips.
You can follow the teams on their FB pages and in the Newsletter next Friday.
At a glance:
You can also simply follow our Facebook main pagewhich collects the best stories.
Cosy Halloween clip in Ranumhus.
What is Halloween without decorations? Exactly, which is why Ranumhus was cosy on Monday with scissors, glue sticks, cardboard and markers.

Strong focus on safety when travelling.
Unfortunately, we realise that there are more and more serious conflicts going on in the world. History shows that terrorism and accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, but we generally follow the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' travel guidelines and work with locals who better understand the local risk conditions. We sincerely hope that everyone feels safe and secure travelling and returns home safely.
Headmaster's column
Dear reader,
1000s of geese fly over Ranum from Vilsted Lake in huge flocks, flying in a V-formation and squawking high in the sky. Without comparison, there are also lots of butterflies in our bodies and great expectations from all of us for the upcoming profile subject trips. The students have been preparing over the last two months to set sail in Croatia, dive in the Mediterranean and Red Sea, climb and hike in Norway, play music in Liverpool and cook from the sea and the island's own treasury on Læsø, as well as go on a photo safari in Scotland and play football and cheerleading in Milan. We travel far and wide, but on the profile subject trips, the courage to explore the community and the world together grows. When the students return home, it's autumn break and we hope they'll be re-energised and ready for the next chapter of the efterskoleår and the two winter trips just after the Christmas holidays.
Best regards and happy travelling to all!
Olav Storm Johannsen

Olav Storm, Principal
It happens:
22.10 Theme afternoon on the US election with Michael Bach Henriksen, culture editor.
23.10 Concert: Life of a Busker
25.10 Student party - theme: Halloween
28.10 Theme day: World-class cultural understanding
31.10 Halloween - evening
2.-3.11 Dance weekend
9-10.11 Christmas fun and grandparents day
14.11 Online conversations for 9th graders
18.11 Theme day: War and conflicts
22.-23.11 Sibling weekend
30.11 Imagination and family day
06.12 Student party
19.12 Christmas Ball
20.12 Christmas holidays begin
04.1.25 Christmas holidays end
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