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Dear reader, Another week has passed, with plenty of activities both in and out of school. Adventure and adventure as part of the students' education is at the forefront, and engaged students...

Dear reader, Another wonderful week has passed at Ranum and we have experienced many things. Vilsted Sø Løb takes place tomorrow, Saturday 14 September, and we've been training...

Dear reader, It's been another eventful week. With home, running, water sports weekend, lots of activities, classes and new friends. We can feel that the students are settling in. Everything...

Dear reader, Summer heat, a sea of activities and friendships fuelled by smiles, play and learning. The students have returned after a long weekend with renewed energy and lots of decorations for the...

Dear reader, The second week is over and the students can now add a lot of new memories from efterskolen to their thoughts. It's a short week and therefore the new Ranum bus...

Dear reader, The 21st class of 539 students has started. Parents and students gathered on Sunday afternoon for a Welcome Assembly on the lawn in front of the main building for speeches and songs. We were also able to inform them about our...

Dear reader, The competitive spirit can be felt everywhere among the students at Ranum Efterskole College. We've just held our traditional Ranum Derby, where they laughed, bet and raced each other. When...
