20 Feb Term tests, Crumble Cookies, Flashback to 1907, Mass and Hypnosis
Dear reader,
The students have been deeply concentrated on their final exams, but fortunately there has also been time for socialising and fun experiences. We have decorated crumble cookies, experienced hypnosis up close and prepared for the efterskole fairs. We've also found old photos that give a unique insight into the school's history. It reminds us of how Ranum has evolved over the years. This weekend you can also meet us at various fairs around the country, where we look forward to telling you about what Ranum has to offer.
Read more about it all in this week's newsletter!
Have a great weekend!
Creative fun with Crumble Cookies
On Monday, the kitchen was transformed into a creative bakery as students decorated their own Crumble Cookies.
With a large selection of toppings, icings and crunchy crispy cookies, there was plenty of opportunity to let your imagination run wild. The atmosphere was cosy and the result? Delicious cookies and creativity!

Final exams
This week the students have been deeply focused as final exams have filled the timetable. There has been a special atmosphere of concentration and seriousness in the hall as the students have worked hard to show what they have learnt. Both 9th and 10th grade students have been sitting exams in Danish, English and maths.
Our IGCSE students have also been busy with exam preparation and tests in subjects such as IGCSE English, Maths and IGCSE electives. Cambridge IGCSE is an internationally recognised qualification that gives students a strong academic foundation and prepares them for higher education - both in Denmark and around the world.
The final exams are an important milestone and we are proud of the students' efforts! We hope they can now breathe a little easier and feel satisfied with their achievements. Well done!

A look back to 1907 - Technical department at Ranum Seminarium
Let's turn back the clock to 1907. Ranum Efterskole has a very special picture from 1907 that gives us a glimpse of everyday life at the then Ranum Seminary.
The picture shows a group of craftsmen and technicians working in the technical department. Back then, the school was a teacher training college. Much has changed since then, but the passion for learning is still the same.
It's fun to think about how for more than 100 years the school has been filled with people who have learnt, created and developed - just as students do today. Maybe there's someone out there with a special connection to the school's history?
We are all part of Ranum's story - those who were here before us, those who are here now and those who will come in the future.

Meet us at trade shows this weekend - and learn more about Ranum Efterskole College
Are you curious about efterskole life, our exciting programmes or the many opportunities we offer? Then you have the chance to meet us this weekend at a number of fairs and events where we look forward to telling you more about life at Ranum. We will be participating in the Efterskolemessen Fyn in Odense Congress Center on 22 and 23 February, where you can meet our dedicated team and gain insight into what makes Ranum special.
You can also find us at Vejle Aquarium Fair in Bredsten Hallerne on 22 and 23 February, where we look forward to meeting future students and their families. In Fredericia, we'll be at Maritime Days 2025 in Messe C from 21 to 23 February and again from 28 February to 2 March. Here you can learn more about our maritime programme and the many adventures our students experience at sea.
For those living south of the border, we're also participating in the Efterskole fair in South Schleswig at AP Møller-Skolen in Schleswig on 22 February. Whichever fair you visit, you are more than welcome to drop by, ask questions and get a feel for what a efterskole year at Ranum can offer. We look forward to meeting you!

Hypnosis - Does it work or is it a scam?
On Monday evening, we had an experience out of the ordinary when hypnotist Lasse Kvist visited Ranum. From the moment he stepped on stage, the students were captured by his energy and fascination with hypnosis.
Several brave students volunteered to be hypnotised - and soon they were in a state where they performed the most incredible and amusing acts. Some suddenly couldn't remember their own name, while others became convinced they were stuck in their chair or the best dancer in the world. The best part of it all? We've got it on video! If you weren't there, you can look forward to seeing the students in action - and if you were there, you'll know exactly what a wild experience it was.
Thanks to Lasse Kvist for giving us a night we'll never forget!

Headmaster's column
Dear reader,
The end-of-term tests are over and fortunately the vast majority of students have understood the "seriousness" of the exercise in terms of being tested on their own abilities, skills and understanding. It's a great experience regardless of age to reach the finish line and prove that you can do it. There are always some students who play the "I don't need to, I have my 9th grade test" card, but they feel flat when the final grades are handed out. It is one of life's basic conditions and an important element of social education for life that you can also "pass" a test. Few people can escape this fact.
The week started magically with a fantastic hypnosis show with Lasse Kvist. Lasse held all the students captive for 1½ hours and showed that the mind and body can be modulated by words. It was an amazing experience that the students will never forget, especially the brave students who went on stage in front of their peers.
This week in the assembly we have also talked about serious topics on the political world stage and we have talked about our own behaviour at school. Unfortunately, we have experienced that a few students in particular have not understood the school's most important rule "that everyone has a duty to contribute to a good 1TP5Year - for everyone, both colleagues and friends". They are increasingly challenging the authority of some staff members and taking up too much space around other students. We have pointed this out to individual students on a regular basis, but for the rest of the school year we will take tougher action against lack of respect, recognition and kindness. This is the core value in our efterskole and in life, but unfortunately for some it has to be learnt the hard way, and we hope that parents are also on board.
This weekend we'll be at trade fairs in Fredericia Maritime Dage and at Efterskolemesse in Odense and in Schleswig, as well as at the Aquarium Fair in Vejle. We love to talk about our school project and if you want to share the story or drop by, we offer chocolate and a good experience.
Have a great weekend!
Olav Storm
It happens:
27.02.25 2. Vaccination
28.02.25 Student party
08.03.25 Music weekend
15.03.25 Cultural trip
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