Dear reader The first after-school week of the new decade is almost over. The 20s couldn't have started better and we're off to a great start in afterschool life after a nice long Christmas break. Let's take a closer look at the week's activities, and...

We have finally reached the long-awaited Christmas holidays. The students have said Merry Christmas and wished each other a Happy New Year, and they have done so after a week of Christmas endings, a huge parcel game (perhaps the world's biggest), nativity plays, a trip to church, house cup...

Dear reader The frosty mornings and cold winter days create a wonderful after-school atmosphere in the houses, where candles and Christmas decorations appear. Between final exams, a successful student party last Friday and preparations for January's cultural studies trips, there is of course room for Christmas cheer...

Dear reader. Welcome to this week's news from Ranum Efterskole College. We look back on a start-up week after both the profile trip and the autumn holidays, and it has offered a wealth of after-school activities. It can be hard to find your way around all the activities we do during...

Dear reader We are getting ready for the Afterschool Day on Sunday and we are looking forward to welcoming the many families travelling to Ranum. The students will perform, show around and talk about after-school life, and in general it will be a day of...

Dear reader. Welcome to this week's newsletter from Ranum. We are happy and grateful that you follow us, and therefore we have made an effort to tell all the good and funny stories from afterschool life at Ranum. There are many good stories and pictures,...

Dear reader One of the best things about being an after-school student is that every week is filled with new experiences. We're barely four weeks into the school year, and yet it feels like the year started months ago. The experiences are queuing up and...

We are entering an important period at Ranum. It's time to choose cultural subjects, and that's something that naturally takes up a lot of time. This week the students have started the selection process for Cultural Studies and travel for 2 periods. It...

The students have gone on a well-deserved long weekend, and most of them probably need to recharge their batteries. The first two weeks are over and we are putting the intro weeks behind us. Now it's time to start after-school life in earnest, and...

Time flies and the first week at Ranum is already over. Life as an after-school student is in full swing, and we have had a fantastic start. This also means that the first newsletter of the year is now being sent out, and you can keep up to date with...
