

Thematic Business Bridging and OSO

Ranum Efterskole College has developed a new bridge-building project in collaboration with UU-Center Vesthimmerland and a number of youth education institutions. The students have to choose between different worlds or industries in their bridge-building, where the different secondary schools work together to give the student a realistic experience of the path to a particular industry.

Experiences from the bridge-building course are included in the students' Compulsory Independent Assignment (OSO), which is written after the course.

Read more about the different worlds below and watch the full programme by clicking this link. The TEBO course is selected before 6 June on School Plan. You choose by logging into School Plan under Studies->Questionnaire->Thematic Vocational Bridge Building and OSO.

IBO presentation
the blue world

Maritime professions and safety. Shipmaster, pilot, diver, shipowner, marine biologist, engineer, naval, fishing etc.

In collaboration with: HF Søfart, Martec, Himmerlands Erhvervs- og Gymnasieuddannelser. Internship visit to maritime company.

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The blue world

At MARTEC we train for the maritime world and you will experience a number of things that you encounter in this "blue world".

You will experience practical seamanship, where you will learn to tie various knots, a proud tradition in the maritime world, which is also used on our school ship "DANMARK".

Security is also an issue that permeates everything we do in this world. That's why, among other things, you'll also be taking a trip in a survival suit and a dip in the pool, or soup, as we also call the sea. J

In addition, we also test your ability to communicate, because this is also an important discipline in all Maritime professions. All this takes place in our School House, where you will stay overnight and be part of the afternoon and evening activities, just like our Maritime Students (formerly HF Maritime) students are.

the little world

Business, media and administration. Shop, service assistant, salesman, entrepreneur, manager, lawyer, accountant, shipping etc.

In collaboration with: HHX (Marketing and Management), HHX (Innovation and Entrepreneurship), HHX (Languages), EUD/EUX. Internship visits in service and administration companies.

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The little world

The purple world is the world of commerce and economics. You will be introduced to topics, activities and training aimed at jobs in sales and service, economics, accounting and finance, but also entrepreneurship and management.

The course will take you through all aspects of the commercial field, from shop assistant to stockbroker, and you will have to deal with both the practical and professional aspects of retailing, for example, and the more theoretical aspects of financial management and business administration.

the music-creative world

Art, music and drama. Musician, actor, graphic designer, animator, artist, writer, make-up artist, hairdresser and decorator.

In collaboration with: Viborg. Internship visits to theatre and creative companies, including Animation School/MGK courses.

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The musical-creative world

Creativity means the ability to have new ideas and to express them. In the world of music and creativity, creativity is approached from many different angles.

The programme offers, among other things, an intensive leap into the world of animated film, working creatively with the entire process from idea development, dramaturgy and storytelling to the finished animated film with sound and music. Topics such as drawing, stop-motion, visual creativity, storytelling and film language are introduced and covered in depth.

Both music and media production are involved, and the English music course also provides samples of song lyrics in specific genres, which are read, analysed and reinterpreted into an artistic, graphic expression. Of course, the songs are sung, so that both lyrics and melody get under the skin.

the white world

Health, people and welfare. Social and health care assistant, nurse, doctor, teacher, pedagogue, psychologist, physiotherapist, etc.

In collaboration with: STX, HF, HTX, SOSU Nord, traineeship visits in the health or pedagogical sector.

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The White World

The white world is about health, people and welfare. Through practical exercises, we will explore how the body works and develops, why we get sick and what can be done when there is a malfunction in the human organism.

Is the body just a machine that can be repaired when it is broken or does it also require therapy and care? Can we programme humans like robots or do we need more advanced techniques to develop the brain and mind? Whether you are interested in healing the body as a doctor, nurse, social worker or physiotherapist. If you want to work as a pharmacist in medicine manufacturing or would rather focus on human development and the human psyche as a teacher, pedagogue, educational assistant or psychologist, this programme will give you an insight into how to work in the different branches of health sciences and in the welfare and education sector.

platinum high tech world

Science, technology and Creator. Engineer, programmer, architect, pilot, environment, carpenter, plumber, bricklayer, electrician, mechanic.

In collaboration with: EUX (automation and process), EUX/EUD (mechanic), STX/HF (robotics and mathematics), HTX (computer science and gaming), HTX (industrial design). Internship visits to manufacturing and engineering companies.

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Platinium - high tech world

Platinium is the world of technology. The course explores how technologies are used in a wide range of work processes from crafts and agriculture to engineering and research, and how technologies are constructed by, for example, the blacksmith or the software developer.

The course has a practical and a theoretical side, and you will be taught by both skilled craftsmen and secondary school teachers. The course is aimed at jobs in a very wide range of industries, but with an overarching focus on the role of technology.

If you are in doubt about your choice of programme after the 1TP5 programme and if you cannot see yourself in any of the different worlds, you have the option of a programme of educational clarification and work placement.

You will visit the FGU, EUD and HF school types. Here you will get a presentation of the schools' focus. Then there is a 3-day work placement in a company in Vesthimmerland. You prepare visit and do a work placement beforehand and do the independent compulsory assignment, OSO, afterwards.

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You will have the opportunity to visit the school forms FGU, VET and HF.

  • FGU is a preparatory basic education programme for people under the age of 25 who are not yet ready to start or complete another secondary education programme. The purpose of FGU is to enable you to continue in vocational education and training, upper secondary education or a job.
  • VET is a vocational education and training programme for young people that gives you the opportunity to get a job as a skilled worker or to continue your education, for example at a vocational college or university. There are more than 100 different vocational education and training programmes in many sectors.
  • HF is an upper secondary education programme that gives you access to higher education in the short, medium and long term. The HF lasts two years and consists of a basic programme and a specialisation programme.
the green world

Nature and food. Animal keeper, farmer, dairy farmer, veterinarian, dairyman, butcher, gastronomer, biologist, food technician

In collaboration with: STX/HF/HTX (Ecology/genetics/bioscience), Agricultural college, EUD/EUX (Gastronomy/Nutrition Assistant). Internship visits to agricultural and food companies.

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The green world

The green world is about the environment, agriculture and food, and how these different interests can be reconciled.

Nature is under pressure and the climate is in crisis, while more and better food must be produced for a growing world population. Society is focusing on animal welfare, ecology and great taste, while consumers are demanding cheap food. How can this be?

Do you want to help solve some of these issues in the future? Then find out how a farmer, biologist or veterinarian works with or researches living organisms - either in the wild or in production and animal husbandry.

You can learn how a gastronome, nutritionist, butcher, chef, dairy or food technician, for example, produces and processes food and how sustainability is becoming more and more integrated in different industries.

the international world

Politics, media and trade. Lawyer, correspondent, journalist, politician, diplomat, etc.

In collaboration with: HHX (international), STX (political and journalistic "games"). Internship visit at IB Viborg (2 days).

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The international world

The international world deals with issues on a global scale. What binds us together as people across national borders, and what challenges do national interests and cultural differences pose for cooperation on the big issues? The course covers topics in cultural understanding and language, politics and international economics, and is aimed at jobs as correspondents, lawyers and journalists, but also at jobs in diplomacy and the like in international organisations such as the UN and the WTO.

Mandatory Careers Project. Only non-Danish and English speaking students.

In this project the students explore potential careers which they might be interested in pursuing in the future. With guidance from mentors. School visit at a Danish International IB school.
