
Travel June 2022

Travels in June 2022

It's finally travel time again - and we're already starting to get excited. The selection process is now underway and students, together with teachers, are engaged in developing the new Culture profile subjects. The Culture Profile subjects combine an activity/interest with a focus on culture - it's a new format we've never tried before, so we can definitely do it. Read about the Culture Profiles on this page.

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Culture profile subject

Here you can see which trips you can choose in June 2022.

Adventure - Greenlandh3>

Asian Cultures - Thailandh3>

Boardperformance - Bonaireh3>

Cheerleading - Californiah3>

Conservation - Costa Ricah3>

Coral Restoration - Bonaireh3>

Dance - USAh3>

Diving - Egypt Juneh3>

eSports - Texash3>

Exploring - Costa Ricah3>

Fashion & RE-Design - USAh3>

Fit for Life/Stronger - Icelandh3>

Football - Argentinah3>

Gastronomy - USAh3>

Homestay - Texash3>

Media & Journalism - USAh3>

Music - New Orleansh3>

Myths and Legends - Mexicoh3>

Surfing - Californiah3>

Surfing - Puerto Ricoh3>

Wakeboarding - Miamih3>

Yoga - Mexicoh3>
