It's a short week here at Ranum. We are facing an extended weekend. Still, a lot has happened. Today it's almost three months since we started the school year, and we're celebrating with a flashback or in Danish, a reunion. The reunion was shown at the assembly this Thursday afternoon before the students went home. Based on the many positive comments, we can safely recommend the video. We've also had a concert with a Big Band from Nordkraft. And since then, the school has also been decorated for Christmas. Have a great weekend!
Premiere: Video from the first week.
Come with us back to when we started in August. There were many emotions at play. Like at the end when the students said goodbye to their parents. And the feeling of seeing your room for the first time. And the feeling of being in a completely new place with a lot of new people. The first group games and dinner. Seeing it all. We think it's pretty amazing ourselves, but judge for yourself.
Watch the video here on youtube.
Concert: Nordkraft Big Band
Nordkraft Big Band emerged in Aalborg in 2010 and is rooted in the European and American big band tradition, but also explores the diversity of the format. The jazz genre may not be something the students hear much of. It may be that after a concert like this, some students will open their eyes to this exciting and very broad genre. Jazz. One of our students put the experience into words.
“It's the first time I've heard a big band live. It was definitely a good experience. I sat with my eyes closed most of the time and just enjoyed the music. The way you could not only hear the music, but also feel it was super cool." Emma B. Dam-Jensen
“On Wednesday evening, Nordkraft Big Band played a 45 min concert here at Ranum Efterskole College. As a student, it was a slightly different style of music than what we are used to, but I personally thought that they; both played really well, but also were good at explaining the meanings behind the melodies and the songs they played. There were QR codes on 2 of their 4 screens with more info about the songs, which the students took advantage of. So even though most people wouldn't go to a Big Band concert voluntarily, the students seemed to enjoy it once they opened their ears to the amazing music being played." Isabella N. Urban
Photo: Isabella N. Urban
The school is decorated for Christmas
Before Grandparents' Day on Sunday, students and staff had decorated most of the school for Christmas. And we can safely say that this time they have outdone themselves. It's really turned out well. We hope it helps us to have a great start to December with a lot of Christmas cheer.
Grandparents Day was a great success
The Grandparents Day at Ranum was a great success with 600+ visitors. The grandparents and a few great-grandparents were shown around by their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, participated in a community assembly with singing and presentations about Ranum's history, values and activities. The day ended with a celebration of Morten's Eve with roast duck. The big hit of the day was without a doubt the huge coffee and cake table brought by the grandparents, and we have never seen so much cake at Ranum before.
The premiere of Grandparents' Day at Ranum was a great success with 600+ visitors. The grandparents and a few great-grandparents were shown around by their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, participated in a community assembly with singing and presentations about Ranum's history, values and activities. The day ended with a celebration of Morten's Eve with roast duck. The big hit of the day was without a doubt the huge coffee and cake table brought by the grandparents, and we have never seen so much cake at Ranum before. We have to recognise that a special day for grandparents can be something very special, because in addition to the school glowing with Christmas decorations and lights everywhere, the students also lit up. They were dressed in their best clothes, were the best ambassadors for their efterskole and it was obvious that they had a great time with their "bester". We'll do it again!
In efterskolelivet, students should be exposed to unexpected cultural experiences to broaden their horizons and train their "taste buds". This happened when we were unexpectedly offered a concert with Nordkraft's Big Band on Wednesday evening. The 16-piece Big Band moved into the ballroom and gave the students an avant-garde concert experience, where the composer and the band interpreted "A checked shirt", "A blue bicycle", "a pair of sports shoes" and "a shower head"... Three dots for many students would change their expectations and musical experience, which was also the purpose of the concert. The more than 500 young people did not give up, but embraced the experience with applause for the musicians.
This weekend is a long weekend and most students are heading home. This is also the weekend to discuss the final choice of Cultural Studies and the Cultural Studies trip, as the student's choice will be confirmed over the next week. This is a big decision for most students and parents, and we put a lot of emphasis on making students aware of how they make their choice and clarify the motivation behind their choice. The students have written about this in an "application" for their Culture subjects, which also sets a direction for the teachers in shaping the Culture subjects. Parents and students will have the opportunity to participate in an online 'Q&A' session on Sunday at 11am, and we hope that there will be some good conversations at home about courage, priorities and interests.
We wish everyone a very good weekend
Olav Storm supervisor
Olav Storm, Principal
It happens:
REMEMBER! The deadline to register for the sibling weekend is tomorrow Friday at 5pm. You can find the registration on the school plan under questionnaires.
Calendar 18.11 Theme day: War and conflicts 22.-23.11 Sibling weekend 30.11 Imagination and family day 06.12 Student party 19.12 Christmas Ball 20.12 Christmas holidays begin 04.1.25 Christmas holidays end