
US Road Trip - South


Exploring the South of the USA - Atlanta to Houston

The United States is a country of extreme contrasts. USA Road Trip aims to experience the distance between the extremes. We will therefore visit several American cities to explore the pulse of the cities and different cultures. As a contrast to the big city life, we will drive through the magnificent natural landscapes that the Southeastern USA has to offer and experience some of the American rural life.


The trip

As described in the title, this trip is a road trip, and we will be driving around in minivans and stay the night in different motels/hotels.

We would like to visit an American high school, in order for the students to experience what it means to attend school in the USA for students their own age. In this way the students have the opportunity to meet Americans of their own age.


The lessons

In class, we will work with students to plan what the US Road trip will include. In addition to planning the trip, we will teach American history and culture.



Rikke Wulff


Terms and economy

Self-payment app. 8.500 kr.

Pocket money: Approx. 500-1.000 DKK. recommended



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