Profile subjects

Profile Subjects all over the world

We are a modern school and our activities must make sense to both teachers and students. That will give us a strong community. Profile subjects form strong communities of interest that bring together different students and adults on a development process that is truly unique. The guiding community continues to grow between students and teachers on the journey, and that is the ultimate learning space that gives students the courage and desire determine their future life.

Travelling the world

4 periods & 4 journeys

Our efterskoleƄr is divided into 4 periods with 4 journeys.

Each period ends with a journey of 4 to 14 days; in total we travel up to 28 days.

Profile subjects

August to October

The first profile subject is chosen before the student starts the school year. In the profile subject, the student experiences setting both common and personal goals, e.g. the sailors learn to navigate and sail a boat in the Mediterranean. The music team prepares concerts and travels to a big city. The divers go diving in Egypt and get a PADI licence.

Themed journey

October to December

The theme trips Winter Life with Skiing in the Nordic countries or Culture in a big city provide an opportunity to gather students across all houses and subjects around common teaching and educational goals. This strengthens the students' unity and provides a common reference point during their stay. This is why we will be travelling to Prague and Nordic skiing together in the coming years. The joint trip is included in the school fees, as the budget is the same for everyone.

Culture profile subject

January to March

The culture and profile subject journeys are selected in September/October by a
democratic process where both students and staff can make suggestions for
Cultural subjects. The cultural subjects can be based on a profile subject, e.g. Nepal High
Trek, but the starting point is themes such as nature, sports, religion, politics,
gastronomy, history, etc. The programme ends with a cultural trip, usually
involves meetings with local organisations, school visits and meetings with
local youth. During the cultural journey, students will immerse themselves in one of the 17 UN
SDGs and communicate the experience in a project. The cultural subjects and travelling are
The best classroom in the world!

Profile subjectsexpedition

April to June

The profile subject expeditions in the 4th period are also proposed and chosen by the students and staff in a democratic election. The goal is to have the opportunity to try out new profile subjects within the Imagination and Nature Sports profile, to push personal boundaries and become more courageous. The last profile subject period ends with a 3-4 day expedition in Denmark or the Nordic countries.

Profile Subjects

You will get a strong feeling of community during the Profile Subjects, and it brings different students and teachers together in a process that is truly unique.


The travels are the ultimate class room, and it gives the students the opportunity to form their future.

Book your guided tour

Come to Ranum and experience the atmosphere. Hear more about the opportunities, see the school and have a chat with one of our passionate staff members.
