Year 9 at Ranum is a fantastic opportunity to get new energy, new challenges and experience the world. The teaching is divided into levels, giving you a unique opportunity to get a good final exam.
Choose your own programme You can choose your own 9th grade programme and how international it should be. We offer Cambridge IGCSE (IG) English Second Language to all Year 9 students. All students in Year 9 must complete a project assignment. Regardless of which course you choose, the teaching is divided into levels and targeted at both vocational and upper secondary education programmes such as STX, HHX, HTX and EUX.
More than academic hours We integrate academic subjects into the school's many general education subjects. Among other things, we focus on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals and incorporate experiences from travelling into the academic subjects. We use the whole world as a classroom.
9X The classic 9th grade programme includes all compulsory subjects and concludes with the FP9 exam. There are 30 lessons per week in academic subjects and 6 lessons per week in electives and profile subjects.
9IG FLEX The Flex programme combines the classic and international Cambridge IGCSE syllabus, so that students receive an IG English Second Language, IGCSE German/French and a general 9th grade exam.
9IG In the Cambridge IGCSE programme, both the Danish and IG curriculum are taught. IG students finish with both FP9 and international IGCSE exams.
In addition, all students can choose three activity subjects, two profile subjects & one cultural subject during the year.
Go back to the overview of teaching subject.
Objectives for the subject Danish
In Danish, pupils will develop their experience and understanding of literature and other aesthetic texts, academic texts, language and communication as sources for the development of personal and cultural identity. The subject should promote pupils' capacity for empathy and their aesthetic, ethical and historical understanding.
Paragraph 2. In Danish, pupils should strengthen their command of the language and promote their desire to use the language personally and in a variety of ways in interaction with others. Pupils should develop an open and analytical attitude to the forms of expression of contemporary and other periods and cultures. In Danish, pupils should develop their joy of expression and reading and qualify their empathy and insight into literature and other aesthetic texts, academic texts, language and communication.
Skills and knowledge objectives
For an exhaustive description of the subject's skills and knowledge objectives, see the Ministry of Education's website.
This year
Learning and conceptual content are based on differentiated teaching, taking into account
to the competences of the pupils, thereby promoting the abilities and potential of each pupil to the maximum. Danish language teaching is divided into 3 levels, so that there are appropriate challenges for all students.
The main emphasis of the teaching is on the interaction between analytical approach, assessment and choice of
options for action - individually and collectively. In the daily learning processes we take as a starting point
education and democracy, by students engaging critically and constructively with the subject matter and especially with each other. Broader and more complex contexts are explored in relation to sound, texts, and other forms of expression.
Subject matter
During the school year, we will introduce students to a wide range of older and newer prose, poetry and story texts. In 9th grade we will work with 3 major works; 2 Danish novels and a Danish feature film. In 10th grade, students will work with 2 major works; 1 Danish novel and 1 Danish feature film. In addition, we will work with other multimodal forms of expression, e.g. short films, documentaries, podcasts, etc.
We are working on an educational trip to Aarhus in December 2021 with a focus on cultural history, where we will visit the Old Town, AROS and the Museum of Gender. We are also working on a lecture with a Danish performer.
Interdisciplinary topics
At the beginning of the year, we will teach the same texts and films in all 9th and 10th grades, so that we can find the right level for each student. We will start by working on the theme "Making a choice". The aim of this theme is to focus students' critical and ethical thinking on the actions behind making a choice, thereby helping to develop students' democratic formation.
After leveling, each Danish teacher, together with the students, will organize the teaching to reflect the level and composition of the class. The organisation of lessons will focus on life education, public enlightenment and democratic education.
We aim for students to experience and understand themselves as part of a multicultural society by, among other things, challenging them to see themselves in relation to the global world.
After Christmas, students will go on a cultural trip. In the run-up to the trip, we will be working with the genre of reportage. All students will present their journey in a travelogue focusing on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and life education.
Throughout the year, we will work with many different topics and genres, such as Romanticism, short films, reality, literary history, reportage, a writer's oeuvre, Danishness, making a choice, etc.
Working with a variety of topics and genres, students gain insight into how to understand the world through texts and extend that understanding through different perspectives.
In the lessons we will work with several different approaches to topics and genres, e.g. group work, presentations, debate, preparation of own productions etc.
In the interaction between teaching approaches and subjects/genres, we aim to encourage pupils in the Danish subject to form democratically, and that pupils gain an understanding and insight into popular enlightenment and the enlightenment of life.
At the end of April, we will have a professional review of the year and focus on the upcoming exams.
End of the year
At the end of the period, the students will start writing synopses and here the actual teaching of Danish is therefore replaced by guidance.
Sample form
Written and oral exams are given in Danish in 9th grade.
The preparation takes place during the last part of the class. The pupil draws an immersion area, which is made on the basis of the given texts, which have been worked on during the school year. The pupil then chooses, in consultation with the teacher, his or her test paper. For the preparation, 10 tutoring hours per class will be scheduled.
Written and oral exams are given in Danish in 10th grade.
The student draws an area of immersion, which is made on the basis of the given texts. The pupil then chooses, in consultation with the teacher, his or her test paper. For the preparation there are 10 hours of guidance per class, which will be scheduled.
There are 5 handovers during the school year 21/22.
Purpose of the subject English
As regards the subject-specific objectives, we refer to the Ministry of Education's skills and knowledge objectives for the subject. In addition, we work to create public awareness in a globalised society, which should help students to look at themselves and their own culture, and help to form students for a democratic society with co-responsibility and a stance. We will do this, among other things, through life education, where students will be introduced to different group formations and ways of working together that can create space to fail and learn from each other.
For both 9th and 10th grades, students are leveled into high, medium, and low. The teaching methods will alternate between communicative exercises, group work and individual tasks. There will be an equal weighting between oral and written exercises/tasks.
In planning the lessons, we have chosen 4 overarching themes that all classes will work on during the year. In addition, classes will work on at least 2 of the UN SDGs, which can be chosen in collaboration with the students. It is up to the individual if they wish to include more SDGs.
1. Youth and identity
2. Life on the edge
3. Global issues
4. Discrimination
Sample form
We follow the Ministry of Education's school leaving examination for primary school in 9th and 10th grade respectively.
For the work on reading and language and language use, Clioonline.dk is used as the primary source and Grammatip.com as a supplement. Alternatives may also be used.
At least 5 papers must be handed in during the school year of which the final exam counts as 1 and 1 can be handed in orally.
Suggestions: 2 before the first of November, 1 after Christmas, term test, 1 before written tests, and the oral exam can be placed wherever it suits.
The framework:Both 9th and 10th grade have 4 lessons of 45 min. per week.
In mathematics, pupils should develop mathematical competences and acquire skills and knowledge so that they can deal appropriately with mathematics-related situations in their current and future daily, leisure, educational, working and social lives.
Pupils' learning should be based on the experience, independently and through dialogue and collaboration with others, that mathematics requires and promotes creative activity, and that mathematics provides tools for problem solving, reasoning and communication.
The teaching of mathematics is divided into three levels. One for those who have experienced difficulties with mathematics, one for those who are ok with mathematics and one for those who have an easy time with mathematics. There may be different areas of focus within the different levels, but all teams will work alongside the subject areas.
We work with the mathematical competences in each subject area. The work with the competences is clearly expressed in the work with oral mathematics and we will thus conclude each subject with an oral presentation.
During the school year, specific work is done on two of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG 3: Health and well-being
Interdisciplinary work with sport is done here. The programme is carried out in the autumn.
Statistics on jumps, second degree functions on speed, construction of race course, built around Olympics (countries - combinatorics), Cooper test, film a jump, Strength in relation to boys/girls (ratio), health profile (blood pressure), reaction time, alcohol compendium
Jess, Heidi - convenor
SDG 7: Sustainable Energy
This course is linked to one of our three trips. Possibly sustainability week.
Budget, CO2 accounting, Energy conversion (wind, solar), measuring your own energy consumption (what does it cost to charge a computer), conversion of units, green accounting for businesses, food waste, waste sorting, clothing consumption.
Sample form
A and B tests
- 6 lessons per week
- 1 joint delivery in week 37. Thereafter, each subject teacher decides individually on the number and scope of hand-ins
- An oral examination at the end of each mathematics discipline.
- 1 written exam in week 8
Maths kit in each class: rulers, calculator, formulae
Mobile phones are handed in from the start of class.
The purpose of German in the 9th and 10th grades is described as follows
Skills and knowledge objectives are worked on under the general competence areas, which are:
Oral communication:
The student can communicate in German orally in an understandable and coherent language
Written communication:
The student can communicate in German in writing in an understandable and coherent language
Culture and society:
The student can understand and apply cultural understanding
The aim of the course is also for students to acquire skills in understanding the spoken German language, in speaking the language, in perceiving the content of a German text and in using the language in writing. The teaching is intended to increase the pupils' ability to find out about social and cultural conditions in German-speaking countries. The teaching should help pupils to develop communicative skills, the desire to use the language and an interest in learning more. Furthermore, pupils should be made aware of the differences and similarities between German-speaking culture and their own culture.
German lessons are level-graded, so that there are appropriate challenges for all students. The aim of leveled teaching is to create a safe learning environment where the desire and courage to work with the language is given ample opportunity to develop.
Text reading including reading strategies, writing and writing strategies, listening, pronunciation, language observation, grammar exercises, use of dictionary, audio and visual media and digital media. Listening exercises will aim to sharpen students' perception of sound, intonation, pressure and rhythm in the German language
Students need to be trained to ask and answer questions and to use language in common everyday questions. In addition, students will need to be able to express themselves in writing in a clear and coherent way, and this will be practised through process-oriented writing and written tasks of different types and lengths.
In addition, there will be a focus on integrating some of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals into the curriculum.
Test form 9th grade
Written and oral exams in German can be taken in 9th grade.
The written test consists of a digital self-directed test in listening, reading, language and language use and a written presentation.
The oral test consists of a decentralised task to assess oral competences.
1. Presentation of topic of your choice (approximately five minutes)
2. Conversation based on an overall theme from the texts (approximately eight minutes)
Written and oral exams are held in German in Year 10.
The written test includes a digital self-administered test in language and language use. In addition, the test includes a written presentation
The oral test consists of a decentralised task to assess oral competences
1. Presentation of the students' self-selected topic within a chosen theme (approximately seven minutes)
2. Discussion on the theme drawn from the students' presentation (approximately seven minutes)
In both 9th grade, the student, in consultation with the teacher, chooses his/her topic for the disposition. For the preparation, 8-10 lessons per class are scheduled.
In both 9th and 10th grade there are 4 weekly lessons.
There will be 5 written assignments during the school year, including the final exam.
Purpose of the course
In science, pupils develop competences in science and gain insight into how science contributes to our understanding of the world. Teaching will be based on varied forms of work. Learning will be based to a large extent on pupils' own observations and investigations. The aim of the teaching is that the pupils should gain an awareness of science as being part of our culture and world view, and acquire a sense of responsibility towards nature, the environment and their own health.
The subject educates students in science issues and gives them the professional tools to participate in a democratic debate on the future use of nature and technological resources. There is a great general educational value in knowing the scientific background to the development of society.
The science curriculum is combined into one subject, covering biology, geography and physics/chemistry. This creates the best conditions for interdisciplinary work with the subjects. Science is taught 2 x 1.5 hours per week
Science is a compulsory examination subject, with an oral practical/theoretical test of 2 hours duration. The examination is a group examination. The examination is based on four common subject focus areas chosen in the curriculum, in which the UN World Goals are included. Students are involved in the selection of at least one of the focus areas. Each focus area is worked on for about four weeks and is completed in the following ways: report, video, practical and theoretical review of experiments, and oral dialogue. During the work on the focus areas, the focus will be on students working from the scientific working method, as well as being able to formulate hypotheses, evaluate results and present them.
In periods where no common subject focus areas are worked on, pupils work on the knowledge and skills objectives set out in the common objectives for science.
Biology, Geography and Physics/Chemistry may also be taken as a self-directed written test of 60 minutes duration, in which students are tested on the subjects' skills and knowledge objectives, as well as on the competences of Investigation, Modelling and Perspective.
The cultural journey is included as an active part of the teaching, particularly with a focus on geography and biology, where students work on self-selected world goals relevant to the country and subject they are travelling with.
Purpose of the course
In science, pupils develop competences in science and gain insight into how science contributes to our understanding of the world. Teaching will be based on varied forms of work. Learning will be based to a large extent on pupils' own observations and investigations. The aim of the teaching is that the pupils should gain an awareness of science as being part of our culture and world view, and acquire a sense of responsibility towards nature, the environment and their own health.
The subject educates students in science issues and gives them the professional tools to participate in a democratic debate on the future use of nature and technological resources. There is a great general educational value in knowing the scientific background to the development of society.
The science curriculum is combined into one subject, covering biology, geography and physics/chemistry. This creates the best conditions for interdisciplinary work with the subjects. Science is taught 2 x 1.5 hours per week
Science is a compulsory examination subject, with an oral practical/theoretical test of 2 hours duration. The examination is a group examination. The examination is based on four common subject focus areas chosen in the curriculum, in which the UN World Goals are included. Students are involved in the selection of at least one of the focus areas. Each focus area is worked on for about four weeks and is completed in the following ways: report, video, practical and theoretical review of experiments, and oral dialogue. During the work on the focus areas, the focus will be on students working from the scientific working method, as well as being able to formulate hypotheses, evaluate results and present them.
In periods where no common subject focus areas are worked on, pupils work on the knowledge and skills objectives set out in the common objectives for science.
Biology, Geography and Physics/Chemistry may also be taken as a self-directed written test of 60 minutes duration, in which students are tested on the subjects' skills and knowledge objectives, as well as on the competences of Investigation, Modelling and Perspective.
The cultural journey is included as an active part of the teaching, particularly with a focus on geography and biology, where students work on self-selected world goals relevant to the country and subject they are travelling with.
Physical Education
The aim of physical education is for pupils to acquire skills and knowledge for physical and general development through a variety of physical experiences, experiences and reflections.
Pupils should have the opportunity to experience the joy and desire to practise sport and develop the prerequisites for
understand the importance of lifelong physical activity in interaction with nature, culture and the society of which they are a part. The teaching is team-based, so that students can make suggestions for the content of the lessons. Through the lessons, students will gain insight and experience in terms of health, movement to music and body culture. The teaching should enable pupils to take responsibility for themselves and to form part of a committed community, both in the classroom and in their private dealings with each other at school. Fair play is a key word and the emphasis is on everyone being able to participate, regardless of level.
Through physical education, students will develop academic as well as organisational and practical skills, which will have the opportunity to come into play through the various activities, games and play.
The teaching will include different types of activities combining sport with the geography of the area, thus providing students with nature experiences through activities such as orienteering, cycling, etc. Furthermore, we will deal with batting, ball games, ultimate, old games and dance, which will give pupils opportunities to apply and assess technique and rules in these sports, among others.
Physical education is also an essential part of elective and club subjects. Specifically, these are interest-based and sports-oriented movement subjects with a focus on professional community around exercise of all kinds. Physical education is also an essential part of club life in the evenings at school. Pupils are offered a variety of sports such as dance, gymnastics, martial arts, badminton, basketball, indoor football, etc.
Profile subjects and PE integrated in period 1+3Profile subject and PE teachers can choose to work together to integrate PE into the profile subject curriculum. So that the sports side of the profile subject e.g. exercise, motor skills and strength training as a starting point for skills training in practical sailing, diving, adventure etc.
In the imagination-oriented profile subjects, it can make sense to focus on exercise and team sports, as practical strengthening of concentration and cooperation skills.
Social science
Teaching will be by year, interdisciplinary, class, group and self-study. We will try to inspire debate in the class/year based on the topic at hand. Furthermore, students will make presentations in small groups in order to work independently with the subject.
The aim of the teaching is to give students an understanding of themselves and others as part of a community that they both influence and are influenced by, and to understand this context in a religious, historical and social perspective.
All subjects will be based on the topics of the periods and will deal with the same topics from different angles in order to give students the greatest possible contextual understanding. At the same time, specific subject methods and theories will be included.
Through teaching, students should: Acquire the knowledge to understand the importance of the religious dimension for the individual's perception of life and his/her relationship with others. Through the encounter with the different forms of life questions and answers found in Christianity as well as in other religions and ways of life, the teaching should provide pupils with a basis for personal attitude and co-responsibility in a democratic society.
develop their chronological overview, strengthen their knowledge and understanding of historical contexts and practise using this understanding in their everyday and social life. By working with development and contexts in the historical process, pupils will develop their understanding of people's lives and living conditions.
Teaching methods
Social studies, history and Christian studies are relatively text-heavy subjects. Texts should be understood in the broadest sense, such as films, games, images, sources, articles, statements, events and attitudes. The Internet will be used for information retrieval and the computer will be used for presentations.
The emphasis is on a critical approach to texts and their perspectives. In such a context, current news and, where appropriate, current lectures or offers from various cultural institutions are also included. The starting point for teaching and working with texts is always problem-oriented, and practice is given in working in a project-oriented way.
To increase student interaction, there will also be an emphasis on presentations, debates, games, presentations and products such as timelines and brainstorms.
Educational resources
Extracts from common textbooks, as well as various media such as TV news, newspapers, radio, internet, guest teachers, films, etc. will be used in order to include current issues and events. Furthermore, we will try to make the teaching lively with possible visits from outside, as well as excursions out of the house.
Sample form
History, social studies and Christian studies are all extra-curricular subjects and students are therefore not
All tests consist of topic selection (individually or in groups), choice of sub-topic, choice of problem and sources, production of product. The teacher approves the product and the test paper and prepares teacher questions based on the chosen sub-topic. For the test, students are first given time to prepare answers to the teacher-set questions and then to prepare a disposition for the test.
Teaching will be by year, and will include classroom, group and individual work.
We will inspire debate in the classroom based on the topic at hand. In addition, students will be required to make presentations in small groups to the class and occasionally to the rest of the year group.
The aim is to give students an understanding of themselves and others as part of a community that they both influence and are influenced by, and to understand this context in a religious, historical and social perspective.
Through teaching, students should acquire the knowledge to understand the importance of the religious dimension for the individual's perception of life and his/her relationship with others. Through the encounter with various existential questions and answers found in Christianity as well as in other religions and philosophies of life, the teaching should provide pupils with a basis for taking a personal stand and sharing responsibility in a democratic society.
Teaching methods
In order to increase students' interest and participation in learning, emphasis is placed on presentations, debates, games, presentations and products, e.g. in the form of timelines, brainstorms, creative expressions, etc.
We will endeavour to organise field trips when relevant, as well as having guest teachers from outside the school to contribute to the teaching.
Educational resources
In Christian Studies, you will work with different texts. Texts are understood in the broadest sense, such as films, games, images, sources, articles, statements, events and attitudes. All texts and material will be online. Students must bring a computer to all Christian Education classes.
Sample form
Christian Science is an extra-curricular subject. Students draw one of the topics that have been worked on during the year. This could be:
- psalmist
- Biblical texts
- Ethics and morality
- Philosophy
- Islam
- The indigenous peoples and shamanism
Students then choose a sub-topic, create a problem, choose sources and produce a product. The teacher is available for guidance and approves the test material before it is sent to the censor. On the day of the test, the student or group draws 2-4 teacher-set questions, which are answered in the preparation room before the actual test.
Purpose of the course
History is a democratic education subject, as the aim is to understand oneself, one's living conditions and society as historically created and thus also changeable. If pupils can see themselves in a historical and social context, they will also be better able to understand their own role, opportunities and responsibilities in a wider context.
Context, like chronology, sources and historical usage, is a key word in history. The links between everyday life and social life, between countries and people, between nature and culture, events, inventions, developments, etc. are all explored. Why do we live different lives, why do our living conditions change, do we change, why are some rich and others poor, why are there wars, revolts, migrations? We focus on understanding people's lives and living conditions over time and gain insights into continuity and change. We work with chronological overviews, but also insights into historical realities through source work. We also work on how history is used to create identity.
The teaching of history is an interaction between lectures, group work and presentations of e.g. products. Most courses will result in a product, which will also be part of the continuous assessment. Products may include letters, photographs, posters, timelines, presentations, exhibitions, etc.
9th grade
The school's themes: ethics and morality, world citizenship and the journey of formation will be a natural part of the history lessons, where we work with topics such as genocide, democracy and dictatorship, Hitler Youth, informers, colonisation, the youth uprising, poverty in Denmark and the emigration to America. Topics might fall under general themes such as: "on the wrong side", "guilt and punishment", "the others", "the deviants", "the dream of a better life" and "poverty", which in turn tie in well with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals such as:
1 no poverty, 5 equality, 10 less inequality, 16 peace, justice and strong institutions.
- 1 lesson of 45 min.
- Product by each topic
Objectives for the subject Danish
In Danish, pupils will develop their experience and understanding of literature and other aesthetic texts, academic texts, language and communication as sources for the development of personal and cultural identity. The subject should promote pupils' capacity for empathy and their aesthetic, ethical and historical understanding.
Paragraph 2. In Danish, pupils should strengthen their command of the language and promote their desire to use the language personally and in a variety of ways in interaction with others. Pupils should develop an open and analytical attitude to the forms of expression of contemporary and other periods and cultures. In Danish, pupils should develop their joy of expression and reading and qualify their empathy and insight into literature and other aesthetic texts, academic texts, language and communication.
Skills and knowledge objectives
For an exhaustive description of the subject's skills and knowledge objectives, see the Ministry of Education's website.
This year
Learning and conceptual content are based on differentiated teaching, taking into account
to the competences of the pupils, thereby promoting the abilities and potential of each pupil to the maximum. Danish language teaching is divided into 3 levels, so that there are appropriate challenges for all students.
The main emphasis of the teaching is on the interaction between analytical approach, assessment and choice of
options for action - individually and collectively. In the daily learning processes we take as a starting point
education and democracy, by students engaging critically and constructively with the subject matter and especially with each other. Broader and more complex contexts are explored in relation to sound, texts, and other forms of expression.
Subject matter
During the school year, we will introduce students to a wide range of older and newer prose, poetry and story texts. In 9th grade we will work with 3 major works; 2 Danish novels and a Danish feature film. In 10th grade, students will work with 2 major works; 1 Danish novel and 1 Danish feature film. In addition, we will work with other multimodal forms of expression, e.g. short films, documentaries, podcasts, etc.
We are working on an educational trip to Aarhus in December 2021 with a focus on cultural history, where we will visit the Old Town, AROS and the Museum of Gender. We are also working on a lecture with a Danish performer.
Interdisciplinary topics
At the beginning of the year, we will teach the same texts and films in all 9th and 10th grades, so that we can find the right level for each student. We will start by working on the theme "Making a choice". The aim of this theme is to focus students' critical and ethical thinking on the actions behind making a choice, thereby helping to develop students' democratic formation.
After leveling, each Danish teacher, together with the students, will organize the teaching to reflect the level and composition of the class. The organisation of lessons will focus on life education, public enlightenment and democratic education.
We aim for students to experience and understand themselves as part of a multicultural society by, among other things, challenging them to see themselves in relation to the global world.
After Christmas, students will go on a cultural trip. In the run-up to the trip, we will be working with the genre of reportage. All students will present their journey in a travelogue focusing on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and life education.
Throughout the year, we will work with many different topics and genres, such as Romanticism, short films, reality, literary history, reportage, a writer's oeuvre, Danishness, making a choice, etc.
Working with a variety of topics and genres, students gain insight into how to understand the world through texts and extend that understanding through different perspectives.
In the lessons we will work with several different approaches to topics and genres, e.g. group work, presentations, debate, preparation of own productions etc.
In the interaction between teaching approaches and subjects/genres, we aim to encourage pupils in the Danish subject to form democratically, and that pupils gain an understanding and insight into popular enlightenment and the enlightenment of life.
At the end of April, we will have a professional review of the year and focus on the upcoming exams.
End of the year
At the end of the period, the students will start writing synopses and here the actual teaching of Danish is therefore replaced by guidance.
Sample form
Written and oral exams are given in Danish in 9th grade.
The preparation takes place during the last part of the class. The pupil draws an immersion area, which is made on the basis of the given texts, which have been worked on during the school year. The pupil then chooses, in consultation with the teacher, his or her test paper. For the preparation, 10 tutoring hours per class will be scheduled.
Written and oral exams are given in Danish in 10th grade.
The student draws an area of immersion, which is made on the basis of the given texts. The pupil then chooses, in consultation with the teacher, his or her test paper. For the preparation there are 10 hours of guidance per class, which will be scheduled.
There are 5 handovers during the school year 21/22.
IGCSE English 2nd
For the student whose native language is English. The student develops the ability to communicate clearly, correctly and effectively both orally and in writing.
You will gain a broad vocabulary, as well as learn the correct use of grammar and written expression. The student will develop general analytical and communicative skills.
During this school year, we will work to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals into our teaching. In particular, Goal 5 - Gender Equality and Goal 10 - Reduced Inequality will be our focus areas.
In mathematics, pupils should develop mathematical competences and acquire skills and knowledge so that they can deal appropriately with mathematics-related situations in their current and future daily, leisure, educational, working and social lives.
Pupils' learning should be based on the experience, independently and through dialogue and collaboration with others, that mathematics requires and promotes creative activity, and that mathematics provides tools for problem solving, reasoning and communication.
The teaching of mathematics is divided into three levels. One for those who have experienced difficulties with mathematics, one for those who are ok with mathematics and one for those who have an easy time with mathematics. There may be different areas of focus within the different levels, but all teams will work alongside the subject areas.
We work with the mathematical competences in each subject area. The work with the competences is clearly expressed in the work with oral mathematics and we will thus conclude each subject with an oral presentation.
During the school year, specific work is done on two of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals:
SDG 3: Health and well-being
Interdisciplinary work with sport is done here. The programme is carried out in the autumn.
Statistics on jumps, second degree functions on speed, construction of race course, built around Olympics (countries - combinatorics), Cooper test, film a jump, Strength in relation to boys/girls (ratio), health profile (blood pressure), reaction time, alcohol compendium
Jess, Heidi - convenor
SDG 7: Sustainable Energy
This course is linked to one of our three trips. Possibly sustainability week.
Budget, CO2 accounting, Energy conversion (wind, solar), measuring your own energy consumption (what does it cost to charge a computer), conversion of units, green accounting for businesses, food waste, waste sorting, clothing consumption.
Sample form
A and B tests
- 6 lessons per week
- 1 joint delivery in week 37. Thereafter, each subject teacher decides individually on the number and scope of hand-ins
- An oral examination at the end of each mathematics discipline.
- 1 written exam in week 8
Maths kit in each class: rulers, calculator, formulae
Mobile phones are handed in from the start of class.
German 1st
Cambridge IGCSE First Language German is designed for learners whose first language is German. This First Language syllabus develops learners' ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively. They learn how to employ a wide-ranging vocabulary, use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, and develop a personal style and an awareness of the audience being addressed.
Learners are also encouraged to read widely, both for their own enjoyment and in order to develop an appreciation of how writers achieve their effects. The syllabus also complements other areas of study by encouraging skills of more general application.
German 2nd
For students who would like to learn Chinese (mandarin). The goal is to develop communicative competences, such as listening, reading, speaking and writing Chinese. The students will gain knowledge about the culture and civilisation of the Chinese speaking countries.
In Cambridge German we are working with the Global Goal 3 "Health and Well-being", which fits well with our Chapter 9 "Health", where we learn about healthy lifestyles, what is healthy food, but also what to do if you get sick and how to avoid it.
SDG 13 "climate action" and SDG 15 "life on land" fit well with our chapter 14 "nature and nature conservation", where we are working, among other things, on how to ensure sustainable use of natural resources. We should not destroy nature, but instead respect and protect it. Another goal is to slow down climate change and what can be done to protect it.
Global Goal 4 "Quality Education" will of course also be the name of our teaching, for example in Chapter 4 "School" and Chapter 5 "Education". Our pupils get a good education and what are the benefits of being privileged to have the opportunity for a good education.
The aim of teaching French is for students to acquire the knowledge and skills to understand spoken and written French and to express themselves orally and in writing. It also aims to develop students' awareness of the French language and its use, provide insight into the culture and society of French-speaking countries and strengthen their international understanding.
Emphasis will be placed on the use of the Cambridge IGCSE and International Certificate French Foreign Language book system by Yvette Grime and Jayn Witt, published by Hodder Education (latest edition). The five subject areas of the textbook help to structure the teaching.
Workbooks that closely follow the textbook are used and offered if the grammar exercises and review in the textbook are not sufficient. Relevant texts from other sources are included. Work with feature films is included, as well as Internet-based news media and film clips that relate to the topics touched upon during the school year. The teaching emphasises the communicative approach and the active participation of the pupil. Grammar is taught both in a structured way and when grammatical issues arise in daily class. Conversation practice and pronunciation practice take place in every lesson.
Students complete four assignments during the year. These assignments can be either written or oral or a mixture of the two. The ultimate aim of the course is for students to take all parts of the final Cambridge IGCSE examination. In preparation for this, students will have the opportunity throughout the year to sample previous exam papers. The teaching follows the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus for the 2021 exam. The assessment of the student is continuous by assessing all his/her language achievements as well as the four formal papers.
Purpose of the course
In science, pupils develop competences in science and gain insight into how science contributes to our understanding of the world. Teaching will be based on varied forms of work. Learning will be based to a large extent on pupils' own observations and investigations. The aim of the teaching is that the pupils should gain an awareness of science as being part of our culture and world view, and acquire a sense of responsibility towards nature, the environment and their own health.
The subject educates students in science issues and gives them the professional tools to participate in a democratic debate on the future use of nature and technological resources. There is a great general educational value in knowing the scientific background to the development of society.
The science curriculum is combined into one subject, covering biology, geography and physics/chemistry. This creates the best conditions for interdisciplinary work with the subjects. Science is taught 2 x 1.5 hours per week
Science is a compulsory examination subject, with an oral practical/theoretical test of 2 hours duration. The examination is a group examination. The examination is based on four common subject focus areas chosen in the curriculum, in which the UN World Goals are included. Students are involved in the selection of at least one of the focus areas. Each focus area is worked on for about four weeks and is completed in the following ways: report, video, practical and theoretical review of experiments, and oral dialogue. During the work on the focus areas, the focus will be on students working from the scientific working method, as well as being able to formulate hypotheses, evaluate results and present them.
In periods where no common subject focus areas are worked on, pupils work on the knowledge and skills objectives set out in the common objectives for science.
Biology, Geography and Physics/Chemistry may also be taken as a self-directed written test of 60 minutes duration, in which students are tested on the subjects' skills and knowledge objectives, as well as on the competences of Investigation, Modelling and Perspective.
The cultural journey is included as an active part of the teaching, particularly with a focus on geography and biology, where students work on self-selected world goals relevant to the country and subject they are travelling with.
Physical Education
The aim of physical education is for pupils to acquire skills and knowledge for physical and general development through a variety of physical experiences, experiences and reflections.
Pupils should have the opportunity to experience the joy and desire to practise sport and develop the prerequisites for
understand the importance of lifelong physical activity in interaction with nature, culture and the society of which they are a part. The teaching is team-based, so that students can make suggestions for the content of the lessons. Through the lessons, students will gain insight and experience in terms of health, movement to music and body culture. The teaching should enable pupils to take responsibility for themselves and to form part of a committed community, both in the classroom and in their private dealings with each other at school. Fair play is a key word and the emphasis is on everyone being able to participate, regardless of level.
Through physical education, students will develop academic as well as organisational and practical skills, which will have the opportunity to come into play through the various activities, games and play.
The teaching will include different types of activities combining sport with the geography of the area, thus providing students with nature experiences through activities such as orienteering, cycling, etc. Furthermore, we will deal with batting, ball games, ultimate, old games and dance, which will give pupils opportunities to apply and assess technique and rules in these sports, among others.
Physical education is also an essential part of elective and club subjects. Specifically, these are interest-based and sports-oriented movement subjects with a focus on professional community around exercise of all kinds. Physical education is also an essential part of club life in the evenings at school. Pupils are offered a variety of sports such as dance, gymnastics, martial arts, badminton, basketball, indoor football, etc.
Profile subjects and PE integrated in period 1+3Profile subject and PE teachers can choose to work together to integrate PE into the profile subject curriculum. So that the sports side of the profile subject e.g. exercise, motor skills and strength training as a starting point for skills training in practical sailing, diving, adventure etc.
In the imagination-oriented profile subjects, it can make sense to focus on exercise and team sports, as practical strengthening of concentration and cooperation skills.
Social science
Teaching will be by year, interdisciplinary, class, group and self-study. We will try to inspire debate in the class/year based on the topic at hand. Furthermore, students will make presentations in small groups in order to work independently with the subject.
The aim of the teaching is to give students an understanding of themselves and others as part of a community that they both influence and are influenced by, and to understand this context in a religious, historical and social perspective.
All subjects will be based on the topics of the periods and will deal with the same topics from different angles in order to give students the greatest possible contextual understanding. At the same time, specific subject methods and theories will be included.
Through teaching, students should: Acquire the knowledge to understand the importance of the religious dimension for the individual's perception of life and his/her relationship with others. Through the encounter with the different forms of life questions and answers found in Christianity as well as in other religions and ways of life, the teaching should provide pupils with a basis for personal attitude and co-responsibility in a democratic society.
develop their chronological overview, strengthen their knowledge and understanding of historical contexts and practise using this understanding in their everyday and social life. By working with development and contexts in the historical process, pupils will develop their understanding of people's lives and living conditions.
Teaching methods
Social studies, history and Christian studies are relatively text-heavy subjects. Texts should be understood in the broadest sense, such as films, games, images, sources, articles, statements, events and attitudes. The Internet will be used for information retrieval and the computer will be used for presentations.
The emphasis is on a critical approach to texts and their perspectives. In such a context, current news and, where appropriate, current lectures or offers from various cultural institutions are also included. The starting point for teaching and working with texts is always problem-oriented, and practice is given in working in a project-oriented way.
To increase student interaction, there will also be an emphasis on presentations, debates, games, presentations and products such as timelines and brainstorms.
Educational resources
Extracts from common textbooks, as well as various media such as TV news, newspapers, radio, internet, guest teachers, films, etc. will be used in order to include current issues and events. Furthermore, we will try to make the teaching lively with possible visits from outside, as well as excursions out of the house.
Sample form
History, social studies and Christian studies are all extra-curricular subjects and students are therefore not
All tests consist of topic selection (individually or in groups), choice of sub-topic, choice of problem and sources, production of product. The teacher approves the product and the test paper and prepares teacher questions based on the chosen sub-topic. For the test, students are first given time to prepare answers to the teacher-set questions and then to prepare a disposition for the test.
Teaching will be by year, and will include classroom, group and individual work.
We will inspire debate in the classroom based on the topic at hand. In addition, students will be required to make presentations in small groups to the class and occasionally to the rest of the year group.
The aim is to give students an understanding of themselves and others as part of a community that they both influence and are influenced by, and to understand this context in a religious, historical and social perspective.
Through teaching, students should acquire the knowledge to understand the importance of the religious dimension for the individual's perception of life and his/her relationship with others. Through the encounter with various existential questions and answers found in Christianity as well as in other religions and philosophies of life, the teaching should provide pupils with a basis for taking a personal stand and sharing responsibility in a democratic society.
Teaching methods
In order to increase students' interest and participation in learning, emphasis is placed on presentations, debates, games, presentations and products, e.g. in the form of timelines, brainstorms, creative expressions, etc.
We will endeavour to organise field trips when relevant, as well as having guest teachers from outside the school to contribute to the teaching.
Educational resources
In Christian Studies, you will work with different texts. Texts are understood in the broadest sense, such as films, games, images, sources, articles, statements, events and attitudes. All texts and material will be online. Students must bring a computer to all Christian Education classes.
Sample form
Christian Science is an extra-curricular subject. Students draw one of the topics that have been worked on during the year. This could be:
- psalmist
- Biblical texts
- Ethics and morality
- Philosophy
- Islam
- The indigenous peoples and shamanism
Students then choose a sub-topic, create a problem, choose sources and produce a product. The teacher is available for guidance and approves the test material before it is sent to the censor. On the day of the test, the student or group draws 2-4 teacher-set questions, which are answered in the preparation room before the actual test.
Purpose of the course
History is a democratic education subject, as the aim is to understand oneself, one's living conditions and society as historically created and thus also changeable. If pupils can see themselves in a historical and social context, they will also be better able to understand their own role, opportunities and responsibilities in a wider context.
Context, like chronology, sources and historical usage, is a key word in history. The links between everyday life and social life, between countries and people, between nature and culture, events, inventions, developments, etc. are all explored. Why do we live different lives, why do our living conditions change, do we change, why are some rich and others poor, why are there wars, revolts, migrations? We focus on understanding people's lives and living conditions over time and gain insights into continuity and change. We work with chronological overviews, but also insights into historical realities through source work. We also work on how history is used to create identity.
The teaching of history is an interaction between lectures, group work and presentations of e.g. products. Most courses will result in a product, which will also be part of the continuous assessment. Products may include letters, photographs, posters, timelines, presentations, exhibitions, etc.
9th grade
The school's themes: ethics and morality, world citizenship and the journey of formation will be a natural part of the history lessons, where we work with topics such as genocide, democracy and dictatorship, Hitler Youth, informers, colonisation, the youth uprising, poverty in Denmark and the emigration to America. Topics might fall under general themes such as: "on the wrong side", "guilt and punishment", "the others", "the deviants", "the dream of a better life" and "poverty", which in turn tie in well with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals such as:
1 no poverty, 5 equality, 10 less inequality, 16 peace, justice and strong institutions.
- 1 lesson of 45 min.
- Product by each topic
Objectives for the subject Danish
In Danish, pupils will develop their experience and understanding of literature and other aesthetic texts, academic texts, language and communication as sources for the development of personal and cultural identity. The subject should promote pupils' capacity for empathy and their aesthetic, ethical and historical understanding.
Paragraph 2. In Danish, pupils should strengthen their command of the language and promote their desire to use the language personally and in a variety of ways in interaction with others. Pupils should develop an open and analytical attitude to the forms of expression of contemporary and other periods and cultures. In Danish, pupils should develop their joy of expression and reading and qualify their empathy and insight into literature and other aesthetic texts, academic texts, language and communication.
Skills and knowledge objectives
For an exhaustive description of the subject's skills and knowledge objectives, see the Ministry of Education's website.
This year
Learning and conceptual content are based on differentiated teaching, taking into account
to the competences of the pupils, thereby promoting the abilities and potential of each pupil to the maximum. Danish language teaching is divided into 3 levels, so that there are appropriate challenges for all students.
The main emphasis of the teaching is on the interaction between analytical approach, assessment and choice of
options for action - individually and collectively. In the daily learning processes we take as a starting point
education and democracy, by students engaging critically and constructively with the subject matter and especially with each other. Broader and more complex contexts are explored in relation to sound, texts, and other forms of expression.
Subject matter
During the school year, we will introduce students to a wide range of older and newer prose, poetry and story texts. In 9th grade we will work with 3 major works; 2 Danish novels and a Danish feature film. In 10th grade, students will work with 2 major works; 1 Danish novel and 1 Danish feature film. In addition, we will work with other multimodal forms of expression, e.g. short films, documentaries, podcasts, etc.
We are working on an educational trip to Aarhus in December 2021 with a focus on cultural history, where we will visit the Old Town, AROS and the Museum of Gender. We are also working on a lecture with a Danish performer.
Interdisciplinary topics
At the beginning of the year, we will teach the same texts and films in all 9th and 10th grades, so that we can find the right level for each student. We will start by working on the theme "Making a choice". The aim of this theme is to focus students' critical and ethical thinking on the actions behind making a choice, thereby helping to develop students' democratic formation.
After leveling, each Danish teacher, together with the students, will organize the teaching to reflect the level and composition of the class. The organisation of lessons will focus on life education, public enlightenment and democratic education.
We aim for students to experience and understand themselves as part of a multicultural society by, among other things, challenging them to see themselves in relation to the global world.
After Christmas, students will go on a cultural trip. In the run-up to the trip, we will be working with the genre of reportage. All students will present their journey in a travelogue focusing on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and life education.
Throughout the year, we will work with many different topics and genres, such as Romanticism, short films, reality, literary history, reportage, a writer's oeuvre, Danishness, making a choice, etc.
Working with a variety of topics and genres, students gain insight into how to understand the world through texts and extend that understanding through different perspectives.
In the lessons we will work with several different approaches to topics and genres, e.g. group work, presentations, debate, preparation of own productions etc.
In the interaction between teaching approaches and subjects/genres, we aim to encourage pupils in the Danish subject to form democratically, and that pupils gain an understanding and insight into popular enlightenment and the enlightenment of life.
At the end of April, we will have a professional review of the year and focus on the upcoming exams.
End of the year
At the end of the period, the students will start writing synopses and here the actual teaching of Danish is therefore replaced by guidance.
Sample form
Written and oral exams are given in Danish in 9th grade.
The preparation takes place during the last part of the class. The pupil draws an immersion area, which is made on the basis of the given texts, which have been worked on during the school year. The pupil then chooses, in consultation with the teacher, his or her test paper. For the preparation, 10 tutoring hours per class will be scheduled.
Written and oral exams are given in Danish in 10th grade.
The student draws an area of immersion, which is made on the basis of the given texts. The pupil then chooses, in consultation with the teacher, his or her test paper. For the preparation there are 10 hours of guidance per class, which will be scheduled.
There are 5 handovers during the school year 21/22.
IGCSE English 2nd
For the student whose native language is English. The student develops the ability to communicate clearly, correctly and effectively both orally and in writing.
You will gain a broad vocabulary, as well as learn the correct use of grammar and written expression. The student will develop general analytical and communicative skills.
During this school year, we will work to implement the UN Sustainable Development Goals into our teaching. In particular, Goal 5 - Gender Equality and Goal 10 - Reduced Inequality will be our focus areas.
IGCSE Mathematics
For the student who wants a profile that compliments the IB profile and who wants to acquire solid mathematical skills. The student will learn to develop strategic solutions to open problems and sharpen his mathematical methods. The student will also be introduced to the use of 'graph calculators'. In mathematics, we will focus on Global Goal 4 - Quality Education.
Studying mathematics is a vital activity for all young people, whether they find the subject enjoyable or challenging. The most important skill maths teaches is the ability to think logically, a skill which is crucial to almost any professional activity. It also provides key life skills such as being able to express mathematical language and understand concepts such as negative numbers, fractions and percentages, all of which are crucial for day to day activities such as shopping and managing money.
For many mathematics is a subject that becomes more beautiful the more they understand it. Those who enjoy working with numbers and formulas find the subject really comes alive around the age of 16 when the vistas of higher level mathematics start to open up. It can then offer students a world of mystery and wonder.
IGCSE German 1st
Cambridge IGCSE First Language German is designed for learners whose first language is German. This First Language syllabus develops learners' ability to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively. They learn how to employ a wide-ranging vocabulary, use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation, and develop a personal style and an awareness of the audience being addressed.
Learners are also encouraged to read widely, both for their own enjoyment and in order to develop an appreciation of how writers achieve their effects. The syllabus also complements other areas of study by encouraging skills of more general application.
IGCSE German 2nd
For students who would like to learn Chinese (mandarin). The goal is to develop communicative competences, such as listening, reading, speaking and writing Chinese. The students will gain knowledge about the culture and civilisation of the Chinese speaking countries.
In Cambridge German we are working with the Global Goal 3 "Health and Well-being", which fits well with our Chapter 9 "Health", where we learn about healthy lifestyles, what is healthy food, but also what to do if you get sick and how to avoid it.
SDG 13 "climate action" and SDG 15 "life on land" fit well with our chapter 14 "nature and nature conservation", where we are working, among other things, on how to ensure sustainable use of natural resources. We should not destroy nature, but instead respect and protect it. Another goal is to slow down climate change and what can be done to protect it.
Global Goal 4 "Quality Education" will of course also be the name of our teaching, for example in Chapter 4 "School" and Chapter 5 "Education". Our pupils get a good education and what are the benefits of being privileged to have the opportunity for a good education.
The aim of teaching IGCSE French is for students to acquire the knowledge and skills to understand spoken and written French and to express themselves orally and in writing. It also aims to develop students' awareness of French language and usage, to give them an insight into the cultural and social context of French-speaking countries and to strengthen their international understanding.
Emphasis will be placed on the use of the Cambridge IGCSE and International Certificate French Foreign Language book system by Yvette Grime and Jayn Witt, published by Hodder Education (latest edition). The five subject areas of the textbook help to structure the teaching.
Workbooks that closely follow the textbook are used and offered if the grammar exercises and review in the textbook are not sufficient. Relevant texts from other sources are included. Work with feature films is included, as well as Internet-based news media and film clips that relate to the topics touched upon during the school year. The teaching emphasises the communicative approach and the active participation of the pupil. Grammar is taught both in a structured way and when grammatical issues arise in daily class. Conversation practice and pronunciation practice take place in every lesson.
Students complete four assignments during the year. These assignments can be either written or oral or a mixture of the two. The ultimate aim of the course is for students to take all parts of the final Cambridge IGCSE examination. In preparation for this, students will have the opportunity throughout the year to sample previous exam papers. The teaching follows the Cambridge IGCSE syllabus for the 2021 exam. The assessment of the student is continuous by assessing all his/her language achievements as well as the four formal papers.