Winter sports Norden
If you like exercise, physical training and skiing, and if you are interested in Nordic winter culture, then winter sports are for you.
To get in shape and learn the right techniques, we do a lot of exercise before the trip. Part of the training will be joint with other physical profile classes. If there is snow, we will also use this in the training, of course.
We will also learn to roller ski, as it is an excellent introduction to cross-country skiing, which we will also use as a tool to enjoy nature.
The culture in the Nordic countries is diverse, and we will try to arrange meetings with other young people in the area. Also, we have invited some AFS students who come from Malaysia and they are great to experience the snow and cold with.
Everyone can participate in the ski race. We create different teams, based on the individual's level. There will also be the possibility to organize joint ski trips for everyone. For example a picnic on the mountain. In preparation for the cultural trip you will also work on social activities in the snow and an evening activity.
Skiing in January is great, but also really cold. That's why it's important to have the right equipment. You can buy cheap or borrow, and it's definitely not necessary to buy the most expensive and smartest. We are happy to advise on clothing and how to acquire something sensible.
Besides skiing and winter sports, we will get to know our AFS guest students well and ideally you will have already made friends at e-friends before the trip.
Cooking together and doing chores together are part of a winter trip, and before the trip you prepare a plan for the tasks along the way.
WELL: You must be prepared to be physically active! Open to try other forms of skiing than alpine, and willing to engage in a possible cultural cooperation with young people from the area