Efter Ranum

Ranum Efterskole College samarbejdspartnere,
for din internationale dannelse…

Hvad er dit næste step?

Ranum Efterskole College samarbejder med flere internationale skoler, der måske er dit næste step inden for din internationale dannelse.

Hasseris Gymnasium

“The International Baccalaureate Diploma is a challenging upper secondary education offered at Hasseris Gymnasium and IB World School. If you want an education with high academic standards, an ambitious curriculum and an emphasis on international understanding, intercultural respect and critical thinking, an IB Diploma is probably what you are looking for.”

Struer Statsgymnasium

“Struer Statsgymnasium would like to be known as a challenging and stimulating high school with the central ambition that students should learn more than they think they would ever need in life.

Our aim is to be a unique regional offer with a wide range of youth educations in an international campus environment. Struer Statsgymnasium and boarding school must be the natural choice for the local youth and an interesting offer for international students, the core task being every single student’s education, learning and cultural formation.

We aim to prepare students for higher education and for our students to become compassionate, brave, and curious citizens of the 21st century. We want our students to become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, to become active citizens, and to become competent professionals and problem solvers. We will solve this task through the broad educational offer ranging from our Danish national curriculum programmes to our International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme by virtue of a dynamic and open learning environment and through various collaborations, locally, nationally, and internationally.”

Viborg Katedralskole

“The programme is recognized world-wide and opens the doors to universities and other institutions of further education. The programme is offered in more than 5500 schools in more than 159 countries (2021), and the exam (the Diploma) is recognized around the world as a qualifying examination for numerous institutions of further education worldwide.

It is an academically challenging and well-balanced education, where the students work in depth across a variety of subjects. The reputation and quality of the programme is based on rigorous external assessment and a strong focus on the development of the whole student, intellectually, ethically, physically, and emotionally. “

The Harvey School

“Our international students are an integral part of our student body, participating in the same academic courses, after-school activities, clubs, athletics, and student leadership opportunities as do all Harvey students.

The Harvey School encourages English-proficient students in grades 9-12 from all over the world to consider joining our thriving student body. Currently, we have international students from eight countries attending Harvey Upper School.

As we do not offer traditional ESL instruction, we offer all entering international students an English reading/writing workshop during their first and second enrolled year.”

Nanaimo Ladysmith Public School

“Our mission is to ensure that our International Students achieve academic success, develop intercultural skills, and grow personally and socially in an English language environment.”


UNISUS School is a leading co-ed, IB World School with boarding. With a fully accredited Primary Years Programme (PYP) and International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP), UNISUS offers an inquiry-based education for students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. 

The IB develops inquiring, knowledgeable, well-rounded and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through education that builds intercultural understanding and respect.  

With a vision to be a leader in global education and prepare students for an ever-changing world, UNISUS commits to supporting students to become globally-minded citizens, and critical thinkers, and empowering them to make a positive change in the world.”

Styrk din fremtid med et globalt fagligt fundament

Ranum Efterskole College tilbyder en faglig uddannelse, der kombinerer dansk efterskoletradition med et internationalt perspektiv. Her får eleverne mulighed for at fordybe sig i klassiske skolefag som dansk, matematik og sprog, samtidig med at de kan vælge Cambridge IGCSE-fag, som er internationalt anerkendte. Denne kombination styrker elevernes faglige niveau og forbereder dem på en bred vifte af videregående uddannelser – både i Danmark og i udlandet. Med et stærkt sprog- og kulturfokus får eleverne en global forståelse, der åbner døre til for eksempel internationale gymnasier, IB-programmer eller studier i udlandet.

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Cambridge IGCSE – Din billet til en verden af muligheder

Cambridge IGCSE på Ranum Efterskole College bygger bro mellem klassisk efterskoleliv og et anerkendt internationalt pensum. Mange elever fremhæver, hvordan undervisningen ikke bare styrker deres engelske sprogkompetencer, men også lærer dem at tænke kritisk og selvstændigt. De fortæller, at det har givet dem et solidt springbræt til senere uddannelsesforløb, fordi IGCSE-beviset er respekteret verden over. Eleverne beskriver også, hvordan de har fået et stærkere netværk og en global udsigt til fremtiden, blandt andet takket være de internationale kontakter og de kulturelle oplevelser, Ranum Efterskole College tilbyder.
