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Efterskole, formation and Global Learning
The academic teaching, the profile and elective subjects are closely linked with the free Efterskole- and youth life during the travels, the evenings and the weekends. It is in this unique diversity of subjects, nationalities and community that we form young adults. We call this global learning.
Danish or international schooling?
We are one efterskole and the students can choose between a general danish 9th or 10th grade course, an international 9th, 10th or 11th course - which is being taught in english - or a combination of the two. All students will have 30 academic lessons per week and 12 profile subject and optional subject lessons per week. The school year will end with exams. In the profile subjects and in the optional subjects, the teams are put together according to interests and wishes across danish and international classes.
During classes, joint classes, activities and in the extracurricular time spent together both English and Danish is used at school. The lessons in the international classes are generally taught in english and all students are free to change over to the danish programme which runs parallel to the international programme. This is possible all year around.
Flexible schooling
It is possible to combine the two programmes. Thus, a student in the danish 9th grade programme can choose to have e.g. English and German on an international level and likewise, students in the international programme can choose e.g. science or maths in Danish.
Levelled teaching
All students have their own individual timetable which is tailored to their exact needs, interests and future goals. The students are divided into 3-4 different levels in all academic subjects and it is possible to change level all throughout the year. Our many different subjects, academic levels and activities are unique and sercure an individually tailored programme for all students.
Inclusion and support
We have space and time for all students, regardless of background and needs. We believe that the interaction with others builds the foundation for development. We have classes with 2 teachers, individual support teachers and adult contact teachers. We offer special programmes for dyslexic students and students with other academic difficulties. All students have a study hour every day, in which they do their homework and have the possibilty to seek help from the teachers.
Efterskole and home
It is important with a good dialogue between the efterskole and the home - about the social as well as the academic aspect. The students will be assessed academically and socially throughout the whole school year and feedback will be given continually to the student and the parents. The students will receive continuous assessment marks with a remark in October and in February as well as preliminary marks in May.
We invite parents and students to three "parent days" where you will have the opportunity to meet and talk to contact teachers and subject teachers.
A school for everyone
It is important to us to be a school for everyone - regardless of their standpoint, origin and academic competences. Our goal is to strengthen the academic level of all students and enable the students to get by locally as well as globally.
Ranum Efterskole College marks
Links to Ranum Efterskole College grades 2004 -> now - on the webpage of the danish Ministry of Education.
IT statement
The IT declaration has to be printed out and signed by parents and students. The students will receive a code for the network as soon as the declaration has been filled out and handed in.
The declaration has to be scanned and sent to info@ranumefterskole.dk.
The best year of your life
Apply now for Ranum Efterskole College or book a guided tour if you want to see our school campus before making a decision