Previous Cultural subjectsUSA High School Santa Cruz, California
Exchange program at Pacific Collegiate School and Kirby Prep School in Santa Cruz, CA - for anyone interested in the English language and American culture.
In collaboration with PCS and Kirby, a unique and exciting high school experience is planned in beautiful, historic Santa Cruz on the Monterey Bay in California south of San Francisco. The goal is for you to learn about American culture and language, but at the same time meet young high school students from all walks of life and learn about high school life in the United States.
You'll stay with a local family, where you'll follow the family's teenager through high school. You should expect to give a short talk about yourself and Denmark on one of your first days at school, which will be planned in detail before your trip.
Academic: There will be a strong academic focus on the trip and you will be expected to understand and speak English at a reasonable level to follow the high school curriculum in all subjects, as well as be interested in getting involved in the programme and connecting with other young people and their families. If you receive Spanish instruction at RE, there may be an opportunity to stay with a bilingual (Spanish) family.
You should expect to have a full day program where you accompany your host student to extracurricular activities in the afternoon and/or evening, which can be American football, track, baseball/softball, cheerleading, band, etc.
There is a dress code at the schools, which you must of course follow. Ordinary, nice clothes meet the dress code, as long as you can't see, for example, bras or underwear.
You will be responsible for keeping a video diary or otherwise communicating your high school experiences to the other students upon their return.
The programme also includes an overnight stay in San Francisco, where we drive over the Golden Gate Bridge, visit Alcatraz and take a walk in Haight Ashbury, Castro or ChinaTown.
In June, the American students come to Ranum Efterskole College, so you should expect to plan a weekend at home with your American exchange student!
We recommend that you choose USA-Santa Cruz if you have a plan
about coming to the US for an exchange or study period later. See more photos and meet former RE exchange students and PCS/Kirby host students at https://www.facebook.com/groups/REPVHS/?fref=ts
Passport must be valid for 1/2 year after return. I.e. until min. end of June 2017.