US election, concert and 10th grade game

Dear reader,

The profile course trips are over, the autumn holidays are over, and the students are now back to everyday life at Ranum Efterskole College.

With a lot of good experiences and lessons learnt, there has been a special energy at the school this week. The students have become even closer in their individual classes, and with the final completion of the profile subjects, the students are now ready to embark on a new programme with a choice of cultural subjects.

Lecture on the US election

On Tuesday, lectures on the American election were held for the students, in both Danish and English.

The lecture went behind the US election: What is the historical background for the US being so divided between the two presidential candidates? What does the election mean for the US and Denmark in the future?

Michael Bach Henriksen, MA. in literary history and American studies, and cultural editor at Kristelig Dagblad, drew a historical thread from the transformation of the United States from immigrant farmland to a modern urban society, and made direct parallels to developments in Europe. The lecture was followed the next day by a webinar for 10th graders entitled The 2024 Presidential Election as Crossroads  v/Anne Mørk, PhD in American Studies focusing on American political culture.

Concert: Life of a Busker

On Wednesday evening, Life of a Busker played a concert for the students in the main hall.

"While travelling the world and performing on countless squares and street corners, we always had a dream of releasing our own well-produced music that would reflect our thoughts, feelings and outlook on life." - Life of a Busker

With over 13,000 kilometres travelled in the US, various adventures across Europe, and the World Street Music Championships in South Korea, the band has experienced something out of the ordinary and come close to different cultures around the world.

They draw on the experiences they've had during their travels and touch on sensitive themes.

"Our music is intimate and personal pop that touches on themes of love, loneliness, mental health challenges and the feeling of not belonging, while drawing inspiration from the experiences we've had and relationships we've built with people around the world." - Life of a Busker

Adventure and Sailing rounds off P1 together

A lovely trip on the water in the Danish autumn weather.

Donut Factory

A lot of creative donuts were made this evening!

Headmaster's column

Dear reader,

Ranum has been very quiet during the travel week and autumn holidays, and we, Brugsen and La Mancha Pizzaria have been looking forward to the town being filled with youth life again on Sunday.

There are a lot of experiences to share after the many profile subject trips and it's almost magical how much the travel stories mean for the conversation among the students. This week, the profile subject travellers have gathered and produced entries for the Yearbook, the big photo, video, and article competition, and not least completed the projects that have been on the trips.

Sailing is in full swing with the practical exercises for the Practical Diving Licence and the divers have had their equipment checked and handed in. The US election is fast approaching and on Tuesday we had an informative lecture on the historical background to the tensions in the US and the election.

Best regards and have a nice weekend 
Olav Storm Johannsen

Olav Storm, Principal

It happens:

In the coming weeks, we'll be running several programmes in class about the US election, and on election day and night, students will have the opportunity to "be there" late into the night.

This week we have kick-started TEBO (Thematic Vocational Bridge Building and Compulsory Assignment). TEBO runs over several days at the school and 2+3 days at different youth education programmes and company visits. The purpose of TEBO is to make bridge building more relevant to students and give them insight into the many different industries or "worlds" where you can find an exciting education and a job. TEBO is therefore not just about meeting a vocational school and an upper secondary school, but instead it is about inspiring students to dare to explore different educational paths. We will follow the project in the newsletter during the month of November.

New 10th grade initiative
On 8 October, the government published a proposal for an education reform from 2030. The proposal means that virtually all young people will have access to one of three upper secondary school programmes. In order to ensure a sufficient student base for the new vocational and professional upper secondary education programme (EPX), the municipal 10th grade offerings will be closed, but 10th grade at efterskoler will be allowed or "exempted". At the same time, the government is increasing funding so that more "vulnerable" young people can get a scholarship to attend efterskole. Overall, we must commend the government for embarking on a much-needed renewal of secondary education. At the same time, we urge everyone with political interest and influence to ensure that the efterskole year in 10th grade is not detached from the young people's education programme, but is seen as a valuable educational experience that also "counts" towards their chances of being admitted to one of the three upper secondary schools.

It's getting really dark in the evenings now, and lights have been installed on all the paths around the school. But in the local area the roads are dark and we strongly encourage all students to at least wear reflectors on their coats and have both front and rear lights on their bikes.

First student party

This weekend, the students and the voluntary parent council are organising the first big student party. The party is held outside the school, but we support the students in getting a great start to partying together in the community. The party is organised in a very safe environment and by a brave group of parent volunteers - I share a huge thank you from us and the students!

Have a great weekend!

25.10 Student party - theme: Halloween
28.10 Theme day: World-class cultural understanding
31.10 Halloween - evening
2.-3.11 Dance weekend
9-10.11 Christmas fun and grandparents day
14.11 Online conversations for 9th graders
18.11 Theme day: War and conflicts
22.-23.11 Sibling weekend
30.11 Imagination and family day
06.12 Student party
19.12 Christmas Ball
20.12 Christmas holidays begin
04.1.25 Christmas holidays end

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Ranum Efterskole College
