Dear reader The weekend has arrived and we welcome it with an overview of the week's events. Overall, it has been another busy afterschool week, filled with exams for most. All the written ones are now well over and that means we can prepare...

Dear reader Exam week. One of those important, mandatory milestones. It's obvious walking around the corridors that students are very focused, and not without reason. It's a busy period. For the "hardest hit" there has been exam preparation, which has...

Dear reader First of all - Nice of you to drop by. The newsletter is for anyone interested in keeping up with what's happening at Ranum. Every Friday you can read about everything from fun stories to important information. In short - life at Ranum,...

Dear reader Welcome back - here is this week's news overview from Ranum. After-school life is back in full swing after two weeks of travel and Easter holidays. We have had many good activities and some students have even started exams. It has been a very good and...

Dear reader The travels are coming to an end. Several have already returned and others are on their way home by plane or bus. Here is an overview of the best stories of the week, roll roll roll. It's a long way to the bottom. If you want to jump straight to...

Dear reader One of the most important things to report from Ranum this week is that we have left on our profile subject trips. For most of us it will be the last time. That in itself may seem a little sad, but on the other hand, it is also ...

Dear reader Spring has finally hit us. The sun has begun to burn through. Things are a little brighter and spirits are high. Both because we had a great afterschool week but also because we have a travel week in our sights. Next week we're going...

Dear reader We have just started a long weekend, which most of us are spending at home with family and friends. We have had a wonderful week of after-school activities, which have offered a lot of fun and educational experiences. So, before the weekend mode is activated in earnest, you are invited to...

Dear reader Like thousands of other young people around the world, a large group of Ranum students went on strike today. The strike in Aars was organized by two students here from Ranum Efterskole College, and they were really happy to see how many other young people showed up. They...

Dear reader The term "getting your feet under you" basically means "the opportunity to develop freely and independently or to experience something new and exciting" ( Add community, professionalism and education in a safe, diverse environment and you have...
