Profile P1, Profile P3, summer schoolWe learn to sail on the Limfjord. Here we do touring sailing, practise racing and go on a sailing trip to the Mediterranean in P1. In the autumn we are usually in Croatia (Profile 1) and in early summer we are in Danish waters (Profile 3). Both are fantastic sailing areas, with many islands to explore.
Through the profile subject, students learn to sail, navigate and have the opportunity to take a certificate of competency during the winter so they can put their skills on paper. One of the best things about sailing at Ranum Efterskole is the experience of sailing in your own boats with new friends, where you learn to work as a team and some also learn to lead the team.
The sailing starts in Denmark, where the temperature is ideal, and ends with a cruise to Croatia. Here, experienced skippers will introduce students to cruising, as well as Croatian history and culture. We will visit Krka National Park and Dalmatia's finest islands and towns, weather and wind permitting. Sailing in the fall will focus on both practical sailing in the school's 10 new Aira boats, theory of navigation, safety and cooperation on board, and planning a sailing trip.
Practical seamanship: sail trim, compass steering, GPS navigation, knots, harbour and anchor manoeuvres, etc. Students are prepared to take the practical proficiency test after the voyage and are offered to take the theoretical proficiency test during the winter period. This will enable them to obtain a full Certificate of Competency. An important element in sailing is cooperation and communication in the crew, and therefore we work to form crews that complement and strengthen each other.
Boats in our fleet
- 10 Aira 22
- 1 Matcher 37
- 2 RIB safety boats
The trip
1st period: Here we usually head to Croatia. During this period, we can get on the water from the start.
3rd period: Here is the tour in Danish waters. During this period, we start with theory training, and as the weather gets warmer, we sail on Limfjørden.
10+ Skills Sailing
Do you dream of exploring the world and the big blue ocean? Can you see yourself on the deck of your own boat, or perhaps on the bridge of a large container ship on its way from China to Denmark? Then you should choose this 10+ course! Besides sailing and navigation, there are many skills a sailor needs to possess. For example, you need to know about world weather and ocean currents, boat construction and repairs, sails and sail repairs, motor skills, survival at sea, radio communications, seamanship and much more.
You'll learn how to get out into the world, either on your own or someone else's sailboat, and what training opportunities there are in the maritime industry. You'll realise how many opportunities there are and that it doesn't have to be difficult. You will have the opportunity to take a proficiency test and maybe even get a Vhf radio certificate (SRC). The subject should be driven by your desire for adventure, and we'll make sure you have a year filled with sailing at Ranum Efterskole.
At Ranum Efterskole we have experienced teachers who have sailed the world's oceans, and still do.
Read the "Boat Magazine" (Danish) article on maritime students at Ranum Efterskole
Mick Johns
David Enghuus
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Terms: Sailing at Ranum takes place based on the following safety instructions. As we are in a season where the weather and water temperature can be tricky, it is important to have waterproof and warm clothing (preferably sailing clothes, hat and fleece jacket) and waterproof footwear (rubber boots). All students must pass a swimming test in accordance with the safety instructions.
Self-payment 1st period: The price is 5000kr).