Texas Homestay

Culture Subjects

Culture Subject Trip to Texas

Texas is part of the southern states of the United States. Most people probably have an idea of what Texas is and what it stands for, but do these ideas match reality? Does everyone walk around with revolvers on their belts? Are there cowboys on every street corner? What are their political views? Is it a modern society or do they hold tightly to the "good old virtues"?

We have a good chance of learning more about all this, as we can get under the skin of the Texans. We can do this because we have a good contact in Dallas. His name is Ed and for many years he has helped the school with the trip to Texas and has extensive experience travelling with young people around the world. Ed has a large network and it's precisely this network that makes it possible for us to get a homestay on our trip.

Academic programmes

In lessons at school, we will focus on some of the above topics. Through self-selected topics, the students will focus on one or more of the SDGs and the stereotypes most people associate with the USA and Texas. The inequality in society can be very evident when you come to Dallas (VM1), as well as the amount of fast food and unhealthy food in supermarkets (VM2). As we will be visiting schools and meeting young people of the same age at the school in Dallas, questions about education and opportunities will be obvious to look into (VM4). How do Texans view sustainable agriculture and utilisation of the earth's resources in a world that is beginning to look away from black energy and towards green? (VM15)

In addition to the self-selected project, we will also spend time on a presentation video of the students and efterskolen. We will send this video to our host families so they have an idea of who they will be hosting.

At the same time, it's also impossible to go to Dallas without concentrating on JFK's assassination and the conspiracy theories that have followed in the wake of the incident.

For practical matters, we will apply for ESTA (entry and tourist visa) in class and prepare students for the climate and behaviour when staying in private homes in Texas.


When we arrive in Dallas, students are picked up in pairs by their host families and, depending on the time of arrival, students will spend their host family's free time with them and what they have prepared. When the day starts, students will be dropped off with Ed (our contact in Dallas). From here, the day starts for the whole group of students, teachers and Ed. At the end of the day's programme, students will be picked up by their host family and spend the evening with them. This is how the first week goes, where the daily programme will include the following:

  • Lovejoy High School
  • SMU Southern Methodist University
  • George Bush Library
  • Shooting range
  • Horseback riding
  • Stockyards and rodeo
  • Div. Fast food restaurants
  • JFK and Dallas Downtown
  • Football training opportunity with Texas Spurs
  • Dallas Cowboys home ground AT&T Stadium

New this year, we will spend the last half of the trip travelling to a ranch in the eastern part of Texas to help out on the ranch as much as possible and learn about life outside the big cities and how they relate to sustainability and agriculture in Texas.


The aforementioned student project will be split in two. The first part will take place at school before travelling. The second part will take place while travelling and after returning home. This means that the interviews and cultural encounters that the students prepare at home will be realised on the trip and finished when we are back at school. This project will be presented to parents and other interested parties.


11.000,- dkr. This amount includes everything on the trip. Flights, land transport, ESTA, food, entrance to various experiences. experiences


As everything is paid for in advance, students only need to bring money for souvenirs, such as cowboy boots or a cool cowboy hat.


Our journey is 12-13 days


Students are covered by the school's travel insurance and we are always close to a doctor/health clinic/hospital. In addition, we have Ed as an extra help in case of a need for assistance.

It is A LOT Important that student passports are valid for up to 6 months AFTER return home. This means that the students' passports must not expire before October 2025. This is a requirement for entry and ESTA application.

Requirements for students

There are no specific physical requirements for students on this journey, but it is Important to emphasise that 13 days in another country, where you are a guest in another home for half of the trip, can take a toll on your energy. It's a great experience, but it also requires you to be ready for this part and give yourself 100% in meeting your hosts and the surrounding programme.


Kristian Fog Wogensen
Michael Falkenberg Larsen

Depending on numbers, there may be a 3rd teacher travelling with you

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