Dear reader This week the weather has been efterskole and we have been enjoying the outdoors throughout the school. Students have been busy with test preparations, oral exams and lots of activities, especially on the fjord. In front of the houses, there has been beach volleyball, rounders and football every evening, and...

Dear reader Picture from the video day. We have been extremely busy this week. The weekend included both Family Day and New Pupils' Day, and on Monday we had the General Assembly in the School Circle. Throughout the week, the students have been preparing their various presentations for the oral exams, and the teachers have been busy ...

Dear reader The new gable has sprung out. Ready to be explored. For what is hidden in the picture? And what are the pupils looking at? Come and see for yourself. It has been a great 1TP5Week where the students have prepared for the oral exams, as well as been to...

Dear reader There has been a great atmosphere and life all over the school this week. Despite the fact that all students have been taking written tests in maths, English and German, the students have also managed to enjoy the outdoor life and the community in the super nice...

Dear reader Click on the image for more pictures. Finally, spring and warmth came to Ranum, and even though we have tests and exams all over the school, there has also been time to cosy up on the lawn, play football and many students have taken their books outside....

Dear reader One of the sure signs of spring is the start of exams and tests. Fortunately, we find that the students are focused and at the same time have the energy to enjoy efterskole life. Despite a cold wind, roundball has been played in the evening on the lawn...

Dear reader We have had the most amazing weekend with a super nice student-organised wedding event, and the party was a nice start to the week of preparations. In the academic subjects, the students have been given direction on the syllabus and test forms, and there are also ...

Dear reader Open house, REC strongest student competition, cheerleader show and lots of international oral exams have left their mark on Ranum Efterskole College this week. The Open House was held on Saturday and pupils had prepared exhibitions, films and pictures from their many different profile and cultural subjects. The teachers...

Dear reader Tomorrow we are organising an Open House from 13-17 for all interested parties. Click on the image to play the video. The pupils show and tell about their 1TP5Life and their many experiences in the world. Teachers and pupils talk about their academic programmes, and in the banqueting hall...

Dear reader Good energy, focus on the international oral exams and lots of activities have filled this week at Ranum Efterskole College. Most of the students have been floating on a pink cloud after a successful student party last Friday, and handshakes and hugs are being shared...
