
Easter, memory jerseys and nature quiz

Dear reader

Our easter holiday is starting today, even though it doesn’t feel like a holiday. Everyone’s home already. But having a couple of days completely off is much needed for many of us anyways. And then we can always continue to have a good time at home. Inside, as the prime minister still says.

Efterskoleforeningen made a great slogan saying “We’re still on efterskole“, and that means a lot to all of us. We still have activities and teaching, as you may know, and all of it is running digitally. This week, we had plenty of it. So that’s what we’re going to take a look at here in the newsletter.

Also, there’s a important message on Skoleplan for parents.

But let’s take a look at the news – welcome and thank you for reading.

Baking easter snacks

Baking with Steen is an activity every week on Thursdays. Every week, more and more are joining and that’s great. This week, he made some awesome easter balls, as he called them.

It brings a lot of joy to follow the comments during his baking, where the guests are asking questions and talking together. You can still get the recipe by clicking the picture above. It works, if you’re in the Facebook group.

Easter garnish

Tjalla, the very much creative design teacher, showed us all how to make some great easter decorations. The only remedies in the recipe were eggs, flowers and water. That’s simple!

Click the picture and follow her instructions.

Get fit with Peter

Fit for fight teacher, strongman and super biologist, Peter, gave us all the opportunity to get a break from books and Netflix. “If you’re like me and have been watching too much Netflix and sitting down too much, we’re going to do a little workout,” was his message. Get you body going and get a great workout. So, in the picture (also in the Facebook group), you can get a free workout (!) that will keep your blood flowing and get you sweating in no time.

And yes, there will be burpees. There’s always burpees with Peter.

Yoga class with Louise

Friday, the skilled yoga instructor, Louise, were having a yoga class after the assembly. If you need to slow down and loosen up your body, check it out.

Live from Russia

How are things in Russia? Our EVS, Vadim, from Russia, will give you some insights here. He travelled back, for now, and will tell about his situation.

Easter assembley

Did you see the assembly today? The theme was easter and good spirits!

During the assembly, it was announced that the memory jerseys have arrived. So, the students can look forward to getting them, once they get back to Ranum..

Before the school closed, some students made easter letters, which are now at Olavs office. Everyone who send them will get chocolate!

Nature Quiz with Peter

Join Peter and Peters nature geek competition, you must:

  1. Get Inaturalist app
  2. Send your username to Peter on Skoleplan or Teams
  3. Take photos and join!

The message from Peter was, that he would love for as many as possible to join, so they can experience how great nature is. The prize will be a tour with Peter and Peter in the nature – somewhere cool, once the Corona times are over.

That’s it for now. The school is of course empty, and will be a little longer. We still don’t know how long, but we hope we’ll be able to get on with the school year soon. Until then, stay positive, stay inside and keep the boat flowing, and have a great easter.

Kind regards,

Ranum Efterskole College
