Thematic Business Bridging and OSO
Ranum Efterskole College has developed a new bridge-building project in collaboration with UU-Center Vesthimmerland and a number of youth education institutions. The students have to choose between different worlds or industries in their bridge-building, where the different secondary schools work together to give the student a realistic experience of the path to a particular industry.
Experiences from the bridge-building course are included in the students' Compulsory Independent Assignment (OSO), which is written after the course.
Read more about the different worlds below and watch the full programme by clicking this link. The TEBO course is selected before 6 June on School Plan. You choose by logging into School Plan under Studies->Questionnaire->Thematic Vocational Bridge Building and OSO.

Maritime professions and safety. Shipmaster, pilot, diver, shipowner, marine biologist, engineer, naval, fishing etc.
In collaboration with: HF Søfart, Martec, Himmerlands Erhvervs- og Gymnasieuddannelser. Internship visit to maritime company.
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Business, media and administration. Shop, service assistant, salesman, entrepreneur, manager, lawyer, accountant, shipping etc.
In collaboration with: HHX (Marketing and Management), HHX (Innovation and Entrepreneurship), HHX (Languages), EUD/EUX. Internship visits in service and administration companies.
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Art, music and drama. Musician, actor, graphic designer, animator, artist, writer, make-up artist, hairdresser and decorator.
In collaboration with: Viborg. Internship visits to theatre and creative companies, including Animation School/MGK courses.
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Health, people and welfare. Social and health care assistant, nurse, doctor, teacher, pedagogue, psychologist, physiotherapist, etc.
In collaboration with: STX, HF, HTX, SOSU Nord, traineeship visits in the health or pedagogical sector.
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Science, technology and Creator. Engineer, programmer, architect, pilot, environment, carpenter, plumber, bricklayer, electrician, mechanic.
In collaboration with: EUX (automation and process), EUX/EUD (mechanic), STX/HF (robotics and mathematics), HTX (computer science and gaming), HTX (industrial design). Internship visits to manufacturing and engineering companies.
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If you are in doubt about your choice of programme after the 1TP5 programme and if you cannot see yourself in any of the different worlds, you have the option of a programme of educational clarification and work placement.
You will visit the FGU, EUD and HF school types. Here you will get a presentation of the schools' focus. Then there is a 3-day work placement in a company in Vesthimmerland. You prepare visit and do a work placement beforehand and do the independent compulsory assignment, OSO, afterwards.
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Nature and food. Animal keeper, farmer, dairy farmer, veterinarian, dairyman, butcher, gastronomer, biologist, food technician
In collaboration with: STX/HF/HTX (Ecology/genetics/bioscience), Agricultural college, EUD/EUX (Gastronomy/Nutrition Assistant). Internship visits to agricultural and food companies.
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Politics, media and trade. Lawyer, correspondent, journalist, politician, diplomat, etc.
In collaboration with: HHX (international), STX (political and journalistic "games"). Internship visit at IB Viborg (2 days).
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Mandatory Careers Project. Only non-Danish and English speaking students.
In this project the students explore potential careers which they might be interested in pursuing in the future. With guidance from mentors. School visit at a Danish International IB school.