Freeskiing/Ski touring
Freeride skiing is the subject for those students who have been skiing or snowboarding with their parents for many years, and thus have mastered either one or both of these disciplines.
In Freeride we prepare for off-piste skiing. This means that on our trip we will move away from the marked slopes and into what is called the backcountry. We will do this with the guidance of a professional mountain guide who knows the area and has the necessary training to guide people around the terrain.
In the lessons we will do some physical training as the whole idea of the tour is to move away from the ski area by touring on skis or splitboard. This means that we put skins under our skis, loosen the heel and get the opportunity to transport ourselves up and down by our own energy. In addition to the physical training, we will spend some time talking snow safety. Such as reading the mountain for avalanche danger, choosing the right route down the mountain and most importantly looking out for each other in the backcountry.
As written earlier, this course is for students who have skied before and it is expected that you have been skiing for at least 6-8 weeks and can master all the slopes in a ski area. (Always able to turn and brake in full control)
We want to go to Hemsedal in Norway as April is usually very snowsecure. There are good possibilities for skitouring/offpiste/freeride. In addition to touring skis, we can also rent splitboard equipment, which is not offered in many places.
Terms: All students are ensured up to 500.000,- DKK. in relation to dangerous sports, by damages that are not covered
of the school's business insurance. See also the school's safety instructions for kayak/water activity. It is expected that good equipment will be needed: backpack, boots, shell jacket, sleeping bag, etc. You are very welcome to bring your own mountain bike.
Self-payment: About 6000. This goes towards transport, accommodation, food, lift passes, touring equipment and not least avalanche equipment such as beepers, shovels and probes.
Kristian Fog