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Dear reader Picture from the Adventure team's trip to Sweden. All have returned home safely from their travels All travellers have now returned home safely and have processed the many impressions. Pictures & stories have been shared...

Dear reader Music team on top in Wales Welcome home, see all the photos here! The first travelling week of the school year is coming to an end, for now. New impressions, friends and experiences have been brought home,...

Dear reader We will be open from 10 am and at 10.30 am there will be a big welcome assembly in the banqueting hall, where you can also hear the school's values, profile subjects and academic programmes, and in the Golden Horn Hall...

Dear reader Thankfully, summer returned and re-energised the Intro weeks. The students were in full swing at the weekend's Colour Party, Kt. group run, REC Olympics and swim test. The intro period has created a great sense of community...
