08 Nov Presidential elections, cultural elections, TEBO and LEGO
Dear reader,
A historic week in the eyes of America and perhaps the world. We have followed the US presidential election, both leading up to and an all-nighter on election day. We've also held our own student/staff vote - Harris or Trump. But now it's not just about the US. We've spent much of the week on TEBO and Bridge Building. You can read more about what it stands for and what it contains. Have a great weekend!
First Lego League competition in Billund.
Today we participated in the First Lego League competition in Billund.
The 9th grade students had an internal competition and then the 3rd team represented REC together with the Innovation team. This resulted in a "Core Value" award and the "FLL Champion award - runner up", which means that the students have moved on to the competition in Odense on 7. 7th December
Congratulations to REC 3 (19)!

The US presidential election
The US presidential election has been in the news this week, and the election was also highlighted at school with various events for students.
Elections were also held at the school among the students, where 450 students voted. Kamala Harris won with 73% of the votes, while the real result had to wait until Wednesday.

Students also had the opportunity to follow the election during the night, with a sleepover in the ballroom for those interested. The hall was decorated with flags, the floor was filled with mattresses, American snacks and the election campaign was on the big screen all night.

On Wednesday and Thursday, students have participated in TEBO. TEBO is a bridge-building project in collaboration with UU-Center Vesthimmerland and a number of youth education programmes. The students have chosen between different worlds or industries in their bridge building, where the different youth education programmes work together to give the student a realistic experience of the path to a specific industry.

Christmas is slowly approaching at Ranum Efterskole College, and the school's tallest Christmas tree has been put up again. It's a long process to get the tree to the top, but with a little cunning and ingenuity, caretaker Niels got it back in place this year.

PVAY competition
After each trip at Ranum Efterskole College, a PVAY (Photo, Video, Article, and Yearbook) competition is organised where students have the opportunity to win different prizes within each category, and the "Best of Best" wins a GoPro HERO Black.
The submissions will be judged, the winners will be selected and revealed to the whole school at the assembly. See the different entries below:
Photo Competition x 72 images (25 photographers): https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBPXZ9
Video Competition x 7 videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist…
Article Competion x 1 article
Yearbook Competition: x 7 Yearbook spreads

Final choice of cultural subjects
Friday was the final phase of the students' selection process for cultural subjects. Here, the students were presented with the final selection of cultural subjects at a meeting in the Ceremonial Hall, after which they had to choose three to hear presentations on, and finally vote again for their 1st, 2nd and 3rd priority.
On Monday, students have to fill out an application for their desired cultural subject. The application explains why they want to choose the subject and their motivation for it.
Read more about the cultural subjects here.

We're looking forward to seeing the grandparents for a cosy afternoon at Ranum Efterskole College. There will be many of us in the house, so we've put together a programme that gives you time to enjoy the cakes you've brought, be shown around by your grandchild, sing together and listen to a presentation about the school's history and values in the main hall.

Headmaster's column
Dear reader,
We have lit candles in the dark! In front of the main building there are a number of beautiful Christmas trees with lights and on the highest roof of the Seminary House, the large Christmas tree, true to tradition, shines out over all of Ranum and Himmerland.
The week has been characterised by the big choices, first the presentation of the upcoming Culture subjects and then the final choice before it is sent home to parents and students to confirm the choice together.
Well, there was also an election in the US and the school "played" along. Teachers and students organised a big mock election with real election officials, vote counters and a real ballot box. The election turned out somewhat differently than in the US, but there was also a wave of "men/boys" who played with Trump, which gives food for thought. The outcome of the election and what it means for us, Denmark, Europe and the world will continue to be a topical theme for the rest of the school year.
The students in year 10 have all been on the first two days of the TEBO programme, Thematic Vocational Bridge Building and OSO. They have chosen different worlds and visited different schools that can lead to education and jobs in these worlds. TEBO is also about one of life's big choices: what can I become and what do I want to be? Most students have taken the days with curiosity and enthusiasm, but some students are still confused by the fact that they have to decide on education choices and the future now. This is completely understandable, but as we all know, practice makes perfect.
This coming weekend we have a Christmas theme at school with Christmas decorations on a grand scale. A teacher suggested 4 weeks ago that we could invite the grandparents on Sunday so they could experience their grandchild's efterskole and see the Christmas decorations. Typical of us, we jumped on board and now we have over 600 grandparents signed up and over 350 students attending. We have shared a programme that distributes students and grandparents between the houses, so we spread out a bit. We've also encouraged grandparents to bring a cake, so hopefully it will be a really cosy afternoon with a huge cake table. The programme ends with dinner together, where we'll celebrate Morten's Eve with duck, gravy and potatoes!
Best regards and have a nice weekend
Olav Storm Johannsen

Olav Storm, Principal
It happens:
In the coming week we have the amazing opportunity to experience Nordkraft Big Band. Nordkraft Big Band - The Big Band of Northern Denmark
Wednesday night. The 19-piece big band is wildly talented and guaranteed to blow your ears clean!
Thursday is the long weekend, which means that most students go home. It's also a great opportunity to gather Christmas decorations and cosy decorations for the room, so that the cosiness reaches every corner of the school.
We wish everyone a great weekend!
9-10.11 Christmas fun and grandparents day
14.11 Online conversations for 9th graders
18.11 Theme day: War and conflicts
22.-23.11 Sibling weekend
30.11 Imagination and family day
06.12 Student party
19.12 Christmas Ball
20.12 Christmas holidays begin
04.1.25 Christmas holidays end
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