

Welcome to our story.

Here you can go back in time and learn about some of our history - From 2004 onwards. More content will be added continuously.

Before you step back in time, I recommend you read this extract about Ranum Efterskole, from the book Ildsjælens Løgstør, written by Søren Christensen. We have been given permission to pass on the extract.

Are you also interested in seeing how many students, employees and revenue we had each year? Then check this out Image.

The timeline

Click on a year in the timeline to read more about the year.

  1. 2024-25 - 20th anniversary

    We are celebrating 20 years as efterskole. We're celebrating with a big anniversary party.


    Watch or re-watch the anniversary speech


    Watch the video summarising the whole day - It's not long and we think it gives a great insight into Ranum and the Jubilee Day.

    You can also See all the images from the Anniversary Day.


    Invitation to the Anniversary Party

    This was the invitation to our anniversary party.

  2. 2023-24

    Common picture


    Shared image for employees

  3. 2022-23

    Common picture

    Employee photos, the fun stuff.

  4. 2021-22

    Common picture


    Employee photos, the fun stuff.


    Common image for employees, the ordinary

  5. 2020-21 - Corona

    We are still affected by Corona.

    Common picture

    Divided into family groups.


    Community gathering in the ballroom

    During lockdown we still had a community gathering with music, announcements and news. Here we have Victor and Halfdan starting with a song.

  6. 2019-20 - First year with Corona

    It was the year we were introduced to face masks, spacing, homeschooling, homework but still finding togetherness across our digital platforms.

    Common picture


    Employee photos, the fun stuff.


    Common image for employees, the normal.


    Corona hit

    Homework, home school. It was the year we got really good at Teams, Zoom and finding other alternative ways to be together.

  7. 2018-19

    Common picture


    Harvest Festival

  8. 2017-18

    Common picture


    Pimpaloo - Our toilets were upgraded.

    Our toilets needed an upgrade. What could they look like? Here's an insight into a finished design for one of the toilets. The pictures were from travelling that year.

    At the same time, the toilet facilities were upgraded to look modern.

  9. 2016-17

    Common picture


    House Cup

    There's nothing like a competition between our houses to get the community in gear. Ranumhus, Kær, Semi and Lien compete against each other.


    See more pictures from the Housecup at flickr.

  10. 2015-16

    Common picture


    We are getting a new gable.

    The old gable will be replaced.


    Search for a star

    Under the leadership of the music and drama teachers, with Carl Bennison as coordinator, the whole school has been involved in shaping a great performance show. In just 4 afternoons and evenings, they have managed to put on an amazing performance. The students have rehearsed dances, choir, band, acting, technique and lighting, as well as working with make-up and costumes, and it has all come together for an entertaining show in the assembly hall.

    See more pictures of Search for a star on flickr.

    Inauguration of new kitchen

    We inaugurated the new production kitchen in Seminariehuset with wreath cake, sekt (non-alcoholic) and speeches. The new kitchen gives staff and students much better working conditions and the opportunity to prepare more ingredients from local producers. The big news is a tunnel dishwasher, which saves the kitchen team several hours of washing up.

    We also have new and more energy-efficient cold rooms and an optimised and sustainable waste management system. The new kitchen is bright and welcoming and the whole refurbishment took just 2 months over the Christmas and travel period.

  11. 2014-15

    Common picture


    Common image - Employees


    Inauguration of Ranum Hus


    ALS - Ice Bucket Challenge

    Watch the video of everyone pouring water on their heads for a good cause.


    Flashmob at Rønbjerg - Visit by the Prince Consort and Queen Margrethe

    The Prince Consort and Queen Margrethe visited Rønbjerg/Livø. We were there to say hello and show ourselves off.

    See more photos from the day.


    Tree of Life - A student project.

    A group of students created a project to promote Ranum. With their own recorded music. The video is actually used as an example on højskolesangbogen.dk for the song livstræet.


    Porbeagle shark for dinner


    New spires for the schoolyard


    Solar eclipse

    All week there was talk of the impending solar eclipse. Would the good weather last? Would we be able to see it properly? But as the week went on, it became clear that it would most likely be cloudy... So what do you do to satisfy 400 expectant students? Well... Firstly, you contact a couple of airlines to see if they would sponsor a trip in the 'airbus'. Unfortunately, Lufthansa couldn't as their pilots were on strike, SAS hadn't received our enquiry in time and Norwegian had no planes available! But this didn't dampen the spirits of our students or our teachers... Instead, they created a unique experience with the help of our hero "Le Chef"!

  12. 2013-14 - 10th birthday

    Common picture


    10th birthday

    Here we see Erik Knudsen, who helped start efterskolen, riding his bike. In front we see the surprise for the 10th anniversary. A bronze plaque with our logo set into a stone. In the centre of Ranum. The place in the centre.


    Inauguration and launch of our new logo

    Take us back to the time when we spent 7 months developing a logo and new design manual or guidelines for our values, concept, logo, colours, typography, and much more.

    Download and read the design manualwhich we still use today.

    Follow the logo journey


    Watch the logo launch video.


    Inauguration of Svederen

    The sweat lodge is the former gymnasium in Semi.

  13. 2012-13 - Teacher lockout

    Common picture


    Shared image for employees


    Post Danmark Rundt

    The 2nd stage of the Post Danmark Rundt cycling race went through Ranum town. There we stood ready to welcome with flags and applause.

    Post Danmark Rundt 2012 was the 22nd edition of the Danish cycling stage race Post Danmark Rundt, and was run from Wednesday 22 August - 26 August (Wikipedia: Link)


    Teacher lockout

    Teacher lockout 2013 was a 25-day nationwide industrial action in April 2013, triggered by the public employers' lockout of approximately 67,000 teachers employed under collective labour agreements at a variety of school types in Denmark.

    Unfortunately, the teacher lockout started at the end of our profile subject period, which ends with a trip. Travelling around the world was therefore without teachers. So everything from cleaning, office, IT, caretakers, management and everything in between had to travel with the students.

  14. 2011-12

    Common picture


    Wafande concert in Kærhuset

    Notice how few phones were brought out.


    Print festival in Bælum


    Ranum Efterskole, On the Roof of the World in Nepal


    Club Tropical - WHAM!

    Sung by our music teacher Carl with choir.

  15. 2010-11

    Shared image.


    Presentation video.


    Read much more about the year in our profile newspaper for 2010-11.

    Click on the image below to open the newspaper or click here.


    Introduction to Ranum International Class, RIC for short.

    - Internationally recognised degree from Cambridge University
    - Internationally orientated courses and projects
    - Information about exchange organisations
    - English language guest lecturers
    - Travelling to English language school
    In the 2010-11 school year we are starting an international English language programme where students can choose to be taught in English in 3-4 main subjects.

    The goal is to pass an international language test and be prepared for a study abroad programme.

  16. 2009-10

    Common picture


    Shared employee photo


    Inauguration of the Seminary House

    Read the leaflet for the inauguration of the Seminary House


    Painted overview map


    The coldest winter since 1996.

    Source: TV2


  17. 2008-9

    Inauguration of a new gable mural in the centre.

    The new painting is based on the Tree of Life and Imagination & Nature Sports.


    Bjørn Afzelius Concert


    Watch travel slideshows from the journeys

  18. 2007-8

    Groundbreaking ceremony for Nature Sports Centre


    The magazine will be updated again with different colours.

  19. 2006-7

    Common picture

    In 2006, our magazine was updated.

  20. 2005-6

    Joint photo


    Kærhuset expands with dining room and loft

    . There is now an extension with a dining room and loft, which has been and still is used for dancing etc.


    First major promotional video.

    Video 1. Olav talks about Ranum Efterskole.


    Video 2: Students talk about their experiences and the choice of Ranum Efterskole.


    Open House

    Open house 2005-06

  21. 2004-5 - First year

    We'll start with a little welcome from the first profile newspaper.

    "Set course for new horizons and challenge
    and experiences for life"

    Ranum Efterskole is a different efterskole that introduces a completely new profile. We want to make young people the protagonists of their own life story and give them the opportunity to experience individuality, community, responsibility and tolerance, even when they are participants in the adventures of others.

    We believe that Ranum Efterskole will fulfil a great need for many young people who want an enriching school year with the opportunity to unfold in nature, test their limits and develop their creative sides through art, music and multimedia. What we call nature sports and imagination.

    On 1 August, Ranum Efterskole is ready to open its doors to the first group of excited and motivated students in 8th, 9th and 10th grade. The boarding school is housed in a former dormitory building at Ranum Seminary.

    We are expanding with a new dining hall and an imagination loft, and in beautiful Himmerland and on the Limfjord we have a wide range of exciting activity opportunities. The school's board, management, teachers, the town of Ranum and Løgstør Municipality will do their utmost to fulfil the young people's expectations and more and ensure that their time at Ranum Efterskole will mark them for life.

    The board would like to take this opportunity to thank all partners and volunteers who have supported the work to establish the school and encourage interested parties to join the school community.

    This Profile Newspaper also presents the school's mission and vision to get ready for the big leap into life.

    Taking the leap.....

    Welcome to Ranum Efterskole.
    Ninni Lodahl Gjessing
    Chairman of the board of Ranum Efterskole

    Open the profile newspaper to continue reading.


    Job posting: Principal / Principal couple wanted


    First joint photo.


    First group photo for the first employees


    First poster.


    First TV spot.

    "Ranum Efterskole - If you smell like old Ole, go to Ranum Efterskole" - With Helle Dolleris as an actor. Link.


    First presentation video.



    First profile magazine.

    Read our first professional magazine.



    We needed a common room. Drawing of the extension to the carriage house.

    This is what the carriage house looked like before the extension.
