Dear reader Another wonderful week at Ranum Efterskole has passed with school, profile subjects and electives. The students at the college have been to the first oral Cambridge exams, and the music team has entertained with a concert and Gospel choir. The outdoor activities are becoming more and more important and it gives a ...

Dear reader It has been an eventful week at Ranum Efterskole, and the spring sun has put everyone in a spring mood. We can look back on a good and well-attended weekend with an interview day for the upcoming student team and an Open House event.Saturday we had a visit from the new students for the school year...

Dear reader Another week is coming to an end at Ranum Efterskole. The week has been characterised by dance, as we still have a visit from guest teacher Lisa Clark, from New York. Lisa has taught the dance team, but in addition, every single day there have been different workshops, where everyone ...

Dear reader After a week of wonderful and well-deserved holidays, students are now back at school and the school is once again buzzing with energy and life. On Sunday evening, Lisa Clark arrived at the school. Lisa is a dance teacher at the High School of Violin and Dance in New York, which is a...

Dear reader Another eventful week is coming to an end at Ranum Efterskole. Next week is marked by the winter holidays. The students will be able to enjoy a week of well-deserved holiday and look back on an already very eventful 2014. From week 9 we are again ready for ...

Dear reader We are back at school again, full of renewed energy after our fantastic travels. Once again, we avoided serious accidents and this is mainly due to good preparations and skilled staff and guides.The whole school is full of adventure stories and the students are busy with...

Dear reader! We have had a terrific end to the first half year, and the last fortnight has flown by, because everyone has been busy with many countless tasks and activities right up until Santa Ib wished all the students a Merry Christmas. On Wednesday, the presenter Mogens from ...

Dear reader!Bodil also left her mark on the week that passed at Ranum Efterskole. Unfortunately, we had to cancel the "homestay" day at the contact teachers, much to the chagrin of students and teachers who had prepared and looked forward to a pleasant afternoon and evening. Some teachers had made...

Dear reader!The last weeks have flown by as the winter darkness has enveloped Himmerland and Ranum Efterskole. Pupils and staff got the academic programmes started again after the bridge-building and theme week, and on Sunday everyone gathered for a joint orientation on the big OSO task...

Dear reader!This past week has been a very different one for both the 9th and 10th grades. The 10th grade students have been in bridge building in Års, Aalborg and Svenstrup from 7 am to 4 pm every day. And the 9th grade has had professional days with, among other things, science, citizenship...
