Dear reader We've made it through another wonderful after-school week here at Ranum, and it's not over yet. Later today the Friends Weekend starts, which means that there will be lots of life and activities at the school all weekend,...

Dear reader You have found your way to this week's newsletter, which is filled with great pictures and stories from afterschool life at Ranum. Each week we put together an overview, where we turn the week, so you can follow life at Ranum. This week we tell you...

Dear reader Every week at Ranum is filled with the most wonderful after-school activities, and that is one of the best things about life at an after-school. The week we are coming out of is no exception. We are already almost four weeks into the school year, but it almost feels...

Dear reader We have got off to a good start with after-school life after the intro weeks, and the communities are already thriving in the profile subjects, in the contact groups and in the teaching. Even though the intro weeks are over, there are many new impressions and we are still very much focused on after-school life. Life...

Dear reader We're pinching ourselves, because it's been a fantastic start with really good energy and lovely young people who have shown from day one that they want after-school life and each other. Things are looking good! The students have gone home for a well-deserved extended weekend,...

Dear reader. There is so much to tell. It is said that one year of school is equivalent to 7 human years, but this can be difficult to understand once it is over. Things are moving fast and today we are at the end of the road. We've hugged goodbye at the Tree of Life, and it...

Dear reader Finally, finally, finally we can talk about travel. The students have travelled to Italy, Mallorca and Malta together, and it is so well deserved that they have finally been allowed to go. Spirits are high and the experience barometer is...

Dear reader There are two main themes for this newsletter, and they are of course the Dream Festival and the fact that we are going travelling. We start with a dream of a festival. Dream Festival comes true Thursday to Friday we had for the first time in...

Dear reader We are ready with another newsletter, which will be one of the last of this school year. There are three weeks left, and we are making the most of them. We'll travel and have fun, and then we'll enjoy the...

Dear reader We're back with the newsletter and it's time to look back at the weeks that have passed. We've had a lot on the agenda, and here in the newsletter you can get an insight into how afterschool life at Ranum...
