Dear reader Another eventful week has passed at Ranum Efterskole, filled with new experiences, fellowship and exciting activities. We have welcomed our new AFS students who are now part of our international community, and we have seen an impressive commitment from the students, who...

Dear reader, The students have been deeply concentrated on their final exams, but fortunately there has also been time for socialising and fun experiences. We have decorated crumble cookies, experienced hypnosis up close and prepared for the efterskole fairs. In addition, we have found old photos that give a unique...

Dear reader, Another week has passed at Ranum Efterskole, and it has offered creativity, community and exciting reflections. We enjoyed the Valentine Café, where students decorated hearts and enjoyed hot chocolate in good company. Krea Weekend was all about creativity with jewellery making...

Kære læser, Endnu en uge er gået. I torsdags fik vi besøg fra Vilsted Friskole, hvor børnene fra 0. og 1. klasse havde medbragt kager til salg. I sidste weekend havde vi afsked med vores AFS-elever. I denne weekend er vi på Aalborg Kultur og Kongrescenter...

Dear reader, Another week has passed. In the middle of the week we had a great cultural evening with our AFS students who had a farewell party. It was a very authentic and touching evening where we learnt about each other and different cultures. Some students have also been to hunting licence lessons,...

Dear Reader - Happy New Year! The Christmas and New Year holidays ended with students and staff going on the two winter community trips to ski in Sweden and to culture in the city of Prague. The purpose of the trips is to socialise and meet new students in the student body, as well as meet new impressions. Sweden In Sweden...
