Dear reader This week's headline is written exams, which have filled both schedule and free time. Now we're well through, and the carrot must be the wedding weekend, which starts shortly. Preparations started several weeks ago, and tonight is the rehersal. We're...

Dear reader It's exam time for students taking IGCSE subjects, and next week it's Danish and maths. But in between and after study time and preparations, we have fun in the contact groups, family groups and in the four houses. There are eight weeks left of...

Dear reader We are enjoying the warm weather that is slowly drifting in. We have more and more activities outside - both in the evening and during the day - and that makes after-school life special. We'll tell you a bit about it in...

Dear reader We may have already gone on a long weekend, but that doesn't mean we're skipping the newsletter. We look back at the week that was and gather the good stories, big and small, in one overview for those who want to follow...

Dear reader We've had a great start after Easter with a short week that is now slipping into an activity-filled weekend. Casino Weekend is on the agenda, starting already tonight. Follow us on social media over the weekend and see how it...

Dear reader It's been a short week due to the upcoming Easter holiday, but we've gotten a lot out of it despite that. The profile period has ended, and it did so with two days of students going on trips, completing and testing their...

Dear reader As the title suggests, Easter has been on the schedule and we have enjoyed it to the full. We kicked off with what we called Easter Mayhem, and it certainly lived up to the name. 1,000 Easter eggs were hidden, found, returned and...

Dear reader Spring is slowly rolling in on us, bringing with it joy and hope for the time ahead. That can only make you happy, and hopefully it will make you happy to read this week's news from Ranum. There are...

Dear reader After-school life is about to return with an everyday life that is beginning to resemble what we know. Sure, we still have spacing requirements, gag orders and tests, but if we put that aside for a moment and focus on what really matters right...

Dear reader We are back! And it's full speed ahead. Since the students returned on Monday, we've been busy getting tested, choosing new profile subjects and generally landing and getting settled. We are overjoyed that we...
