Profile subject P3Geology (lovingly nicknamed Rocks rock!)
This was a student suggestion revolving about learning practical things around rocks. This have evolved into a profile subject where we in the classes will learn how to identify the specific rocks, as well as work with fossils and sub-fossils. We will then move into the real world where we apply the knowledge, we gained to identify wild rocks. We will also learn how rocks were the foundation of human society and as a part of that we will go to Ertebølle Stone Aage Centre and work with flint. We will also go to Fur and recover fossils from the moler found there.
The trip
The journey is set for Iceland, where we will discover the tectonic boundary that defines the geology of Iceland. We will travel to see the hot springs, geysers, mud volcanoes and fumaroles found on Iceland. We will travel to the local glaciers and discover how they have shaped the landscapes over millennia. Cave- and lava tunnel exploration is also on the list of things, that I would like to do while we are there. Depending on the conditions, I would also like to visit Reykjanes where we recently were close to a volcanic eruption and here, we will see the consequences of such geological activity.
Terms: .
Self-payment: 6000 kr
Photo by Francesco Califano on Unsplash
Photo by Sean Benesh on Unsplash