
Dear reader. The intro weeks have gone brilliantly. The weather and the students have been racing and we have all been saturated with new impressions and experiences. The community in the contact groups and in the houses has been strengthened. And after the pupils have started in the...

Dear reader Parents' Weekend, New Pupils' Day and oral exams, as well as guests from several countries, have left their mark on the 3rd last week of this school year. In addition to a lot of oral exams, the students have had a large selection of activities, among other things, there have been organised...

Dear reader The week has offered many different activities and we have had a really nice 1TP5Week. On the academic side, all students and teachers have been focused on getting ready for their oral exams, while there has been a bit of a break on the international line....

Dear reader We have had a nice visit from Sweden. Started a new life-affirming outdoor project and the photo & video competition is in full swing. At the weekend, the finest wedding was held - Well enough for fun, but the joy and atmosphere was unmistakable. We...

Dear reader The written exams have got off to a good start at Ranum Efterskole College and are proceeding according to plan. The students are very attentive to be ready for the tests, and there has been a reasonably good calm in the test rooms, despite the fact that the part has struggled ...

Dear readerThe great natural disaster in Nepal touches us all deeply and we have immediately started a collection under the Danish Red Cross. Our friends in Nepal are unharmed, but many have lost their houses and all their food supplies. We hope that everyone who has visited...

Dear readerThe last 1TP5Week has been marked by incredible good mood and lots of energy. Since Sunday afternoon, the students have been having fun with each other and using every minute and every room of the school. They have written memory books and participated in a long...

Dear reader Last weekend, Saturday we were visited by two anniversary teams from the old teacher training college and on Sunday a larger group from the Gastronomy team was involved in the Løgstør Kanal Rally, where they, together with head chef Lars Jeppesen, presented a culinary world novelty, a mussel cream bun. This week, all students have ...

Dear reader This week has offered many different activities. Of course, there is still a lot of focus on exams and tests - especially now that the oral exams are just around the corner. The gardens have received a lot of attention from the contact groups, who enjoy having their fingers...
